Monthly Archives: May 2017

First project meeting held at the Swedish School of Social Science at the University of Helsinki, Finland

The first project meeting was held in Helsinki, at the Finnish funding agency Swedish School of Social Science at the University of Helsinki, Finland from the 22nd of March to the 24th of March 2017.

Day one of the project meeting started with an introductory visit to the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation (TEKES). The visit lso included an introdution to other innovation agencies from Sweden, Norway and Denmark.

Day two of the project meeting was held at the Swedish School of Social Science at the University of Helsinki. The day included presentations revolving around three specific themes related to capacities for innovation and change namely: renewal in a public sector setting (Förnyelse i offentlig sektor – en introduktion), undertaking challenges (Att ta sig an utmaningar – projekt som förändrings och innovationsverktyg), the significance of context (Kontextens betydelse), as well as the ability to absorb experiances from project driven work (Att tillgodogöra sig erfarenheter av projektdrivet förnyelsearbete).

The entire seminar programme can be downloaded HERE. (In swedish)

The final day included discussions about comparative analysis as well as the possibilities for future new research proposals. The next project meeting will be held in Stockholm, Sweden from the 16th to the 18th of October 2017.

From upper left: Rolf Lundin, Stefan Sjöblom, Mats Fred, Christian Jensen, Karl-Erik Sveiby, Sebastian Godenhjelm, Isak Vento, Ellen Eklundh, Marit Werner

From lower left: Birgit Jaeger, Hanne Harmsen, Beata Segercrantz, Maria Forss, Anila Nauni, Evert Vedung, Miriam Terrell