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Referee for Scientific and Scholarly Journals

External reviewer for journals and some publishers.


Feedback from a lecture for social workers in child welfare education 22 January 2014:

“Maritta Törrösen’s lecture was very good, tough, and it reminded me that I still should evaluate the “client child” and her/his family generally in relation to the segregation of the population. Social inequality is clearly close to my work, but it is important to consider the client’s broader situation. I was thinking about how I could alleviate or repair (to retard) the inequality of the client. The societal approach is extremely important . . . Törrönen brought up the example of one of her interviewees who told the story of how she heard positive feedback of her child at the Huvitus Centre of The Foundation for the Rehabilitation of Children and Young People. And I continue to think about how I could give positive feedback to my client.” (Translation)

  1. (2022, December 19) Holistic well-being: Equal opportunities for citizens. Course on Cultural Studies. Waseda University, Japan.
  2. (2022, September 15) Demokraattinen oppimisprosessi – Osallisuus alle 12-vuotiaiden silmin lastensuojelun palveluiden saajina. Salapoliisi Mäyrän 10-vuotisjuhlaseminaari, Pesäpuu ry., Finland.
  3. (2019, November 26). Particpatory Inquiry Forum 2019-2020, Language and landscapes of participatory research, special quest contributing my experience of participatory research to the group discussion at Anglia Ruskin University, Chelmsford, UK.
  4. (2018, March 8). Emotional Participation of Young Adults Starting their Independent Living. Invited oral presentation at National Children’s Bureau, London, United Kingdom.
  5. (2018, February 27). Emotional Participation of Young Adults Starting their Independent Living. Invited oral presentation at the Centre for Applied Childhood, Youth and Family Research, University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom.
  6. Törrönen, M. & Munn-Giddings, C. (2017, October 21). Belonging – Creating Participation for Young Adults Starting their Independent Living. Workshop presentation at CARN2017 (Collaborative Action Research Network) the 20th-22nd October, Rethymnon, Crete.Törrönen, M. & Munn-Giddings, C. (2017, May 18). Participation in research with young adults with leaving care experiences. Workshop presentation at Nordic Leaving Care Networkr meeting 18th-19th May, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  7. (2017, March 3). Participatory action research with young adults leaving care. Invited oral presentation for Social Work Careers Event including local authorities from Essex, Southend and Thurrock and Essex Restorative Justice and Mediation Service Co-ordinator at School of Education and Social Care, Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education, Anglia Ruskin University, Chelmsford, United Kingdom.
  8. (2016, December 15). Vastavuoroisuuden hyvinvointia luova luonne [The Nature of Reciprocity: Creating Well-Being]. Invited oral presentation at the seminar of Reciprocity as a Concept and Action [Vastavuoroisuus käsitteenä ja toimintana]. The seminar organised by The Faculty Association for Theology Students, TYT, at Faculty of Theology, University of Helsinki, Finland.
  9. (2016, December 8). Participatory Research with Young Adults Leaving Care in Finland and the UK. Invited oral presentation at Participatory Inquiry Group, School of Education and Social Care, Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education, Anglia Ruskin University, Chelmsford, United Kingdom
  10. (2016, November 17). Reciprocal Encounters – Young adults leaving care. Invited oral presentation at Professorial Series. School of Education and Social Care, Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education, Anglia Ruskin University, Chelmsford, United Kingdom.
  11. (2016, November 11). Reciprocal Relationships and Young Adults Leaving Care. Workshop presentation at “CARN – International Conference, Bishop Grosseteste University, Lincoln, United Kingdom, 11th-13th November 2016, Integrating the Personal and Political in Professional Practice”.
  12. (2016, March 10). Young Adults Leaving Care. Oral presentation in the seminar Nordic Leaving Care Network meeting – at the Department of Social Work, University of Gothenburg, 10-11 March 2016.
