
(updated 2017-05-15)

Printable A4 program table: Black&White / Color
Outline schedule with chairpersons


Sunday 14

18 pm –>
Unofficial welcome get-together for those who already arrived at beerhouse Kaisla, Vilhonkatu 4 (


Monday, May 15

(Keynote lectures and odd numbered sections at Metsätalo room 6, even numbered sections at Metsätalo room 12)


Registration  9 – 11 am

11 am  Opening of the conference, Janne Saarikivi

11:15 Keynote lecture: Johanna Nichols (University of California, Berkeley)
The interaction of word structure and lexical semantics

12:15 Coffee

12:30 Section 1

Michael Rießler, Mervi de Heer, Terhi Honkola, Unni-Päivä Leino, Kaj Syrjänen & Outi Vesakoski
University of Freiburg, University of Turku
Basic vocabulary and the phylogenetic approach to the study of Uralic language history

Jyri Lehtinen
University of Helsinki
Assessing computational linguistic phylogeny with Uralic historical phonology

K. Syrjänen, T. Honkola, J. Rota, U. Leino, S. Översti, A. Junno, P. Onkamo, & O. Vesakoski
University of Turku etc.
Revisiting the quantitative phylogeny of the Uralic languages

Section 2

Roman Gaidamashko
Rigina Ajanki:
H. Paasonen and Turkic loanwords

Anna Makarova
Ural Federal University
Landscape terms in the substrate toponymy of Belozerye:
Semantic-etymological research

Simonas Noreikis
University of Helsinki
Lithuanian hydroyms supposed to be Finno-Ugric

14:00 Break for lunch & coffee

15:15 Section 3

Santeri Junttila
University of Helsinki
Latvialaisia lainoja mordvalaiskielissä?

Janne Saarikivi
University of Helsinki
Defining Baltic and Slavic in Finnic vocabulary

Juho Pystynen
University of Helsinki
The state of the Finno-Permic lexicon

Section 4

Guus Kroonen
Copenhagen University
Did Pitted Ware groups leave a linguistic trace in Germanic and Finnic?

Minerva Piha
University of Turku
Combining historical lexicology with archaeology: An example from the South Saami prehistory

Alexandra Grigorieva
University of Helsinki
Finnish food words and European culinary vocabulary: Diachronic mapping of etymological contexts

18:00 Reception at the Main building of the University


Tuesday May 16

(Keynote lectures and odd numbered sections at Metsätalo room 6, even numbered sections at Metsätalo room 12)

10:15 Keynote lecture: Janne Saarikivi (University of Helsinki)
Towards the typology of etymologies

11:15 Coffee

11:30 Section 5

Tjaša Jakop
Fran Ramovš Institute of the Slovenian Language
Loan words in Slovenian dialects

Vladislav Knoll
Slavonic Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences
On the history of Low German Influence in Slavonic languages

Johan Schalin
University of Helsinki
The notorious cruxes of Common Scandinavian umlaut and breaking: A metaphonic feature-based unified solution

Section 6

Sofia Björklöf
University of Helsinki
Areal distribution as a criterion of young internal borrowing

Mikko Heikkilä
University of Tampere
(Seeming) irregularity as a clue to the origin of a word

13:00 Lunch & coffee

14:15 Keynote lecture: Martine Vanhove (LLACAN, CNRS/INaLCO, Paris)
Lexical typology and polysemy patterns in African languages

15:15 Coffee

15:30 Section 7

Adam Hyllested
Copenhagen University
A stratigraphy of Finnic and Saami loanwords in Germanic

Sampsa Holopainen
University of Helsinki
Stem vowels in the Indo-Iranian loanwords in Uralic

Riho Grünthal & Lotta Jalava
University of Helsinki
Spatial postpositions and lexical change in Uralic

Section 8

Jack Rueter
University of Helsinki
Parallels in noun and verb stem types in the Mari and Mordvin languages

Mari Aigro
University of Cambridge
A diachronic study of the homophony between polar question particles and coordinators

17:00 Extra keynote lecture: Anatoly Liberman
The future of English etymology as a branch of linguistics and lexicography

19:00 Conference dinner
Restaurant Sunn (Aleksanterinkatu 26,
Registering by May 2 to sampsa.holopainen AD


Wednesday May 17

(Keynote lectures and odd numbered sections at Kielikeskus room 115, even numbered sections at Metsätalo room 12)

10:00 Keynote lecture: Martin Kümmel (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena)
Etymological problems between Indo-Iranian and Uralic

11:00 Coffee

11:30 Section 9

Niklas Metsäranta
University of Helsinki
Loans between branches in reconstruction

Gergely Antal
Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest)
Remarks on the shared vocabulary of Hungarian, Udmurt and Komi

László Fejes
Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Sound change from the point of view of etymology and grammar

Section 10

Stefan Engelberg
Institut für Deutsche Sprache (Mannheim)
Etymology and Pidgin languages: words of German origin in Tok Pisin

Julen Manterola & Joseba Lakarra
Royal Academy of the Basque Language – Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour
Basque etymological studies: loanwords, roots and a new etymological dictionary

Yoseph Tezazu
Kotebe Metropolitan University
Semantic development of Amharic words

13:00 Lunch & coffee

14:10 Section 11

Juha Kuokkala
University of Helsinki
Statistics and stratistics of the Germanic loanwords in Finnic

Ilona Rauhala
University of Helsinki
The layers of loanwords in the adjectives of North Saami

Tommi Alho & Aleksi Mäkilähde
Åbo Akademi & University of Turku
Dating Latin loanwords in Old English: Some methodological problems

Section 12

Sergei Myznikov

Alexander Pustyakov
University of Helsinki
К вопросу о пермской топонимии в Ветлужско-Ветском междуречье

Denis Kuzmin
University of Helsinki / Karjalan tiedeakatemia
Karjalankielisen esikristillisen naisnimistön rekonstruointi

Elena Lastochkina
Mari State University
Концепт вӱд «вода» в языковой картине мира мари

15:40 Coffee

16:00 Keynote lecture: Petri Kallio (University of Helsinki)
Substrates in Finnic: An update

17:00 Closing words

* * *

In addition to the presentations, there will be two posters on display:

Outi Vesakoski, Mervi de Heer, Terhi Honkola, Unni-Päivä Leino, Jyri Lehtinen, Jenni Leppänen, Timo Rantanen, Kaj Syrjänen & Niklas Wahlberg
Historical linguistics and evolutionary framework

Janne Saarikivi
Results of the project “Inherited and borrowed in the history of the Uralic languages”