
Welcome to ARG’s (Accessibility Research Group) website! We are now also a part of larger Digital Geography Lab!



Introduction to the group can be found from the Digital Geography Lab website

As part of the Digital Geography Lab of the University of Helsinki, our group is dedicated to studying spatial patterns of accessibility and realised mobility of people in urban areas, particularly in Helsinki region. More broadly, we are interested in development and application of quantitative spatial tools and novel data sources to support spatial planning. We’ve been working with these topics since 2010, focusing especially on following things:

  • Developing methods and tools for dynamic modelling of accessibility from multi-modal and multi-temporal perspectives
  • Searching for and applying novel data sources (e.g. social media data, mobile phone call records) for studying realized mobility and accessibility, and the interaction of these
  • Producing new knowledge of spatial patterns of accessibility and mobility in our study areas.
  • Training accessibility experts through teaching and capacity building.
  • Fostering innovations, such as Mapple.

The most recent news can be found from the Digital Geography Lab website in future. This blog will stay as an information channel for our mobility and accessibility related research. On this website you will also find information about our publications as well as tools and data produced by us .

We strongly support ideas of open science and aim at publishing and sharing our work (tools, data, articles) as openly as possible. Our group is based at the Department of Geosciences and Geography (University of Helsinki), and our researchers are funded by Helsinki Metropolitan Region Urban Research Program, University of Helsinki, DENVI doctoral program, and Kone foundation (our research on social media).

Our research is closely related to the work done in SoMeCon (Social Media for Conservation) -group.

(FYI: This site is also available in Finnish)