
Organized conferences

  1. ”La limite et l’illimité” (Institute finlandaise, Paris, 15-16 January, 2010)
  2. ”Contact Points: Questions for Jean-Luc Nancy” (University of Helsinki, Collegium for  Advanced Studies, 13 April, 2010) in cooperation with the research project “Figures of  Touch” (Academy of Finland).
  3. ”Jacques Rancière’s politics” (University of Helsinki, Collegium for Advanced Studies,  24 May  2010) in cooperation with Tutkijaliitto
  4. ”The Politics of World Community” (the 7th Pan-European International Relations  Conference, Stockholm, 9-11 September, 2010) in cooperation with Jens Bartelson  (University of Lund)
  5. ”The Future of Political Community: Beyond Universalism and Particularism” (University of Helsinki, 10-11 December, 2010).

Organized sessions:

  1. Beyond Universalism and Particularism: Rethinking Political Community. In Central and east European International Studies Association 8 th Convention. Istanbul, Turkey 15-17 June 2011.



Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles:

  • Ojakangas, Mika:  “On the Pauline Roots of Biopolitics: Apostle Paul in Company with Foucault and Agamben.” The Journal of Cultural and Religious Theory vol. 11, no. 1, 2010, pp. 92-110.
  • Ojakangas, Mika: “Conscience, the Remnant, and the Witness: Genealogical Remarks on Giorgio Agamben’s Ethics.” Philosophy & Social Criticism, vol. 36, no. 6, 2010, pp. 697-717.
  • Ojakangas, Mika “Hannah Arendt and the Question of Conscience.” COLLeGIUM, vol. 8, 2010, pp. 67-85.
  • Lindberg, Susanna: “Onto-rythmie”. Revue Philosophique de Louvain 108(3), 527-548.
  • Lindberg, Susanna: Review of Boris Gobille : ”Affaires de profanes ou affaires de spécialistes ? Les avant-gardes littéraires et la question de l’écriture en mai-juin 1968 en France”, Paru dans Tiina Arppe, Timo Kaitaro & Kai Mikkonen (éds), Writing in Context: French Literature, Theory and the Avant-gardes, Studies across Disciplines in the Humanities and Social Science, Helsinki: Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, 2009.” on the internet site Espace Maurice Blanchot.
  • Lindberg, Susanna: “Tonalités élémentaries”, in Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe, la césure et l’impossible. Recueilli par Jacob Rogozinski, Nouvelles Éditions Lignes, 2010, p. 231-248.
  • Lindberg, Susanna: “Womanlife (Hegel’s Account)” in Beyond Antigone? Hegel’s Philosophy and Feminist Thought, ed. Kimberley Hutchings and Tuija Pulkkinen, Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.
  • Lindberg, Susanna: “Ranskalainen keskustelu Heideggerin ”alkuperäisestä etiikasta” ja politiikasta”. Teoksessa Fenomenologian ydinkysymyksiä, ed. Timo Miettinen, Simo Pulkkinen & Joona Taipale, Gaudeamus, Helsinki, 2010.
  • Lindberg, Susanna: “Tietämättömästä opettajasta”, forthcoming in Tiede & edistys, 2010.Prozorov, Sergei: “The Appropriation of Abandonment: Giorgio Agamben on the State of Nature and the Political”, Continental Philosophy Review, vol. 42, no.3
  • “Giorgio Agamben and the End of History: Inoperative Praxis and the Interruption of the Dialectic”, European Journal of Social Theory, vol. 12, no. 4
  • Prozorov, Sergei: “Generic Universalism in World Politics: Beyond International Anarchy and the World State”, International Theory, vol. 1, no. 9
  • Prozorov, Sergei: “Why Giorgio Agamben is an Optimist”, Philosophy and Social Criticism, vol. 36, no. 9
  • Prozorov, Sergei: “Ethos without Nomos: The Russian-Georgian War and the post-Soviet state of exception”, Ethics and Global Politics. vol. 3, no. 4.
  • Koivusalo, Markku: Ihmisen kuolema II. Antihumanistin esteettinen politiikka. Tiede & edistys (2010):3
  • Koivusalo, Markku: Ihmisen kuolema I. Ihmistieteet vailla ihmistä. Tiede & edistys (2010):1.
  • Koivusalo, Markku: Hannah Arendt’s Angels and Demons. COLLeGIUM 2010.

