European Studies Day – Programme


European Studies Day – Eurooppa-tutkimuksen päivä

Friday 6th October 2017 – Perjantai 6.10.2017

University of Helsinki – Helsingin yliopisto


Programme – Ohjelma


9:00–10.00 University Main Building Fabianinkatu 33, Auditorium 13, 3rd floor

 Keynote-lecture: Regional Groupings in Post-Communist Europe:  More than just ‘Cooperation’? – The Case of the Visegrad Group. Prof. Martin Dangerfield (Wolverhamptonin yliopisto)


10.00–10.30 Coffee and tea

10.30–11.45 Paper Session I Metsätalo, Unioninkatu 40, room 10 

Chair/Puheenjohtaja: Juhana Aunesluoma

Sigrid Kaasik-Krogerus: What is wrong with Eastern Europe? Eurooppaan liittyvät subjektipositiot virolaisessa identiteettidiskurssissa

Annaleena Sevillano: The reactions of the Catholics in England Towards the Spanish Civil War 1936–1939


11.45–13:00 (Lunch break) 

13:00–15:00 Paper Session II Metsätalo, Unioninkatu 40, room 10

Chair/puheenjohtaja: Juhana Aunesluoma

Johannes Lehtinen, Analyzing Citizen Participation in National EU policy-making: Questions and Concepts

Antti Ronkainen: Onko Euroopan keskuspankki itsenäisyytensä vanki?

Heidi Keinonen Channeling identities: Television as a cultural technology of nation-building, Europeanization and globalization


More information:

Juhana Aunesluoma (, Chair of the Finnish European Studies Association, Research Director of the Network for European Studies

Reimagining Futures at the End of the Cold War

Reimagining Futures at the End of the Cold War


Wednesday August 30

University of Helsinki Main Building, Auditorium XIV Fabianinkatu 33

09.30 Coffee and tea

10.00-11.00 Keynote session

Opening words, Professor Kimmo Rentola, University of Helsinki

Keynote lecture, Professor Jussi Hanhimäki, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva: Unexpected Transformations? The End of the Cold War in History and Historiography.

11.00-12.00 Paper session I Finnish Foreign Policy and Changing International Orders

Chair: Research Director Juhana Aunesluoma, University of Helsinki

Professor Tuomas Forsberg, University of Tampere: ‘We did not believe in change because we did not want it’. Confirmation bias, Finnish foreign policy and the end of the Cold War.

Professor Kari Möttölä, University of Helsinki: Two lessons in managing change: Finnish foreign policy at the onset and breakdown of the post-cold war order.

PhD candidate Juha-Matti Ritvanen, University of Turku The Soviet Union, Great Britain and Finland’s Operation Pax 1989–1990

12.00-13.00 Buffet Lunch, University of Helsinki Main Building

13.00-14.30 Paper session II Finnish Perspectives

Chair: Senior Lecturer Johanna Rainio-Niemi, University of Turku

Professor Louis Clerc, University of Turku: From KANTINE to Nation-Branding: Finland’s image policy from the Cold War to a Globalized Economy

PhD candidate Saara Matala, Aalto University, Beyond the Business as Usual: Finnish-Soviet scientific and technological cooperation in Arctic Maritime technology 1976-1990

Aino Hakovirta: The Doctrine of Finnish Foreign Policy in the Late Cold War and Beyond: The Operational Code of Kalevi Sorsa

PhD candidate Tapio Juntunen, University of Tampere: The Cold War ended, nuclear weapons remained: Finnish perceptions of the START-treaty and the Soviet Union’s nuclear successor question in 1991-92.

14.30–14.45 Coffee and tea

14.45–16.15 Paper session III The Cold War’s End and the Baltic Sea Region

Chair: Research Director Juhana Aunesluoma, University of Helsinki

Lecturer Mart Kuldkepp, University College London: Imagined futures in the Swedish diplomatic reporting from the Baltics in 1989-1991

Dr Kaarel Piirimae, Tartu: The New Thinking in Soviet Foreign Policy and the Constituent Republics: the example of Estonia and Latvia

Researcher Mikkel Runge Olesen, Danish Institute for International Studies: The birth of Danish foreign policy activism: Supporting Baltic independence 1990-91

Independent researcher, Lars Grønbjerg:  Ideas behind the creation of interstate cooperation in the Baltic Sea region 1987-1992 with special focus on the Council of the Baltic Sea States.

