
Doctores Semiseculares

1. Ilmo Hassinen
Hydrogen Transfer into Mitochondria in the Metabolism of Ethanol I. Oxidation of Extramitochondrial Reduced Nicotinamideadenine Dinucleotide by Mitochondria. Hydrogen Transfer into Mitochondria in the Metabolism of Ethanol II. Effect of Disulfiram on the Hydrogen and Energy Transfer. 1966.

2. Pekka Häyry
The Role of Factors in Fresh Serum in the Attachment and Growth of Hela-Cells on Glass. 1966.

3. Arvi Kahri
Histochemical and Electron Microscopic Studies on the Cells of the Rat Adrenal Cortex in Tissue Culture. 1966.

4. Inkeri Kivalo
Effect of Some Anesthetic Agents on Diuresis and Hypothalamo-Hypophysial Neurosecretion in the Rat. 1966.

5. Kimmo Luomanmäki
Studies on the Metabolism of Carbon Monoxide. 1966.

6. Terho Maamies
Broncogenic Carcinoma. A Retrospective Study in Prognosis and Late Results of Surgery. 1966.

7. Reijo Norio
Heredity in the Congenital Nephrotic Syndrome. A Genetic Study of 57 Finnish Families with a Review of Reported Cases. 1966.

8. Valle Oikarinen
The Inferior Alveolar Artery. A Study Based on Gross Anatomy and Arteriography, Supplemented by Observations on Age Changes. 1966.

9. Ilkka Penttilä
Effect of Insulin, Chlorpropamide and Tolbutamide on the Metabolism of Branched Chain Amino Acids. 1966.

10. Olli-Veikko Renkonen
Serum Lipids in Labouring Mothers and Newborn Babies. 1966.

11. Reino Ruosteenoja
Pulmonary Function in Pneumonia Related to Radiological and Microbiological Observations. 1966.

12. Raimo Tenhunen
Studies on Bilirubin and its Metabolism. I. Thinlayer Chromatography of Bilirubin and Its Conjugates. II. Bilirubin in the Bile of Developing Chick Embryos and Chicks. III. Glucuronide Conjugation of Various aglycones in the Liver of Chick Embryos and Chicks. 1965.

13. Reijo Vihko
Gas Chromatographic-Mass Spectrometric studies on Solvolyzable Steroids in Human Peripheral Plasma. 1966.

14. Hans Åkerblom
Blood Acetone Bodies of Juvenile Diabetics After Exercise. 1966.