Articles in peer-reviewed edited volumes

  • Prozorov, Sergei:  ‘In and Out of Europe: Identity Politics in EU-Russian Relations’ in Berg, Eiki and Ehin, Piret (eds), Identity and Foreign Policy: Baltic-Russian Relations and European
    Integration. Aldershot: Ashgate.
  • Prozorov, Sergei: ‘Beyond the Paradigm of Integration in EU-Russian Relations: Sovereignty and the Politics of Resentment’, in Bertil Nygren and Kjell Engelbrecht (eds), Russia and Europe: Building
    Partnerships, Digging Trenches. London: Routledge.
  • Ojakangas, Mika: “Kansallissosialismi ja omatunto.” Teoksessa Porttikivi & Tiihonen (ed.), Mies väärästä tiedekunnasta: Ari Hirvosen 50-vuotisjuhlakirja. Helsinki: Loki, 2010, pp. 223-235. (National Socialism and Conscience)
  • Ojakangas, Mika: ”Omantunnon subjekti.” Teoksessa Ylevä: Juhlakirja Sami Santaselle. Helsinki: Loki, 2010. (The Subject of Conscience)
  • Koivusalo, Markku: Oikeuden hirveä ar(vo)itus. Teoks. Porttikivi & Tiihonen (toim.) Mies väärästä tiedekunnasta. Loki-Kirjat. Helsinki 2010.
  • Koivusalo, Markku: Postimiehen t(yö). Patafyysinen tragedia. Teoks. Kauppinen, Hirvonen, Aula (toim.): Ylevä. Ajatuksen kosketus. Loki-kirjat. Helsinki 2010.


  • Ojakangas, Mika: “Armo.” In Tuomaan huomaan: Tuomas Nevanlinnan 50-vuotisjuhlakirja. Helsinki: Sigurd Wettenhovi-Aspa seuran julkaisuja, 2010, pp. 9-23. (Grace)
  • Koivusalo, Markku: Über Tuomas, über alles. Analyse der Deutsche Phobie eines fünfzigjährigen Knaben. Teoks. Tuomaan huomaan. Sigurd Wettenhovi-Aspa Seuran julkaisuja. Helsinki 2010.
  • Koivusalo, Markku: Ihmistieteet vailla ihmistä. Jälkisanat teoksessa Michel Foucault: Sanat ja asiat. Gaudeamus 2010.


  • Lindberg, Susanna: Emmanuel Lévinas: Kuinka ajatellaan ei-mitään? [Comment penser le néant ?), a chapter from the book Dieu, la mort et le temps, Niin & näin, 2010.
  • Lindberg, Susanna: Jean-Luc Nancy: “Body-theatre”. The translation in English of Jean-Luc Nancy’s conference “Corps-théâtre” to be given in Helsinki the 13.4.2010.
  • Koivusalo, Markku: Michel Foucault, «Sanat ja asiat» Haastattelu Raymond Bellourin kanssa. Tiede & edistys (2010).