16.15–17.30 Paper Session IV European Perspectives

Chair: Kimmo Rentola

Senior Lecturer Kimmo Elo, University of Helsinki: East German Foreign Intelligence, the Baltic Sea Region and the End of the Cold War 1985-89

Senior Lecturer Johanna Rainio-Niemi, University of Turku: Cold War Neutrality in Europe: Lessons to be learned?

Post-doctoral research fellow Suvi Kansikas, University of Helsinki: From the Soviet Union to the European Union.

Thursday August 31

University of Helsinki Main Building, Auditorium XIV (Fabianinkatu 33)

9.00 Coffee and tea

9.30-11.30 Contemporary eye-witnesses – Note: The language of the session is Finnish

Puheenjohtaja ja avauspuheenvuoro, Juhana Aunesluoma

Aloituspuheenvuoro, professori Tuomas Forsberg, Tampereen yliopisto: ‘We did not believe in change because we did not want it’. Confirmation bias, Finnish foreign policy and the end of the Cold War. (esitys suomeksi)

Paneelin osallistujat: Jaakko Kalela, Jaakko Blomberg, Jaakko Laajava, René Nyberg

End of the conference.


Please register your attendance with conference assistant Vica Protovin by 22 August at

All registered participants are invited to a buffet lunch on Wednesday, August 30. Coffee and tea will be served during the conference.

Paper presenters, panelists and chairs are invited to a conference dinner on Wednesday August 30, at 19.00 and to a lunch on Thursday August 31, 12 noon. Locations will be announced later.


CfP: European Studies Day 2017

Call for papers

(in English below)

Eurooppa-tutkimuksen päivä, perjantai 6.10.2017, Helsingin yliopisto

Pro gradu -työpaja, lauantai 7.10.2017, Helsingin yliopisto

Helsingin yliopiston Eurooppa-tutkimuksen verkosto ja Suomen Eurooppa-tutkimuksen seura järjestävät perjantaina 6.10 jo perinteiseksi tulleen Eurooppa-tutkimuksen päivän, joka kokoaa Suomessa työskenteleviä EU- ja Eurooppa-tutkijoita esittelemään tutkimustaan ja keskustelemaan ajankohtaisista tutkimusteemoista.

Eurooppa-tutkimuksen päivän yhteydessä järjestetään lauantaina 7.10. opiskelijoille suunnattu Eurooppa-tutkimuksen pro gradu -työpaja. Kaikki Eurooppa-tutkimuksen alalla opinnäytteitään tekevät ovat tervetulleita mukaan keskustelemaan aiheistaan ja esittelemään meneillään olevaa tutkimustaan. Työpajan tavoitteena on antaa virikkeitä opinnäytteiden suunnitteluun ja palautetta käsikirjoitusvaiheessa oleville töille. Työpajan vetäjinä on suomalaisissa yliopistoissa ja tutkimuslaitoksissa työskenteleviä Eurooppa-tutkijoita.

Eurooopa-tutkimuksen päivä järjestetään yhteistyössä Helsingin yliopistossa 5.-6.10. järjestettävän kansainvälisen konferenssin ”Competing Visions: European Integration beyond the EC/EU” kanssa. Pääpuhujana on professori Martin Dangerfield Wolverhamptonin yliopistosta.



Perjantai 6.10

9:00–10.00 Keynote-luento: Prof. Martin Dangerfield (Wolverhamptonin yliopisto)

10.00–10.30 Tauko

10.30–12.00 Työryhmät

12.00–13:00 Lounastauko

13:00–15:00 Työryhmät

15:00–15:30 Tauko

15:30–17.00 Työryhmät


Vapaamuotoinen illanvietto


Lauantai 7.10.

09.30–11.30 Pro gradu -työpaja

11.30–12.30 Lounastauko

12.30–15.00 Pro gradu –työpaja jatkuu


Perjantain 6.10. iltapäivän työryhmiin on mahdollista esittää omaa työpaperiaan käsiteltäväksi. Paperit voivat käsitellä laajasti Eurooppa-tutkimuksen alaan liittyviä aiheita.

