Library of Parliament’s Annual Research Seminar March 3 – Welcome!

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The Annual Research Seminar: Researchers at the Researchers´ Room of The Library of Parliament

Each researcher presents her/his own research topic. Refreshments. Welcome!
Tuesday 3rd of March 2015 at 13 – 16 hours
Lecture Room Aurora, The Library of Parliament

13.00 Seminaarin avaus / Opening words, Eduskunnan kirjaston johtaja / Director of The Library of Parliament Sari Pajula

13.05 Valtio tietoyhteiskuntana: poliittisen aluetutkimuksen näkökulma, Professori Sami Moisio, Helsingin yliopisto

13.15 Vahingonkorvausvastuun määräytyminen sähköisen identiteetin tunnistus- ja allekirjoituspalveluissa, OTL Tuire Saaripuu, Helsingin yliopisto

13.30 Genesis of a  cross-breeding  Power Élite in Senegal: A Comparative study: Politics-Law & Constitution-Constitutional Law, VTL Silvain Sagne, University of Eastern Finland
13.45 Language factor in nation state building and national development, M Soc Sci Michael Uba, Åbo Akademi
14.00 Customary or commercial? Nordicallemansrätt/jokamiehenoikeus and the lingonberry rush of the 19th century, VTM Matti La Mela, European University Institute (Firenze)

14.15 Kahvitauko /  Refreshments

14.45 ”Välietapilla” – koulutuspolulta poikenneiden nuorten elämänkulku ja toimijuus, KM Sanna Mäkinen, Itä-Suomen yliopisto

15.00 Customs Cooperation in Criminal Matters between the European Union Customs Union and the Member States in Cross-Border Goods Traffic – There is a need for a supranational criminal law, OTM Elise Luovula, Helsingin yliopisto

15.15 Competing conceptions or one and the same? Norm promotion by the EU and US in the context of the “Arab Spring” , VTM Ville Sinkkonen, Turun yliopisto

15.30 Corporate Power and Human Rights – Can non-binding corporate social responsibility instruments evolve into mandatory regulation? , OTM Lia Ojanen, Helsingin yliopisto

15.45 Was there a balance of Power system in the ancient Near East? – Near Eastern Diplomacy during the Third and Second Millennium BCE, VTM Alex Aissaoui, Helsingin yliopisto