Academic Presentations

  • Ojakangas, Mika: “Becoming Whosoever: Re-examining Pauline Universalism.” SGIR 7th Pan-European IR Conference, Stockholm 9-11 September 2010.
  • Ojakangas, Mika: “A Political Community of Whosoever.” Conference The Future of Political Community, Network for European Studies, University of Helsinki, 11-12 December 2010.
  • Ojakangas, Mika: “Potentia absoluta and potentia ordinata Dei: On the Theological Origins of Carl Schmitt’s Constitutional Theory.” The 43rd Annual Conference of the Finnish Political Science Association, University of Jyväskylä, January 20-21, 2011.
  • Lindberg, Susanna: “Lacking a future world”, At The Future of Political Community: Beyond Universalism and Particularism, a conference of the Rethinking European Diversity Project of the Network for European Studies of the University of Helsinki, 10.12.2010.
  • Lindberg, Susanna: “Beyond Cosmopolitanism and Globalisation: Inhabiting the Global Space”. At SGIR, 7th Pan-European conference on IR, 9. 9. 2010.
  • Lindberg, Susanna: Discussant at the section Peoples, nations, and World Community at SGIR, 7th Pan-European conference on IR, 9. 9. 2010.
  • Lindberg, Susanna: “The Remains of Romantic Philosophy of Nature: Being as Life or the Plurality of Living Beings? The colloquium Pluralism and Monism, University of Tampere, 26.8.2010.
  • Lindberg, Susanna: “Elemental nature as the Ultimate Common Ground of the World Community”, at the conference Politics of the One: the Limits of Fragmentation and the Chances for Consolidation organised by the European University of Saint-Petersburg and Smolny Institute of Liberal Arts and sciences, Saint-Petersburg 9.-10. 4. 2010.
  • Lindberg, Susanna: “On the elemental depth of the imaginary”. at the colloquium On the Imaginary, Gonzaga-in-Florence, Florence,19. 2. 2010.
  • Lindberg, Susanna: “Du fond élémentaire”, at the colloquium La limite et l’illimité, Paris, 15.-16. 1. 2010.
  • Lindberg, Susanna: “Political philosophy beyond universalism and particularism”, a conference at the research day of the dpt of History and Philosophy, University of Tampere, 29.11.2010.
  • Lindberg, Susanna: “Rethinking Cultural diversity in Europe: Beyond Cosmopolitism and Globalisation”. A conference, given with Sergei Prozorov, at the conference series Helsingin yliopisto tutkii Eurooppaa [Research on Europe at the University of Helsinki] organised by the University of Helsinki Network for European Studies, Helsinki, 30. 9. 2010.
  • Lindberg, Susanna: “Tietämättömästä opettajasta” [On the Ignorant schoolmaster]. A conference at the seminary Erimielisyys ja konsensus. Jacques Rancièren politiikat, organised by the research project “Rethinking cultural diversity in Europe” of the Network for Europe Studies of the University of Helsinki, 24.5.2010.
  • Koivusalo, Markku: “Polis, Poliisi ja Poetiikka, erimielisyyksiä politiikasta.” [Polis, Police, Poetics, Disagreements on the politics]  A conference at the seminary Erimielisyys ja konsensus. Jacques Rancièren politiikat, organised by the research project “Rethinking cultural diversity in Europe” of the Network for Europe Studies of the University of Helsinki, 24.5.2010.
  • Koivusalo, Markku: Platonin paluu. Valhe totuuden tutkimisen ehtona. [The Return of the Plato] Finnish Researhes Association 29. Summer Seminar 20.–22.8.2010.
  • Koivusalo, Markku: Markkinaregiimi ja poliittiset instituutiot. [Market regime and political institutions] Power in Finland seminar. Pörssitalo 9.9.2010.

Public presentations, discussions, interviews

  • Lindberg, Susanna: Presentation of the work of Jacques Rancière in a conference series directed by Tuomas Nevanlinna, at the Pasila public library, 14.10.2010.
  • Lindberg, Susanna:Participation in a roundtable on the “Present state of philosophy”, at the philosophical weeks organised by the bookshop “Kirja”, Helsinki, 18.5.2010.
  • Lindberg, Susanna: An interview given to the magazine Dancefocus Finland on nakedness on the scene (spring 2010).
  • Lindberg, Susanna: An interview given to the weekly magazine Suomen kuvalehti on the occasion of an article on changing conceptions of the body (1.4. 2010).
  • Koivusalo, Markku: “Politics of antihumanist”: Presentation of the work of Michel Foucault in a conference series directed by Tuomas Nevanlinna, at the Pasila public library, 17.11.2010.
  • Koivusalo, Markku: Foucault evening in Plato-club, organised by the bookshop “Kirja” 9.11.2010.
  • Koivusalo, Markku: Participation in a roundtable on the “French philosophy”, at the Helsinki Book Fair 28.10.2010
  • Koivusalo, Markku: Participation in a roundtable on the “Philosophical classics” at the philosophical afternoon organised by the Gaudeamus. Old Student House 1.6.2010.
  • Koivusalo, Markku: “Participation in a roundtable on the “Present state of philosophy”, at the philosophical weeks organised by the bookshop “Kirja”, Helsinki, 18.5.2010.

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