Lauantain 7.10. pro gradu -työpajassa voi esitellä omaa gradunaihettaan ennalta toimitetun lyhyen ideapaperin tai johdantotekstin avulla. Osallistujia rohkaistaan kuitenkin lähettämään myös laajempia käsikirjoituksia kommentteja varten.

Eurooppa-tutkimuksen päivä on monitieteinen tapahtuma, joka pyrkii tuomaan yhteen tutkijoita useilta eri tieteenaloilta. Kannustamme politiikan ja maailmanpolitiikan tutkijoita, sosiaalitieteilijöitä, historioitsijoita ja muita humanisteja, oikeustieteilijöitä, ympäristötutkijoita ja kaikkia niitä, joita tutkivat Eurooppaa, eurooppalaisia alueita, eurooppalaista identiteettiä tai eurooppalaisia instituutioita osallistumaan tapahtumaan.

Työpapereiden abstraktit (enintään 1 sivu) sekä ilmoittautumiset pro gradu –työpajaan tulee lähettää perjantaihin 25.8.2016 mennessä Juhana Aunesluomalle Helsingin yliopiston Eurooppa-tutkimuksen verkostoon (


Juhana Aunesluoma (, Eurooppa-tutkimuksen seuran puheenjohtaja ja Eurooppa-tutkimuksen verkoston tutkimusjohtaja

* * *

European Studies Day 6 October 2017

Master’s dissertation writing workshop, 7 October 2017

The Network for European Studies of the University of Helsinki and the Finnish European Studies Association (FESA) invite researchers and experts to the annual European Studies Day in Helsinki on 6 October 2017. The event provides an opportunity for researchers working on European issues to present their on-going or recent research projects and to discuss current topics in their fields of study.

On Saturday 7 October there will be a masters’ dissertation workshop. All students working on

dissertation projects in European studies are invited to participate to discuss and present their work. The aim is to stimulate the planning of dissertation projects and provide feedback for draft chapters and ongoing research. The workshop is led by European studies scholars from Finnish universities and research institutes.

The European Studies Day is organized jointly with the conference ”Competing Visions: European Integration beyond the EC/EU” to be held in 5-6 October at Helsinki University. The keynote speaker is professor Martin Dangerfield from the University of Wolverhampton.


Friday 6 October

9:00-10.00 Keynote lecture: Prof. Martin Dangerfield (University of Wolverhampton)

10.00–10.30 Break

10.30–12.00 Workshops

12.00–13.00 Lunch

13.00-15:00 Workshops

15:00-15:30 Break

15:30-17.00 Workshops

Informal evening program

Saturday 7 October

09.30–11.30 Dissertation workshop

11.30–12.30 Lunch

12.30–15.00 Dissertation workshop continues


We welcome paper proposals for the workshops on Friday 6 October. The papers can deal with topics related to European Studies or International Relations.

Students willing to present their dissertation projects on Saturday 7 October may submit an idea paper or an introductory text in advance. Students are, however, encouraged to submit also longer texts and thesis chapters for feedback in the workshop.

The European Studies Day is a multidisciplinary event. We encourage the participation of political, IR and social scientists, historians and other humanists, jurists, environmental researchers and all those who conduct research on Europe, European regions, European identity or European institutions.

The abstracts for research papers (maximum 1 page) should be sent to Juhana Aunesluoma ( by Friday 25 August 2017. Students interested in participating in the dissertation workshop should send the abstracts of their projects to the same address by the same date.

More information

Juhana Aunesluoma (, Chair of the Finnish European Studies Association, Research Director of the Network for European Studies



CfP: Competing Visions. European integration beyond the EC/EU

The deadline for applications has been extended to Sunday, May 21.

Competing Visions: European integration beyond the EC/EU

Jointly funded and organised by the

Department of Contemporary History, Philosophy and Political Science, University of Turku

and the Network for European Studies, University of Helsinki

This conference has also received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 658375

Conference location: University of Helsinki

Conference date: 5-6 October 2017


European integration research is almost always synonymous with the study of institutionalised cooperation between the member states of the European Community/European Union (EC/EU). But there are a good deal more countries, territories and archipelagos in Europe than the current 28 EU members – including, for our purpose, the Soviet Union/Russia. Moreover, there have been, and continue to be, rather more varied forms of European cooperation, with structures existing variously at a sub-regional, intergovernmental and transnational level, all of which may or may not include some of the current EU28. These often differ from the strict supranational type of integration espoused by the present-day EU in that they prioritise looser, informal forms of collaboration or distinctive organisational structures. And in many cases, European cooperation has extended beyond the economic arena and delved instead into the realm of military and political affairs, environment and social issues, and democratisation, migration, arms control and human rights.

