Recent acquisitions: Wiley reference works in social and behavioural sciences & humanities

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The following encyclopedias comprise of hundreds of articles and the content spans large areas of Humanities, Social and Behavioural Sciences, e.g. social work, sociology, psychology, political science, anthropology, economics, criminology, peace and conflict studies. Hyperlinks accompany each entry, which direct readers to other relevant entries. You can find these encyclopedias in Wiley Online Library.

Comprehensive Handbook of Social Work and Welfare

Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioural Sciences

Encyclopedia of Peace Psychology

The Encyclopedia of Crime and Punishment

The reference works are catalogued in Helka database, too.

This acquisition has been financed with the support of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Helsinki.


Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences: An Interdisciplinary, Searchable, and Linkable Resource