  13. (2016, March 8). Lapsiperheiden arki ja hyvinvointi (Everyday life and well-being of Families with children). Oral presentation in the seminar for Finnish parliament members and researchers Miten kannatella lapset laman yli? (How to support families with poor economics?) Helsinki, Finland. Hosted and organised by SOSTE – Suomen sosiaali- ja terveys ry at the Little Parliament building.
  14. (2015, November 3−5). “The Reciprocal Relationships in Child Welfare”. Workshop presentation at “The 2nd International Social Work Conference 2015: Celebrating Diversity in One World”. Penang, Malesia. Organised by Universiti Sains Malaysia and Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development.
  15. Törrönen, M. & Vornanen, R. (2015, 6-8 November in Braga, Portugal) The Reciprocal Encounters and Security in Child Welfare. Action Research Across Disciplinary Settings – CARN 2015 (strongly accepted by the reviewer).
  16. Törrönen, M. & Vornanen, R. & Saurama, E. (2015, 27 August, invited presentation). Participation Research with Young People Leaving Care. Workshop presentation After care II at the Nordic Congress on Child Welfare 2015 (NBK 2015 – Nordiska barnavårdskongressen) – The Best Interest of the Child from the Nordic perspective — best practices and challenges, Turku, Finland, the Central Union for Child Welfare Finland.
  17. (2014, 13 June). Young people leaving care. Social Work and Social Policies. Workshop presentation conducted from Inter-University Centre Dubrovnik, Croatia.
  18. (2014, 16 April). Reciprocal relationships and social work. Workshop presentation at the 4th European Social Work Research Conference, European Social Work Research Association, Bolzano, Italy.
  19. Soskolne, V., Törrönen, M., Vauhkonen, T., Veistilä, M., & Heino, E. (2014, 17 April). Socio-economic and psychosocial factors as determinants of health among immigrants with a Russian background in Finland and in Israel. Workshop presentation at the 4th European Social Work Research Conference, Bolzano, Italy, European Social Work Research Association.
  20. (2014, 26–27 March). The everyday life and well-being of families with children in Finland. Empowerment of Families with Children Project. One of the main speeches at the International Conference on Empowerment of Families with Children, St. Petersburg, State University of St. Petersburg & University of Helsinki, St. Petersburg, Russia.
  21. (2014, 22 January). Lapsiperheiden hyvinvoinnista tietopohjaa lastensuojeluun [Well-being of families with children as the basis for child welfare knowledge production]. Lastensuojelun erikoistava sosiaalityön täydennyskoulutus 2014. Lecture conducted at the University of Helsinki, Palmenia Centre of Continuing Education, Helsinki, Finland.
  22. (2014, 14 February). Nuorten osallistavan ja vertaistutkimuksen eettisiä kysymyksiä [Ethical considerations of participatory and peer research with young people]. Vuorovaikutuksen eettisyys sosiaalityössä ja sen tutkimuksessa [Ethics in Interaction in Social Work Practice and Research]. Workshop presentation conducted from University of Eastern Finland, Finland, RePro’s Project team, Sosiaalityön tutkimuksen päivät.
  23. (2014, 21 January). Vastavuoroinen ja osallistava sosiaalityö [Reciprocal and participatory social work]. The Project Empowerment of Families with Children. An address at the release of the report “Vastavuoroiset ja voimaantumista tukevat käytännöt perhetyön kehittämisessä. Suomalais-venäläinen yhteistyö lapsiperheiden hyvinvoinnin tukemisessa [Finnish-Russia Cooperation in Family Work]”, conducted from the University of Helsinki Palmenia Centre for Continuing Education, City of Imatra, Saimaa University of Applied Sciences, Saint Petersburg State University, International Center of Social Work, Centers of Social Work in Vyborg, Svetogorsk, Pikalevo and Petersburg Admiralty, Kotka, Finland.
  24. (2013, 15 November). Onni on joka päivä – Lapsiperheiden arki ja hyvinvointi [Everyday happiness]. In The Foundation for the Rehabilitation of Children and Young People (organiser), Lapsiperheiden hyvä arki – mistä työkaluja tulevaisuuteen [Good Everyday Life of Families with Children]. Seminar presentation conducted from Turku, Finland.
