Yhdistys on lopetettu // The association has been terminated

Hyvä Farmasian Opettajien ja Tutkijoiden yhdistyksen jäsen,
yhdistyksen 10.9.2021 pidetyssä yleisessä kokouksessa on hyväksytty yksimielisesti Farmasian Opettajien ja Tutkijoiden yhdistyksen (FOTY ry) lopettaminen. Yhdistyksen jäljellä olleet varat on 24.9.2021 lahjoitettu Helsingin Yliopiston Farmasian Kestävän Kehityksen rahastoon.
Tämän viestin myötä FOTY ry kiittää jäseniään menneistä vuosista ja toivoo jäsenilleen kaikkea hyvää.
Dear member of The Association of Pharmacy Teachers and Researchers
on a general meeting of the association held on 10.9.2021 the motion to terminate the The Association of Pharmacy Teachers and Researchers (FOTY) was accepted unanimously. The remaining funds of the association have on 24.9.2021 been donated to the Fund Supporting the Professorship in Sustainable Development in Pharmacy at the University of Helsinki.
With this message FOTY wishes to thank all its members for the years past, and wishes all members well.

Yleiskokous toiminnan päättämisestä // General Assembly on termination

Hyvä Farmasian Opettajien ja Tutkijoiden yhdistyksen jäsen,
yhdistyksen hallitus on päättänyt 25.5.2021 pidetyssä hallituksen kokouk-
sessa esittää Farmasian Opettajien ja Tutkijoiden yhdistyksen (FOTY ry)
lopettamista. Syynä esitykselle ovat sekä jäsenten alati laskeva kiinnostus
yhdistyksen vapaa-ajan toimintaa kohtaan että yhdistyksen julkaisutoimin-
nan, ja näin ollen päätulonlähteen, loppuminen. Toiminnan loppuessa hal-
litus esittää yhdistyksen jäljellä olevia varoja lahjoitettavaksi Helsingin Yli-
opiston Farmasian Kestävän Kehityksen rahastoon.
Yhdistyksen lopettaminen aloitetaan kutsumalla koolle kaikkien jäsenten
yleiskokous 10.9.2021 klo 16. Vallitsevan koronatilanteen vuoksi kokous
pyritään järjestämään etäyhteydellä, mutta tämän ollessa mahdotonta on
kokoukseen mahdollista osallistua myös paikan päällä. Kokoontumisrajoi-
tukset mahdollistavat 25 hengen kokoontumisen kerrallaan, joten haluk-
kuudesta fyysiseen kokoukseen saapumisesta pyydetään ilmoittamaan hal-
litukselle osoitteeseen foty.hallitus@gmail.com viimeistään 3.9.2021 klo

Aika: 10.9.2021 klo. 16.00
ja myöhemmin ilmoitettava mahdollinen kokoustila (Helsingin Yliopisto,
Viikinkaari 5)
Kutsutut: Kaikki yhdistyksen jäsenet

Dear member of The Association of Pharmacy Teachers and Researchers
the current board has decided in a meeting held on 25.5.2021 to propose
the start of the termination proceedings of The Association of Pharmacy
Teachers and Researchers (FOTY). The reasons for the proposal are both
the persistent decline of member interest towards the organised activities
and the end of the main source of income for the association, the publish-
ing activities in the Faculty of Pharmacy at University of Helsinki. Should
the association be terminated the current board proposes that the remain-
ing funds of the association are donated towards the Fund Supporting the
Professorship in Sustainable Development in Pharmacy at the University of
The proceedings to terminate the association start with calling all members
into a general assembly held on 10.9.2021 at 4 pm. Due to the coronavirus-
situation the assembly is to be held remotely, but should this be impossible
for certain members a possibility for a physical meeting will be organised.
According to University of Helsinki’s guidelines the maximum amount of
participants for this assembly is 25 people, so we kindly ask you to inform
about your interest to attend the meeting physically to foty.hallitus@
gmail.com on 3.9.2021 at 4 pm the latest.

Time: 10.9.2021, 4 pm.
and a physical meeting room announced at a later date (Helsingin Yliopisto,
Viikinkaari 5)
Invitees: All members of the association

FOTY Remote Event Grant 2020 application period opened !

Members of FOTY are invited to apply for grants for participating at remote/virtual congresses, corresponding scientific meetings or online courses and events.

The application should be submitted using the electronic form no later than Wednesday 07.10.2020 23.59 o’clock with this e-form. Any application arriving later than this time will not be considered.

If you are not yet a member of FOTY, in addition to the application form also a request to join FOTY must be send no later than Wednesday 07.10.2020 23.59 o’clock for the application to be valid. Please consult this page on instructions how to join.

The recipient of the grant commits to giving a short freeformed report of how the travel grant was used within 3 months after the trip. If complete funding is provided from elsewhere, if the grant from FOTY is not used completely or is used for some other purpose or if original receipts cannot be delivered to the association, the grant or the remaining part of it has to be returned to the association.

Membership of FOTY is a requirement for receiving the grant.

FOTY Annual Travel Grant Application period moved to Autumn 2020 and Spring Event Cancelled

Dear members of FOTY,

due to the current situation of the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent social distancing and cancellation of congresses and corresponding scientific meetings the FOTY board has decided to move the annual grant application period to autumn 2020. As social gatherings also are to be avoided, the annual FOTY Spring event has also unfortunately been cancelled.