The aim of this conference is to shine a light on these institutional and ideational ‘competing visions’ of European integration beyond the EC/EU. What is their relationship between these alternative forms of cooperation with the Brussels-centred integration? To what extent do they challenge and juxtapose or complement and balance the EC/EU? What have these competing visions meant for the EC/EU experiment? Is Europeanization only an EU phenomenon? Do these visions of Europe create European-ness? Ultimately, what does it mean for Europe and “EU-rope” to have these ‘competing visions’?

We welcome paper proposals from a range of disciplines including area studies, contemporary history, political science, law and economics. Possible topics of interest include but are not limited to:

  • The role of people and ideas advocating European connections, including federalists, functionalists etc.
  • Informal cross-border/transnational relations within or beyond the EC/EU framework
  • Europe-centred International non-governmental organisations (INGOs), IGOs and multinational
  • corporations
  • Intergovernmental economic and trade organisations such as OECD, EFTA or the European Patent
  • Organisation
  • Intra-European groupings like Benelux, British-Irish Council, Nordic Council and Investment Bank, Nordic-Baltic Eight, Northern Future Forum and Council of Baltic Sea States, Visegrád Four
  • Other regional groups like Mediterranean Union, Comecon, Commonwealth of Independent States,
  • Eurasian Economic Union, the Non-Aligned Movement, or the Arctic Council
  • Military/security structures such as the Warsaw Pact, CSCE/OSCE, NATO and WEU
  • Party political and trade union groups including the ERO-ICFTU and Socialist International
  • Education and scientific organisations like the Academy of European Law and European Space Agency

Those wishing to take part are asked to send their name, position, institutional affiliation and a 300-word (approx.) abstract to by 30 April 2017. (EDIT: The deadline for applications has been extended to Sunday, May 21). Accepted presenters will be informed by mid-May. General queries can be directed to the conference organisers: Suvi Kansikas (suvi.kansikas[at] and Matthew Broad (matthew.broad[at]

We plan to pursue the possibility of publishing papers from the conference in a book of proceedings and especially encourage doctoral and early career researchers to apply.

While refreshments and meals will be provided by the organisers, we ask researchers attending the conference to cover their own travel and accommodation.

CfP Competing Visions FINAL

New Research Project

The University of Helsinki awarded University Researcher Timo Miettinen with a three-year research project grant (150.000e). The research project Between Law and Politics takes a critical look at the development of post-WWII liberalism with the aim of analyzing and redefining some of the key ideas of this movement. In particular, the project analyzes the transforming relation of economy, politics and law in the contemporary economic constitution of the European Union.

More info available!



European Studies Day – Eurooppa-tutkimuksen päivä

21st October, 2016, University of Helsinki, Finland

Organizers: Finnish European Studies Association and the Network for European Studies, University of Helsinki


10.00 – 11.30
Keynote: Perfect Storm, or Storm in a Teacup? The United Kingdom, Brexit, and the International System

Professor Anne Deighton, University of Oxford
Chair: Research Director Juhana Aunesluoma, University of Helsinki/FESA
Venue: Fabianinkatu 26, Main Hall (3rd floor)

11.30 – 13.00

13.00- 14.45
Working Groups 1

Group 1: Europe and the Making of the Global Order
(Unioninkatu 37, sh1)
Chair: TBC

Benedikt Schoenborn: The East-West German summits of 1970: a reconciliation perspective

Lorenzo Ferrari: Quite United Nations. Western Europe at the UN General Assembly, 1946-1995

Matthew Broad: Achieving peace through trade liberalisation: The development of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) as a cold war actor

Commentator: TBC

Group 2:  Institutional and Ideological Developments in the EU (note: working language is Finnish in this session)

(Unioninkatu 37, sh2)

Chair: TBC

Hannu-Pekka Ikäheimo: EU Nautintovarkaana. Tulkintakehykset “EU kieltää” –artikkeleissa

