Welcome to the 29th Helsinki Summer Seminar on International Law! 22-26 August 2016, Helsinki, FINLAND

The topic for this year is: Law, War and New Technologies.

Advances in science and technology throughout history have facilitated major transformations in warfare. The rapid development of information and communication technology over the past few decades is a case in point. Precision guided munitions and remotely controlled aircraft have made military interventions more surgical yet more ubiquitous. Outer space and cyberspace have created new opportunities and vulnerabilities, thereby adding whole new dimensions to conflict. At the same time, the international law framework dealing with the use of force has not changed much.

The 29th Helsinki Summer Seminar aims to off er a forum for discussing whether and how international law can still deliver on its civilising and humanising promise in the face of profoundly changing means of warfare.

Confirmed Speakers

Prof Pekka Appelqvist (Ministry of Defence, Finland)
Dr Tobias Bräutigam (Microsoft, Finland)
Dr Heather Harrison Dinniss (Swedish National Defence University)
Prof Martti Koskenniemi (University of Helsinki, Finland)
Prof Ville Kyrki (Aalto University, Finland)
Ambassador Marja Lehto (Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Finland)
Dr Rain Liivoja (University of Melbourne, Australia)
Dr Nils Melzer (Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Switzerland) (TBC)
Dr Jarna Petman (University of Helsinki, Finland)
Ms Jenni Tapio (Bird & Bird, Finland)
Prof Sean Watts (Creighton University, United States)

Some of the topics to be discussed

Foundations and Development of the Law Applicable to the Use of Force
Cyber Operations
Remotely Controlled Weapons Systems
Autonomous Weapons Systems
Space Technology
Issues of Accountability