Research Networks

Please note that this website is no longer updated. You can find all the latest information about AGORA and our activities on our new website

Research Network for Critical Criminology

Research network is coordinated by professors Päivi Honkatukia and Kristiina Brunila. There are over 20 researchers in the network but new members are welcome.

If you are interested in joining the network, please contact Päivi Honkatukia (paivi.honkatukia(at) or Kristiina Brunila (kristiina.brunila(at) for further information.

Disability Studies in Education Network

This network gathers researchers using disability studies perspectives to examine questions of education and social justice. Our aim is to open up and make visible research discussing disability and education – usually positioned in the intersection of education and disability studies.

The network works to build understanding about the position, topics and interests of disability studies in education, and its’ relationship to the mainstream of educational research. Our aim is to search for new possibilities that ongoing theoretical discussions in the field of disability studies can open up for research focusing on education and social justice. The network also invites researchers outside of the field of education to discuss shared theoretical, methodological and political interests.

Disability studies in education -network has been initiated by researchers in AGORA for the Study of Social Justice & Equality in Education research centre, based in University of Helsinki, and it is open to all. The network aims to work as a platform gathering researchers from different departments, universities and associations, thus forming a base for further collaboration within the field. The network organizes open network meetings in Helsinki, and is planning to work actively in the future by organizing research workshops, symposia in different national and international research conferences, as  well as planning and offering teaching focused on disability studies in education for different university departments.

Moreover, every student who is interested in the perspectives of disability studies can introduce their work / research plan on our meetings and get advice.

Current members of the network – welcoming everyone interested: Katariina Hakala, Jenni Helakorpi, Aarno Kauppila, Sirpa Lappalainen, Reetta Mietola, Anna-Maija Niemi, Johanna Snellman, Touko Vaahtera, Elina Ikävalko.

More information: Katariina Hakala, FAIDD (Kehitysvammaliitto ry) (katariina.hakala(at) or Anna-Maija Niemi, University of Helsinki (anna-maija.niemi(at)

Rhizome Network

Rhizome of Critical Studies in Education of Adults is a newly-established, decentralized and collaborative research network with over 70 researchers, hosted by the University of Helsinki. It brings together scholars from wide, multidisciplinary backgrounds who share an interest in critical theories and methodologies. Members of Rhizome are interested in questions concerning social justice, equality, diversity, global issues, and collectivism.

In our new network, Rhizome of Critical Studies in Education of Adults, we like to talk about education of adults in a broad sense – not only about adult education as one
academic discipline. In our network we have people who study adults and adulthood in the framework of critical multiculturalism and global education; we do critical
workplace and trade union studies, feminist studies, critical disability studies, aging studies, criminology, youth studies, and so on and so forth…

We are very excited  about this multitude of different approaches and research interests that are presented.

Please see more info from here.