Further information will follow after the summer, we sincerely hope the situation improves.

Stay healthy and safe,

FOTY Board  2020

Kutsu FOTY ry:n vuosikokoukseen // Invitation to FOTY ry’s annual general meeting

Farmasian opettajien ja tutkijoiden yhdistys FOTY ry pitää vuosikokouksensa torstaina 27.2.2020 klo 16.30 alkaen Farmasian tiedekunnan kokoustilassa 1104 (Biokeskus 2, 1.krs). Kokouksen esityslista on saatavilla kysyttäessä ja FOTY ry:n Facebook-sivuilla.
Olet lämpimästi tervetullut osallistumaan vuosikokoukseen, vaikka et olisikaan FOTY:n jäsen.
Kokouksen jälkeen suuntaamme päivälliselle myöhemmin valittavaan ravintolaan, jossa ruokailemme omakustannehintaan. Mikäli olet innokas liittymään iloiseen pöytäseurueeseen, ilmoita osallistumisestasi viimeistään maanantaina 24.2.2020 osoitteeseen saara.lautala@helsinki.fi
The Association of Pharmacy Teachers and Researchers (FOTY ry)’s annual general meeting will be held on Thursday 27.2.2020 at 16.30 in the meeting room of Faculty of Pharmacy 1104 (Biokeskus 2, 1st floor). The agenda (in Finnish) of the meeting is available upon request and on the FOTY ry Facebook page.
You are warmly welcome to participate in the meeting even if you were not a member of FOTY.
After the meeting we will have dinner in restaurant (will be selected later) on one’s own account. If you want to join the happy dinner party, please sign up no later than Monday 24.2.2020 by e-mail: saara.lautala@helsinki.fi

Panel and Party @ Pesä: Doctoral Programme in Drug Research (DPDR) and The Association of Pharmacy Teachers and Researchers (FOTY) career night and seasonal party

Join us for the DPDR and FOTY Career night for the interesting Panel discussion: The Perspective of Experience in Academic Research with the invited panelists: Yvonne Holm, Heikki Vuorela, Jari Yli-Kauhaluoma and Raimo Tuominen.

In the panel the accomplished and experienced lecturers and professors of the Faculty of Pharmacy discuss on the themes of professorship and academics as a career path, how has the world of academics changed during their careers, and what would be their advice for people currently pursuing this path.The night will conclude with the FOTY seasonal party, filled with free socializing, food, drinks and an opportunity to sauna! If you wish to sauna please bring own towel.

When ? Wednesday 4.12.2019 starting at 17.00

Where ? Käärmeenpesä (Sörnäisten rantatie 33, 4th floor) https://www.kaarmeenpesa.fi

Registration:  Until 29th November 23.59 https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/101735/lomake.html.

Please note that the registration is binding!

All DPDR members and/or FOTY members are welcome to join!

FOTY Spring event on Wednesday 29.5.2019!

This year’s spring event is a ‘not so serious’ bowling tournament in Kallio Fun Bowling & Bar, the best bowler will win a small prize!

After bowling (circa 20.00) it is possible to go and enjoy the victory or swallow the sorrow of losing with drinks in Kallio together!


Fun Bowling & Bar Kallio (Helsinginkatu 25, 00510 Helsinki). Lets meet at 17.45 in front of the establishment.


Wednesday 29.5.2018 starting 18.00.


With E-form https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/98257/lomake.html by 23.59 o’clock on 23rd of May.

 If you need to cancel your registration, please contact foty.hallitus@gmail.com before 23.59 o’clock on 23rd of May.

Note that for bowling signup is binding.

Everyone is welcome for drinks afterwards, signup needed only for informational purposes.

Please join us to enjoy the Kallio atmosphere along with bowling and good company!

Travel grant application period 2019 opened!

It’s springtime and FOTY travel grants application period 2019 is upon us!

Members of the association are invited to apply for grants for participating in congresses or corresponding scientific meetings. Application period begins 11.4.2019 8.00 o’clock and applications are to be submitted electronically no later than Wednesday 24.4.2019 at 23.59 o’clock.

Note that if you are not yet a member of FOTY, in addition to the application form also a request to join FOTY must be send no later than Wednesday 24.4.2019 at 23.59 o’clock  for the application to be valid. Please consult this page on instructions how to join.

Link for the online application:  https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/97700/lomake.html 

Good luck!

FOTY Board 2019

The board for year 2019 was elected on April 4th at the Annual Meeting of FOTY.

The board of 2019 is:

Wilma Kiander (President)
Ilkka Miettinen (Vice-President)
Juho Heininen (Secretary)
Tuuli Karhu (Treasurer)
Saara Lautala (Communication matters)
Lotta Pohjolainen (Membership secretary)

DPDR and FOTY present: Career night and seasonal party 23.11.2018

When? Friday 23th of November 2018 starting at 17.00

Where? Biocenter2, room 2004 (Opetusapteekki), Viikinkaari5b


17.00 – DPDR and FOTY Career night

Career adventures of PhDs in drug research – commercializing your   knowledge

Invited speakers:
PhD (Pharm) Jenni Pessi  and Prof (Pharm) Vincenzo Cerullo

19.00 – Informal program “DPDR and FOTY Seasonal party”

Food and drinks available!

Registration? https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/93451/lomake.html

Registration deadline: 21st November 23.59. Please note that the registration is binding! 
