Bachelor thesis: Throughfall and remote sensing in tropical rain forest

(Photo: Joose Helle)

Joose Helle studied in his geoinformatics bachelor thesis how aerial laser scanning and hemispherical photographs suites for studying forest throughfall. His study area is located on the Taita Hills, Kenya. Main results are that water observations are applicable for analyzing forest throughfall, precipitation and interception in tropical rain forests. In addition, aerial laser scanning is applicable for measuring canopy height. These information can be used together to understand water balance in tropical rain forest.

JooseHelle_kandi_2016 (PDF)

Source: Helle, Joose (2016). Lentolaserkeilaus ja hemisfaarikuvaus metsikkosadannan tutkimisessa Taitavuorilla Keniassa. Julkaisematon kandidaatintutkielma. Geotieteiden ja maantieteen laitos, Helsingin yliopisto. 80 s.