 Hanna Tuominen: Reconsidering the human rights role of the EU in the context of the refugee crisis

 Jarmo Kortelainen: Brussels as a political place: a study on fluid assemblages in EU policy-making

Commentator: TBC

14.45 – 15.15

15.15 – 17.00
Working Groups 2

Group 1: Changing Sovereignties: Brexit and Security

(Unioninkatu 37, sh1)

Chair: TBC

Teemu Häkkinen & Minna Kaarkoski: ’Sovereignty’ in the British political debates, 1940-1970

Massimo Fichera: Brexit, EU Constitutionalism, and the security of the European project

Saila Heinikoski: Post-neutral security policy in the militarising European Union – Finland and the demilitarised and neutralised Åland Islands

 Commentator: TBC


Group 2: European Identity in the Making: Europeanization, Discourses and Policies

(Unioninkatu 37, sh 2)

Chair: TBC

Johannes Lehtinen: Sosiaalipolitiikkaa budjettikurin ehdoilla – Kreikan sopeutusohjelmat ja sosiaalipolitiikan eurooppalaistuminen diskursiivisen institutionalismin näkökulmasta

Sigrid Kaasik-Krogerus: ‘Banal’ construction ‘our’ heritage

Katja Mäkinen: Debates on cultural heritage in the European Parliament

 Commentator: TBC

CFP: Eurooppa-tutkimuksen päivä 21.10.2016


Call for papers

Eurooppa-tutkimuksen päivä 21.10.2016

Helsingin yliopiston Eurooppa-tutkimuksen verkosto ja Suomen Eurooppa-tutkimuksen seura järjestävät jo perinteiseksi tulleen Eurooppa-tutkimuksen päivän, joka kokoaa Suomessa työskenteleviä EU- ja Eurooppa-tutkijoita esittelemään tutkimustaan ja keskustelemaan ajankohtaisista tutkimusteemoista.

Päivän teemana on Brexit ja Euroopan turvallisuus. Pääpuhujana on kansainvälisen politiikan professori Anne Deighton Oxfordin yliopistosta.


9:30-11 Keynote-luento: Prof. Anne Deighton (Oxfordin yliopisto)

11-12:30 Lounastauko

12:30-14:00 Työryhmät

14:00-14:30 Tauko

14:30-18 Työryhmät

Iltapäivän työryhmiin on mahdollista esittää omaa työpaperiaan käsiteltäväksi. Paperit voivat käsitellä laajasti Eurooppa-tutkimuksen alaan liittyviä aiheita.

Eurooppa-tutkimuksen päivä on monitieteinen tapahtuma, joka pyrkii tuomaan yhteen tutkijoita useilta eri tieteenaloilta. Kannustamme sosiaalitieteilijöitä, historioitsijoita ja muita humanisteja, oikeustieteilijöitä, ympäristötutkijoita ja kaikkia niitä, joita tutkivat Eurooppaa, eurooppalaisia alueita, eurooppalaista identiteettiä tai eurooppalaisia instituutioita osallistumaan tapahtumaan.

Työpapereiden abstraktit (enintään 1 sivu) tulee toimittaa 18.9.2016 mennessä Juhana Aunesluomalle Eurooppa-tutkimuksen verkostoon (


Juhana Aunesluoma (, Eurooppa-tutkimuksen seuran puheenjohtaja ja Eurooppa-tutkimuksen verkoston tutkimusjohtaja


European Studies Day 21 October 2016

The Network for European Studies of the University of Helsinki and the Finnish European Studies Association (FESA) invite researchers and experts to the annual European Studies Day in Helsinki. The event provides an opportunity for researchers working on European issues to present their on-going or recent research projects and to discuss current topics in their fields of study.

The theme of this year’s European Studies Day is Brexit and European Security. The keynote speaker is professor Anne Deighton from the University of Oxford.


9:30-11 Keynote lecture: Prof. Anne Deighton (University of Oxford)

11-12:30 Lunch

12:30-14:00 Workshops

14:00-14:30 Break

14:30-18 Workshops

We welcome paper proposals for the workshops. The abstracts (maximum 1 page) should be sent to Juhana Aunesluoma ( by 18 September 2016. The papers can deal with topics related to European Studies or International Relations.