  25. (2013, 14 November). Vastavuoroiset suhteet tutkimuskohteena [Reciprocal relationships as a research question]. In Dr. Pirjo Korvela, Faculty of Behavioural Sciences, Prof. Maritta Törrönen, Faculty of Social Sciences, and their Academy of Finland-funded projects: “Reciprocal Relationships and the Construction of Well-Being During Critical Periods of Everyday Life” (RePro) and “Arjen muuttuvat rytmit ja käytännöt perhe-elämän kriittisissä siirtymävaiheissa” (Organisers), Vastavuoroiset suhteet ja arjen rytmit lapsuuden ja nuoruuden kriittisissä elämänvaiheissa [Reciprocal Relationships and the Rhythms of Everyday Life During Critical Periods of Childhood and Youth]. Seminar presentation conducted at the University of Helsinki, Finland.
  26. (2013, 26 September). Voimaannuttava vastavuoroisuus ja luottamus toisiin ihmisiin [Empowering reciprocity and trust on others]. In Palmenia Centre for Continuing Education and Department of Social Research and Social Work (organisers), Suomalaiset ja venäläiset tekevät yhteistyötä sosiaalityön käytäntöjen kehittämisessä [Finnish and Russian Cooperation in Development of Social Work Practices]. Seminar presentation conducted from the University of Helsinki.
  27. (2013, 9 April). Eväitä elämään – Lapsiperheen arkinen hyvinvointi [Everyday life and survival of families with children]. Moniammatilliset YLPPÖ-koulutukset. Invited lecturer at Summer University of Western Finland, Finland.
  28. (2013, 26 March). Introduction to reciprocal relationships and the construction of well-being in the Finnish context. Reciprocity and the Construction of Well-Being. Invited lecturer at the TRCU seminar, Thomas Coram Research Unit, Institute of Education IOE, University of London, United Kingdom.
  29. (2013, 13 February). Everyday life and well-being in the Finnish Context. In Dr Adriana Sandu (Module leader), MSc International Social Welfare and Social Policy course. Invited lecturer at the seminar on Globalization, Social Welfare and Social Policy, Faculty of Health and Social Care and Education, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
  30. Törrönen, M., & Vornanen R. (2013, 7 February). Research with young people leaving care and the construction of well-being. In Dr Claudia Schneider & Dr Roxana Anghel, Faculty of Health and Social Care and Education (Chairs), & Social Inclusion Core Research Group (Organisers), Reciprocity and the Construction of Well-Being. Workshop presentation at the seminar conducted from Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
  31. (2013, 7 February). Introduction to reciprocal relationships and the construction of well-being in the Finnish context. In Dr Claudia Schneider & Dr Roxana Anghel, Faculty of Health and Social Care and Education (Chairs), & Social Inclusion Core Research Group (Organiser), Reciprocity and the Construction of Well-Being. Presentation conducted from Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
  32. Törrönen, M., & Vornanen, R. (2013, 7 February). Research with young people leaving care and the construction of well-being. In Dr. Claudia Schneider & Dr. Roxana Anghel, Faculty of Health and Social Care and Education (Chairs), & Social Inclusion Core Research Group (Organiser), Reciprocity and the Construction of Well-Being. Presentation at the seminar conducted from Anglia Ruskin University, United Kingdom.
  33. (2012, 29 November). Itsenäistyminen elämänvaiheena – osallistava vertaistutkimus sijaishuollosta itsenäistyvien nuorten hyvinvoinnista [Independence as a life period: Participatory peer research of young people leaving care). Presented, With two young people, at the meeting of SOS Children’s Village Association Finland (Organiser), Helsinki, Finland.
  34. (2012, 27 November). Lapsiperheiden arki ja hyvinvointi – mistä oikein on kysymys? [Everyday life of families with small children: What is it about?]. Lastensuojelun tila nyky-Suomessa. Public lecture conducted from Main Building, University of Helsinki, Finland.
