Finland publications


Laurila, Sari K. Aquatic Biology Research Unit, a forerunner of water pollution research in Finland. The Proceedings of the International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology Vol. 29, Part IV: 1770-1773.

Simo Laakkonen: Warfare – An ecological alternative for peacetime? The indirect impacts of the Second World War on the Finnish environment, in Russell, Edmund & Tucker, Richard (Eds.), Natural Enemy, Natural Ally: Historical Studies in War and the Environment. Oregon State University Press, 2004: 175-194.

Simo Laakkonen: Finland and ICES. K.M. Levander and the origins of hydrobiological studies, in Anderson, Emory, D. (ed.), 100 Years of Science under ICES. International Council for the Exploration of the Seas, 2002: 32-38.

Edited books

Sodan ekologia
Sodankäynnin ympäristöhistoriaa
(Ecology of war. Environmental history of modern warfare. Eds. Simo Laakkonen & Timo Vuorisalo, SKS 2007, 775 pp. (in Finnish).






Harmaat aallot
Ympäristönsuojelun tulo Suomeen
(The grey waves. The introduction of environmental protection in Finland).
Toim. Simo Laakkonen, Sari Laurila, Marjatta Rahikainen (Eds.), Suomen Historiallinen Seura, Vammala 1999, 236 pp. (In Finnish, abstract in English).