Oye cómo va – Keep current in Latin American and North American studies with our guide

In Area and cultural studies –guide you will find the most relevant sources of information, new books, core databases, journals, articles and news feeds in Latin America and North America studies.

Picture: http://www.gifex.com/

The guide provides you also with a collection of databases and portals, news, archives and statistical sources etc. The guide is open access although some of the content is only available in the University of Helsinki network.

Helsinki University Library´s team has compiled this guide especially for researchers and students of University of Helsinki. All are welcome to use it though!

We welcome your feedback and suggestions for improvement!


ResearchGuides  – Library’s information sources from various research fields, expert librarians and help guides


Legal e-books collection from KauppakamariTieto

Legal e-books (Juridiikka collection) from KauppakamariTieto can be used in Helsinki university network until 31.7.2018. E-books are catalogued in Helka database.

  • Esineoikeus eurooppalaistuvassa Suomessa (2012)
  • Esinevakuudet (2016)
  • Guide to the Finnish Arbitration Rules (2015)
  • Huoltoriitojen sovittelu tuomioistuimessa (2015)
  • Incoterms 2010 (2012)
  • Incoterms 2010 (2. painos 2016)
  • Internationella köplagen (2013)
  • IPR käytännönläheisesti (2016)
  • Julkiset hankinnat yrityksille käytännönläheisesti (2017)
  • Julkisten hankintojen sääntely (2017)
  • Kansainvälinen kauppalaki (2013)
  • Kovenantit – Rahoitussopimuksen kovenanttiohjaus (2014)
  • Laki ja miten sitä luetaan (2014)
  • Lapsen huolto- ja tapaamissopimukset (2014)
  • Opas Keskuskauppakamarin Välimiesmenettely-sääntöihin (2015)
  • Rahoitusmuodot ja vakuudet (2013)
  • Sukupolvenvaihdos ja yritystoiminnan lopettaminen (2014)
  • Uusi arvopaperimarkkinalaki (2013)
  • Vahingonkorvaus asunto-osakeyhtiössä (2017)
  • Viestintä- ja informaatio-oikeuden perusteet (2013)
  • Yksityisyyden suoja Suomessa (2014)
  • Yritystoiminnan verotus (2014)

Feedback: e-library [at] helsinki.fi

Ammattikirjasto – Juridiikka-kokoelma

More e-books for humanistic and social sciences – Oxford Handbooks and Routledge Handbooks collections expand

Helsinki University Library has acquired multidisciplinary e-book collections to support  the digital learning environment. E-books are available in Helsinki university network and they will be catalogued in Helka by the end of the year.

Oxford Handbooks Online

Annual Collections were acquired for these subject areas:
Classical Studies, Economics & Finance, History, Law, Linguistics, Literature, Music, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology and Religion. The years which are covered depends on the collection, usually years 2012-2016 are included. Annual Collections contain all new content available within a calendar year, including newly released Handbooks in addition to articles written for future Handbooks or for online-only publication.

The Foundation Collection was acquired of these subject areas: Classical Studies, Law, Linguistics, Music, Political Science and Religion. Foundation Collection includes everything available in print up until the first half of 2012.

Oxford Handbooks Online

Routledge Handbooks Online

94 new titles has been acquired from these collections:
Archaeology & Classics, Asian Studies, Communication, Journalism, Media & Culture, Business & Economics, Education, Foreign Languages, Philosophy,
Politics, History, Law, Linguistics, Philosophy, Politics, Psychology, Religion and Sociology.

Routledge Handbooks

Thousands of new e-books from De Gruyter available for four months

De Gruyter -logo

The Helsinki University Library has already purchased lots of e-books published by De Gruyter. Now the whole e-book collection (about 38 000 books) is at your disposal in the Helsinki University network for a four month period. This offer also includes partner press content: Harvard University Press, Princeton University Press, Columbia University Press, University of Pennsylvania Press, University of Toronto Press.

De Gruyter publishes material in the following branches of science: arts and humanities, social sciences, mathematics, natural science, medicine and law. You can browse the e-book collection on the basis of the subject areas. The collection is updated monthly.

The books are available from the beginning of October 2016 until the end of January 2017, after which the most heavily used books will be selected to the library’s collection.

De Gruyter Online 

De Gruyter e-book guide

Availability: 3.10.2016-31.1.2017

Feedback: e-library@helsinki.fi

Book cover: How literary worlds are shapedBook cover: VölkerrechtBook cover: 3D ultrasound in prenatal diagnosisBook cover: Communication and learningBook cover: Biomaterials

Changes in Korean studies electronic resources in 2016

Monkey in a Peach Tree, Korea 18th c. Image source: LACMA http://www.lacma.org/

eKorean Studies database will no longer be available through AsiaPortal after the end of February. Instead we will have access to DBpia journal database and KRpia Korean studies database.

Access to DBpia ja KRpia databases is already working through AsiaPortal.

DBpia is a multidisciplinary full-text database of journal articles published by major Korean research institutions. There are over 1900 journal titles and more than 1,9 million articles included.

KRpia is a full-text database including reference works and primary sources such as dictionaries, encyclopaedias, and archival material on Korean history, literature, civilization etc.

Access to DBpia and KRpia for Helsinki University is possible through cooperation with the Nordic Institute of Asian Studies and with support from the Korea Foundation.

Image: Monkey in a Peach Tree, Korea 18th c. Source: LACMA http://www.lacma.org/



What is your experience of using e-books? Participate in online survey!

University libraries gather now students and teachers user experience about e-books in studies and teaching. E-books are the electronic versions of printed books which can be read on a computer or mobile device.

The feedback collected through this survey will be used to further develop the accessibility and usability of e-books you need in your studies, so your opinion is very important to us!

bookThe survey for students: https://my.surveypal.com/-E-kirjat-opintojen-tukena–kysely

The survey for teachers: https://my.surveypal.com/E-kirjat–opetuksen-tukena-kysely

Your answers will be confidential and your privacy will be respected. Individual respondents will not be identifiable in the final reporting. The research material will be archived in the Finnish Social Science Data Archive for further use in academic research and teaching.

The survey form will be online until 31 May 2016.

The survey is part of the e-textbook project of the FinELib Consortium. It is carried out by the National Library of Finland in cooperation with higher education libraries. You can contact the organizers of the survey through finelib@helsinki.fi.

​Thank you for participating!