The European Studies Day is a multidisciplinary event. We encourage the participation of social scientists, historians and other humanists, jurists, environmental researchers and all those who conduct research on Europe, European regions, European identity or European institutions.

More information

Juhana Aunesluoma (, Chair of the Finnish European Studies Association, Research Director of the Network for European Studies

Harjoittelijaksi Eurooppa-tutkimuksen verkostoon?

Helsingin yliopiston Eurooppa-tutkimuksen verkosto hakee harjoittelijaa ajalle 1.8.-31.10.2016

Helsingin yliopiston Eurooppa-tutkimuksen verkosto hakee harjoittelijaa avustamaan verkoston toiminnassa. Eurooppa-tutkimuksen verkoston laaja-alainen toiminta tarjoaa harjoittelijalle mahdollisuuden osallistua monenlaiseen toimintaan ja luoda kontakteja niin alan tutkijoihin kuin laajemmin toimijoihin valtionhallinnossa, järjestöissä ja elinkeinoelämässä. Harjoittelijan tehtäviin kuuluu mm. vuosittaisen Eurooppa-tutkimuksen päivän järjestelyissä avustaminen.

Harjoittelijalta edellytetään hyvää organisointikykyä, kykyä oma-aloitteiseen toimintaan, hyviä sosiaalisia taitoja ja sujuvaa englannin kielen taitoa. Suomen kielen erinomainen hallinta on työtehtävien luonteen vuoksi välttämätöntä.

Tehtävään haetaan ensisijassa Euroopan politiikasta ja historiasta kiinnostunutta maisterivaiheen pääaineopiskelijaa tai muuten opinnoissaan pitkälle edennyttä aihepiiriin hyvin perehtynyttä opiskelijaa, joka voi sisällyttää harjoittelun opintoihinsa. Hakija voi olla myös jonkin muun yliopiston kuin Helsingin yliopiston opiskelija. Aiempi kokemus konferenssien ja seminaarien järjestämisestä katsotaan eduksi, mutta ei ole välttämätöntä.

Palkkausta ja muita asioita koskevat lisätiedot: Harjoittelijalla toivotaan olevan yliopiston harjoittelutuki, mutta tämä ei ole välttämätöntä. Palkkaus on Eurooppa-tutkimuksen verkoston maksamien kuukausien osalta 1165 EUR/kk.

Viimeinen hakupäivä: 27.6.2016

Lisätietoja antaa: Eurooppa-tutkimuksen verkoston tutkimusjohtaja Leena Malkki (

Eurooppa-tutkimuksen päivä 9.10.2015



Alla päivän koko ohjelma. Kaikki osiot ovat avoimia kaikille kiinnostuneille. Tervetuloa!

09:30-11:00 Keynote speech, Eurooppasali (Malminkatu 16)
Prof. Adrian Hyde-Price (University of Gothenburg): “European Security and the Ukraine Crisis: Between Globalisation and Geopolitics”
Comment: Senior Researcher Kristi Raik (Finnish Institute of International Affairs)
Chair: Research Director Leena Malkki (University of Helsinki/Finnish International Studies Association)

The continuing crisis in the Ukraine has proved to be a ‘game-changer’ for European security. It also casts into sharp relief some of the key features and developments in the European security system. The Ukraine crisis has significantly altered Europe’s security environment, and Russia’s actions have fundamentally changed the European vision of a continent whole, free and at peace. This paper examines the European security system in the light of the Ukraine crisis, and provides an analysis of the ontology of European security. It identifies the key actors, structures and systemic dynamics of contemporary Europe, and focuses on the impact on Europe’s security order of two underlying structural trends: globalisation and geopolitics. The paper concludes by examining the dilemmas and difficulties facing Europe in the light of the Ukraine crisis, and analyses the impact of the crisis on both the European Union and NATO.

