Integrated analysis of Exploration and Mining Data using Self Organizing Maps

Time:November 5-6, 2013
Place: Helsinki, Kumpula, F

fraser kuva

General Info

Large volumes of data are typically collected during all phases of the resource exploration, evaluation and extraction process. Often these data contain diverse types of observations and measurements, and traditional statistical approaches are neither appropriate, nor do they provide the critical information that is often sought from such data. New methods are required to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of interpreters as they attempt to discover the often subtle clues and relationships associated with mineralizing processes and material properties from such data sets.

Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) is a computational approach that can add value and create knowledge in this process. SiroSOM (CSIRO Self Organizing Maps) is an advanced computational tool for the analysis and interpretation of data, including spatial data, which helps to identify anomalies, processes or trends.

Aims of the short course:

Workshop participants will be introduced to data mining via Self Organizing Map approach, and via various examples and studies, be exposed to the breadth of potential applications for the technique. The workshop will be biased towards practical demonstration of the approach and no prior knowledge of data mining nor is statistics required.


Stephen Fraser


Stephen is a Senior Principal Research Geologist with CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering, where he leads the “Enhancing Knowledge from Drilling Stream” in the Minerals Down Under Flagship. Stephen is a passionate believer in data integration and the integrated interpretation of data. Currently he is leading the development of down-hole geochemical logging tools to provide rapid elemental information at intervals comparable to the data available from existing down-hole geophysical tools.


Course venue

Kumpula Campus

University of Helsinki



To register, please contact:

Suvi Heinonen:


Preference is given for PhD students of The Finnish Doctoral Program in Geology, but students from other disciplines are also welcomed. Student members of the Doctoral Program in Geology from outside the Helsinki metropolitan area will be reimbursed for moderate travel costs. The number of participants is limited to 15.