Study entities

Module in Geoinformatics, 25 cr

Choose at least 25 credits from the following:

Course cr timing
ME-203 Geoinformatiikka 1 or ME-204 Geoinformatics 1,  (online course) 5 periodi II or online course
ME-230 Geoinformatiikka 2 5 III
ME-232 Kaukokartoitus 1 5 IV
ME-234 Metsätieteiden laskentamenetelmät 5 III-IV
ME-243 Basics of remote sensing MOOC 3 online course
FOR-258 GIS-analyysi ja mallinnus 5 IV (even years)
FOR-260 Advanced 3D remote sensing of forests 5 I (odd years)
FOR-283 Open GIS 5 online course
GEOG-406 GIS in society (course in geography degree programme 5 I-IV
GEOG-322 Remote sensing 2 (course in geography degree programme) 5 IV

Module in Forest Resource Management and Geoinformatics, 25 cr

Choose at least 25 credits from the following:

Course cr timing
FOR-254 Metsävarojen inventointi- ja suunnitteluprojekti 10 periods III-IV (even years)
FOR-256 Metsävarojen hallinnan ja geoinformatiikan vaihtuvasisältöiset erikoistumisopinnot 1-5 I-II
FOR-258 GIS-analyysi ja mallinnus 5 IV (even years)
FOR-260 Advanced 3D remote sensing of forests 5 I (odd years)
FOR-263 Operations Research in Forest Resource Management 5 IV (even years)
FOR-283 Open GIS 5 online course
FOR-286 Metsien kehityksen simulointi 5 II

Recommended courses

cr timing
FOR-007 Tilastollisia malleja: Yleistettyjen lineaaristen mallien perusteet 5 period III
FOR-008 Tilastollinen ennustaminen ja otanta 5 IV (even years)
FOR-009 Tilastollinen mallintaminen R-ohjelmistolla 5 IV (odd years)


Some of the courses are taught in Finnish, but they could be completed in English. Check out the Finnish course descriptions and contact the responsible person for more information.