Schedule of the Impact Accelerator Program

Content of the accelerator program. Changes are possible.

Impact Accelerator Autumn 2016


Part 1:

Improve your skills

How is your new research idea unique and novel? Finding up a new research idea is a good starting point. But you also need to communicate your idea and its impact to other people as well.

During the accelerator program you’ll improve your presentation skills. We’ll teach you how to make a good pitch, a short presentation, by using the NABC (need, approach, benefits, competition) model. Pitch will be your “business card” when you contact your stakeholders and explore the end user needs.

  • Schedule of part 1:
  • DAY 1: Venue: Helsinki Think Company, Yliopistonkatu 4. Venue will always be the same.
    Theme: Pitching (1/2): Learn how to pitch your research idea, NABC-model / Why, how, what
  • DAY 2:
    Theme: Pitching (2/2): Pitching session
    -Pitching session, everyone participates
  • DAY 3:
    Theme: Communications: Learn how to communicate your research idea. Assignment: Make a communications plan


Part 2:

Explore who will benefit and how from your research

Who will benefit from your research idea? Through which actors you can reach the end users? During the accelerator program we’ll guide you to find the stakeholders and deepen your knowledge on user needs.

One way to reach the end users is to commercialize your research. If this is the right way in your case, we’ll guide you towards that goal.

Important part of exploring is to work directly with your beneficiaries and stakeholders. Your stakeholders are welcome to participate the accelerator program and co-create your research idea with you at the accelerator.

  • Schedule of part 2:
  • DAY 4: Venue: Helsinki Think Company.
    Inspirational day. Theme: What do companies R&D need from the University. End user needs – three different views: Who will benefit from your research and how. Assignment for the participants of the Impact Accelerator Program: Identity your stakeholders. The session is open to other participants as well.
  • DAY 5:
    Theme: How to contact stakeholders & make relationships & how to market your research. Assignment: Prepare questions to your stakeholders.


Part 3:

Reach up to the next level

What is your next level? Where are you aiming to? What is the right funding source for your research idea? Learn what kind of funding opportunities exists and what are their impact criterias. Many of the main funding sources emphasize impact of the research. Impact has a key role also when ideas are commercialized.

  • Schedule of part 3:
  • DAY 6: Venue: Helsinki Think Company.
    Theme: Impact, Commercialization and Business Collaboration: Commercialization & Why and how to do business collaboration. Pricing your research – UH guidelines.
  • DAY 7: Time & place to be confirmed separately with each team.
    Face-to-face support in 45 min. slots for each team. Preparatory assignment: Fill up the Research Project Impact Plan Canvas.

At the end of the impact accelerator program your team have:

  • Gained skills to clearly communicate your research idea to the funders and stakeholders.
  • You have identified your important stakeholders and you have explorer the end user needs and have know-how to work with businesses.
  • You have a clear vision how to reach up to the next level and how your research is going to change the world to be a better place!

Research-based solutions change the world!