  35. (2012, 16 November). Introduction to reciprocal relationships and the construction of well-being. In the round table of members of the project Reciprocal Relationships and the Construction of Well-being During Critical Periods of Everyday Life (RePro), Reciprocal Relationships and the Construction of Well-being. Round-table presentation conducted from the University of Helsinki, Finland.
  36. (2012, 16 November). Young people leaving care and the construction of well-being. In The round table member of the project Reciprocal Relationships and the Construction of Well-Being During Critical Periods of Everyday Life (RePro), Reciprocal Relationships and the Construction of Well-being. Round table presentation conducted from the University of Helsinki, Finland.
  37. (2012, 6 November). Challenges of data analysis. Presentation in European Parliament in the session Peer Research: A Methodology for Better Policy Making: Part I, at the launch of “Young People Making a Difference in Leaving Care: The European Peer Research Report on Leaving Care”, Brussels, Belgium.
  38. (2012, 11 October). Finnish families with children in their everyday lives. Workshop presentation at the Eris conference on The Family Welfare and Social Work with Families in Europe, University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland.
  39. (2012, 28 September). Onni on joka päivä – Lapsiperheen arki ja hyvinvointi [Everyday happiness], Lecture conducted from Summer University of Northern Ostrobothnia, Kuusamo, Finland.
  40. (2012, 2 July). Accumulation of well-being in families. Lecture to the students of social work from Adelphi University, School of Social Work, New York, at University of Helsinki, Finland.
  41. (2012, 14−16 June). Accumulation of well-being in families: A case study of Finnish families with children. Workshop presentation at Work and Family Researchers Network Conference, New York, United States.
  42. (2012, 10 May). Lapsiperheiden arki ja hyvinvointi [Everyday life and well-being of families with children]. Perhepalvelupäivät 2012. Lecture conducted from Helsinki, Finland.
  43. (2012, 17 April). Onni on joka päivä – lapsiperheiden arki ja hyvinvointi [Everyday happiness], Presentation conducted from Helsinki, Finland.
  44. Törrönen, M., & Vornanen, R. (2012, 22 April). Young people leaving care: Challenges for good practice. Main speech at the 2nd European Conference for Social Work Research, organised by The European Social Work Research Association (ESWRA) & University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, Basel, Switzerland.
  45. (2012, 16 February). Lapsiperheiden hyvinvoinnin kasautuminen – tapaustutkimus suomalaisista lapsiperheistä [Accumulation of well-being in families with children: A case study in Finland]. In Union of Social Work Research (organiser), Sosiaalityön tutkimuksen päivät. Workshop presentation conducted at University of Tampere, Finland.
  46. (2011, 29 September). Lapsiperheiden koettu hyvinvointi [Subjective well-being of the families with children]. Svenska social- och kommunalhögskolan. Lecture conducted from Helsinki, Finland.
  47. (2011, 30 November). Empowering elements of reciprocal relationships. Lecture in researcher seminar conducted from University of Helsinki, Finland.
  48. (2011, 11 November). Sosiaalityön koulutuksen kehitys- ja tutkimustarpeet [The needs for development of social work education and focus for research]. Presentation conducted from the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Helsinki, Finland.
  49. (2011, 23 November). Accumulation of well-being in families: A study of Finnish families with children. In The research project Needs, Processes and Outcomes in Child Protection: Critical Incidents and Factors Concerning the Effectiveness and Outcomes of Child Protection Services in cooperation with Department of Social Sciences and Kuopio Welfare Research Center (KWRC) (Organiser), Needs Processes Symposium 2011. Lecture conducted from the University of Eastern Finland, Finland.
  50. (2011, 30 November). Sosiaalityö ja arkinen hyvinvointi – vastavuoroisuuden dialektiikka [Social work and everyday well-being: Dialectics of reciprocity]. Launching lecture of the professorship conducted from the University of Helsinki, Finland.