12:30-14:00 Eurooppalaisen turvallisuuden haasteet ja tulevaisuus, Unioninkatu 38, sali A205
– Hanna Ojanen (Tampereen yliopisto)
– Rasmus Hindren (puolustusministeriö)
– Tuomas Iso-Markku (Ulkopoliittinen instituutti)
Puheenjohtaja: Arto Aniluoto (Eurooppalainen Suomi ry/Eurooppa-tutkimuksen seura)

14:00-14:30 Tauko

14:30-18:00 Workshop sessions

Workshop 1:
Chair: Leena Malkki (University of Helsinki) & Arto Aniluoto (European Movement in Finland/Finnish European Studies Association)
– Kamilla Aliyeva (University of Helsinki): Impact of migration policies on access to labour market by migrant workers in Europe
– Marko Nousiainen (University of Jyväskylä): Political interpretations on the European participatory turn: Europeanisation, Americanisation and ordo-liberalisation of social action
– Matti Jutila (University of Turku): Regaining EU leverage in European minority politics: Benefits of double delegation and the raise of a new principal
– Maria Mekri & Mirva Salminen (SaferGlobe Finland/University of Lapland): Charting the Impossible: Creating a Framework for Comparative Study in European Union Civilian Crisis Management

Workshop 2:
Chairs: Tuomas Iso-Markku (Finnish Institute of International Affairs) & Hanna Ojanen (University of Tampere)
– Marco Siddi (Finnish Institute of International Affairs): Norms, identities and vulnerabilities: The Ukraine crisis and the securitisation of EU-Russia gas relations
– Unto Vesa (University of Tampere): Security Trends in the Baltic Sea Region
– Ari-Elmeri Hyvönen (University of Jyväskylä): “Ethical Power Europe” and EU’s Response to the Arab Spring
– Sigrid Kaasik-Krogerus (University of Helsinki): Back to the post-Soviet? Ukrainian Crisis as Popular Geopolitics
– Tommi Koivula (Finnish National Defence University): The European Union and the Use of Military Force: Mapping the Discursive Space of the EU Common Security and Defence Policy



Annual International Conference
Europe in Crisis : Grexit? Brexit? and the return of Cold War winds?

The European Union has much to be proud of. Yet, today, everywhere one looks, one finds Europe facing a crisis. The language of crisis seems to be the current narrative of Europe – replacing more optimistic narratives that marked its first 50 years – first of peace building, and then of building shared prosperity. Today there is the crisis of Brexit, with a confirmed in-out referendum expected next year. The crisis of Grexit is far from being resolved, with talk each week of an imminent failure to balance the books. The Eurozone crisis is far from being resolved – even with the six-pack and new governance rules emerging. There is a new security crisis with cold winds blowing in from the East and land annexed: sabre-ratling or the start of a new cold war– some 25 years after the Fall of the Berlin Wall, 40 years since the landmark Helsinki Rights Accords, and 20 years after the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) launched?

This Europaeum annual conference proposes to take the pulse of Europe today. The event will operate as a meeting of minds, bringing together experts and academics from the fields of economics, politics, defence, diplomacy and culture, as well as young research scholars drawn from our 11 partner universities.

Key questions will include: Can the EU unravel contradictions in the Eurozone model? Can the EU resolve exit demands of select members? Can cultural fragmentation be avoided? Can Europe face down its Eurosceptic critics? Is a new iron curtain emerging? Can Europe find the right kind of leadership to go forward? Can the pessimism be reversed?



Venue: Great Hall, Fabianinkatu 26, 3rd floor

15.30 Welcome and Introduction:
Paul Flather (Europaeum)
Juhana Aunesluoma (University of Helsinki)
Session I: A Continuing Crisis for the Eurozone
Speakers: Andrew Graham (Oxford University), Klaus Tuori (University of Helsinki)

17.15 Tea Break

17.45 Session II: Exits and a Crisis for Membership
Speakers: Juha Ottman (Finland’s Ministry for Foreign Affairs), Paul Flather (Oxford University), Susanna Turunen (YLE), Andrew Newby (University of Helsinki).


Venue: Great Hall, Fabianinkatu 26, 3rd floor

09.45 Session I: A Crisis in Security: a New Cold War?
Speakers: Hartmut Mayer (Oxford University), Philip Donaghue (OSCE), Hanna Ojanen (University of Tampere), Chris Lewis (Oxford University)

11:15   Tea Break

11:45   Session II: A Crisis in Europe, or the restive rise of Euro-skepticism?
Speakers: Nicolas Vaidbourdt (Paris Sorbonne 1), Marco Siddi (Finnish Institute for International Affairs), Lenka Rovnà (Charles University Prague)

13:15   Concluding Remarks


Organized jointly by Europaeum and the Network for European Studies

For practicalities, please contact Ms. Laura Sumari at