Digital Reputation

Digital Reputation; Characterizing and parameterizing reputation, reputation risks and the impact of digital publicity on client/customer intelligence and the competitive advantage of service organizations (DiRe)

The project’s aims include defining reputation management in digital publicity by building on existing research on reputation risk, organizational communication and management studies and studies on online communication. Our multi-discipline approach also introduces linguistic tools and methods in order to develop a framework for reputational modeling and analysis of digital publicity contents. During the research project we will use EEG, facial AMG and EDA measurements to study emotional and motivational processes associated with digital reputation.

Project is funded by Tekes and running 1.1.2010-30.6.2011. Partners in the project are University of Helsinki, Aalto University School of Economics and University of Turku.

More information in the project blog (in english)

Contact person at CRC:
Pekka Aula
pekka.aula at
Tel. +358-9-191 24918