  51. (2011, 13 December). Lapsiperheiden hyvinvoinnista tietopohjaa lastensuojeluun. [Well-being of families with children as the basis for child welfare knowledge production]. Lastensuojelun sosiaalityön oppisopimustyyppinen täydennyskoulutus 2011−2012. Course opening speech conducted from the University of Helsinki, Palmenia Centre of Continuing Education, Helsinki, Finland.
  52. (2011, 16 December). Sosiaalityön tulevaisuus [Future of social work]. Sosiaalityön käytännön opettajien koulutus. Course closing speech conducted from University of Helsinki, Finland.
  53. (2009, 7 August). Loneliness of mothers: A study on the everyday family life in Finland. Nordiske Sosialhögskolekomitéens (NSHK) 23. konferanse: Fremtidens utdanninger i sosialt arbeid. Presentation conducted from Bodo, Norge.
  54. (2009, 25 March). Turvaa ja iloa lapsen elämään [Safety and joy to the life of the child]. Invited oration for the director Helena Miller, Foundation for the Rehabilitation of Children and Young People Mannerheim League for Child Welfare, conducted from Villa Aikala, Helsinki, Finland.
  55. (2008, 20 November). Kuntouttavaa sosiaalityötä – tutkitusti [Empowering social work: As researched]. Celebrity Seminar by Professional Studies in Empowering Social Work Program. Presentation conducted from the University of Jyväskylä, Finland.
  56. (2008, 10 November). Prevention as a multidimensional concept. Presentation in Plenary session Preventive Social Work in Russia and Europe, House of Lawyer, the International Conference on Preventive Social Work in Russia and Europe, Empathos: Russia (organiser), St. Petersburg, Russia.
  57. (2008, 21 October). Sosiaalityön koulutuksella yhteiskunnallisiin haasteisiin [With the help of social work education transforming the society]. Työpaikka08 – Sosiaali- ja terveysalan ura- ja rekrytointitapahtuma. Presented in Wanha Satama, Finland.
  58. (2008, 15 September). Sosiaalityö [Social Work]. Lecture course on Johdatus yhteiskuntapolitiikkaan. Lecture conducted from Open University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland.
  59. (2008, 12 September). Käytännön opettaja sosiaalityön kehittäjänä [Practice teacher as a developer of social work]. Käytännön opettaja-koulutus. Lecture conducted from University of Helsinki, Finland.
  60. (2008, 26 September). Everyday well-being in Russian-born immigrant families with children. Changing everyday life in families and acquiring new family work methods. Lecture in session at the 4th Congress of the European Society on Family Relations EFSR2008: Cultures, Generations and Family Interactions, University of Jyväskylä, Family Research Centre, Finland.
  61. (2008, 12 June). Community in a children’s home. FICE 2008 Congress – Better Future for Children – TODAY, 60 years of International Cooperation for Children in Care. Work session presentation at Work Session 12: Residential Care/Children’s point of view & participation/Community approach, Helsinki, Finland.
  62. (2008, 18 May). Everyday well-being in immigrant families in Finland: A study of everyday life of families with Russian background in Finland. Expert Lecturer in seminar on The Innovative Models of Prevention Work with Family and Children, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia.
  63. (2008, 15 May). Ehkäisevä perhetyö maahanmuuttajataustaisissa lapsiperheissä [Preventive family work with immigrant families with children]. In Monika-Naiset liitto ry, Kulttuurikeskus Caisa (organiser), Maahanmuuttajataustaisiin lapsiin kohdistuvan väkivallan tunnistaminen ja ehkäisy. Seminar lecture conducted from Helsinki, Finland.
  64. (2008, 3−4 April). Everyday well-being in families with children: A study on everyday life in Finland. Everyday Life Research: Paths to Researching Everyday Life in the (Near) Future – Crossing the boundaries of disciplines. Presentation at international networking seminar at the University of Helsinki, Finland.
