Projects and links

National Projects

TTA – Tutkimuksen Tietotaineistot (Temporary page in Finnish)

Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö on käynnistänyt Tutkimuksen tietoaineistot -hankkeen (TTA) vuosille 2011–2013. Hanke panostaa tutkimuksen tietoaineistojen hyödyntämiseen liittyvän tahtotilan vahvistamiseen ja kansallisen tietopolitiikan luomiseen sekä tutkimuksen tietoinfrastruktuurin rakentamiseen. Hankkeen aikana mm. rakennetaan federoitu tutkimusaineistojen tallennuspalveluratkaisu, tuetaan metatiedon tuottamista ja yhdenmukaistetaan tutkimusaineistojen tuottamiseen ja ylläpitämiseen liittyviä prosesseja sekä selvitetään Kansallisen digitaalisen kirjaston kanssa yhteinen pitkäaikaistallennusratkaisu.

Avoimen tiedon ohjelma

Avoimen tiedon ohjelmalla vauhditetaan julkisen hallinnon tiedon avaamista ja käytön lisäämistä. Puretaan tiedon käytön esteitä ja luodaan kannustimia ja edellytyksiä tiedon avaamiselle sekä sisältöjen ja palvelujen kehittämiselle. Osana ohjelmaa toteutetaan julkishallinnon tietovarantojen löytämistä ja hyödyntämistä helpottava uusi dataportaali ja avoimeen dataan perustuvien palvelujen kehittämisympäristö.

International Projects

Under ICSU


The mission of CODATA is to strengthen international science for the benefit of society by promoting improved scientific and technical data management and use.

World Data System

The WDS supports ICSU’s mission and objectives, ensuring the long-term stewardship and provision of quality-assessed data and data services to the international science community and other stakeholders.

Commission Funded projects


Objectives are to build support structures for researchers in depositing FP7 research publications through the establishment of the European Helpdesk and the outreach to all European member states through the operation and collaboration of 27 National Open Access Liaison Offices; establish and operate an electronic infrastructure for handling peer-reviewed articles as well as other important forms of publications (pre-prints or conference publications). This is achieved through  a portal that is the gateway to all user-level services offered by the e-Infrastructure established, including access (search and browse) to scientific publications and other value-added functionality (post authoring tools, monitoring tools through analysis of document and usage statistics); work with several subject communities to explore the requirements, practices, incentives, workflows, data models, and technologies to deposit, access, and otherwise manipulate research datasets of various forms in combination with research publications.


In recent years, significant investments have been made by the European Commission and European member states to create a pan-European e-infrastructure supporting multiple research communities. […] However, the accelerated proliferation of data – newly available from powerful new scientific instruments, simulations and digitization of library resources –, has created a new impetus for increasing efforts and investments in order to tackle the specific challenges of data management, and to ensure a coherent approach to research data access and preservation.

EUDAT aims to address these challenges and exploit new opportunities using its vision of a Collaborative Data Infrastructure.

COOPEUS Connecting Research Infrastructures

The COOPEUS project, funded under the Research Infrastructures action of the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Innovation of the EU, shall bring together scientists and users being involved in Europe’s major environmental related research infrastructure projects, i.e. EISCAT, EPOS, LifeWATCH, EMSO, and ICOS, with their US counterparts that are responsible for the NSF funded projects AMISR, EARTHSCOPE, DataONE, OOI and NEON.

ENVRI Implementation of common solutions for a cluster of ESFRI infrastructures in the field of “Environmental Sciences”

Frontier environmental research increasingly depends on a wide range of data and advanced capabilities to process and analyse them. The ENVRI project, “Common Operations of Environmental Research infrastructures” is a collaboration in the ESFRI Environment Cluster, with support from ICT experts, to develop common e-science components and services for their facilities. The results will speed up the construction of these infrastructures and will allow scientists to use the data and software from each facility to enable multi-disciplinary science.



Research data alliance (RDA)

The Research Data Alliance aims to accelerate and facilitate research data sharing and exchange. The work of the Research Data Alliance is primarily undertaken through its working groups. Participation in working groups and interest groups, starting new working groups, and attendance at the twice-yearly plenary meetings is open to all.

GEO(SS): The Global Earth Observation System of Systems

The Global Earth Observation System of Systems will provide decision-support tools to a wide variety of users. As with the Internet, GEOSS will be a global and flexible network of content providers allowing decision makers to access an extraordinary range of information at their desk.

Data producing infrastructures with significant Finnish participation

Integrated Carbon Observation System ICOS

ICOS provides the long-term observations required to understand the present state and predict future behaviour of climate, the global carbon cycle and greenhouse gases emissions.

European Social Survey ESS

The European Social Survey (the ESS) is an academically-driven social survey designed to chart and explain the interaction between Europe’s changing institutions and the attitudes, beliefs and behaviour patterns of its diverse populations.



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