  65. (2008, 12 March). Everyday well-being in immigrant families with children: A study of the everyday life with Russian background in Finland. Oxford Round Table: The Affluent Society and the Quest for Treatment. Presentation conducted from St. Anne’s College, Oxford, United Kingdom.
  66. (2007, 30 November). Venäläistaustaisten maahanmuuttajien arjen hyvinvointi [Everyday well-being of families with a Russian background]. Empathos project. Seminar closing speech. Helsinki, Finland.
  67. (2007, 27 November). Elämisen arkea ja varhaista vastuunottoa [Everyday life and early prevention]. In The Foundation for the Rehabilitation of Children and Young People (Organiser), Varhainen vastuunotto project. Seminar closing speech conducted from Helsinki, Finland.
  68. (2007, 13 September). Psykososiaalisen työn valmiudet [Psychosocial working skills]. Psykososiaalinen työ. Course lecture conducted from the University of Helsinki, Finland.
  69. (2007, 3 September). Käytännön opettaja sosiaalityön kehittäjänä [Practice teacher as a developer of social work]. Käytännön opettaja-koulutus. Lecture conducted from University of Helsinki, Finland.
  70. (2007, 30 August). Everyday well-being in Russian-born immigrant families with children. Finnish-Canadian Research Sharing Workshop, Department of Social Policy, University of Helsinki, Finland.
  71. (2007, 25 August). Etnografisen aineiston analyysi [Analysis of the ethnographic data]. Sosnet: Finnish National University Network for Social Work (organiser), Sosiaalityön jatko-opiskelijoiden metodologinen kesäkoulu 2007 – Tutkimukselliset valinnat ja tiedonmuodostus. Lecture conducted from Lahti, Finland.
  72. (2007, 25 May). Sosiaalityöntekijöiden koulutus tulevaisuudessa [The future of social work education]. Tulevaisuuden osaajat – pitkäntähtäimen henkilöstösuunnittelu. Seminar lecture for staff of social services in Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland.
  73. (2007, 10 April). Etnografisen aineiston analyysi [Analysis of the ethnographic data]. Kvalitatiivisten tutkimusmenetelmien kurssi. Course lecture conducted from University of Helsinki, Finland.
  74. (2007, 8 February). Ehkäisevä lastensuojelu – huolta ja huolenpitoa [Preventive child welfare: concerns and care-taking]. ELS-verstas – Ehkäisevää työtä lasten, nuorten ja perheiden kanssa. Lecture conducted at Jyväskylä’s University of Applied Sciences, Social Services and Health Care, IT-dynamo, Jyväskylä, Finland.
  75. (2007, 7 February). Lapsiperheen arkinen hyvinvointi [Well-being of families with children]. Työn ja perheen tutkimuksen oppimisverkosto. Network lecture conducted at Tieteiden talo, Helsinki, Finland.
  76. (2006, 7 February). Lapsuus ja perheet muutoksessa [Childhood and families in change]. In University of Helsinki, Palmenia Centre of Continuing Education (Organiser), Perheen tukiverkostoja kehittämässä. Network lecture conducted from Järvenpää, Finland.
  77. (2006, 12 September). Suomalaiseen lapsiväestöön kohdistuva ehkäisevä työ [Preventive child welfare work in Finland]. Lecture for university students, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia.
  78. (2006, 6 September). Sosiaaliset suhteet lastenkodissa [Social relationships of children in children’s home]. In Summer University of South Karelia (Organiser), Laitos lapsen kotina [Institution as a home for a child]. Course lecture conducted from Imatra, Finland.
  79. (2006, 14 and 28 February). Etnografinen analyysi [Analysis of the ethnographic data]. Kvalitatiiviset tutkimusmenetelmät. Two course lectures, with Maija Jäppinen, conducted at the University of Helsinki, Department of Social Research, Finland.
  80. (2006, 8 February). Lapsiperheiden arkinen hyvinvointi [Everyday well-being of families with children]. In University of Helsinki, Palmenia Centre of Continuing Education (Organiser), Työn ja perheen tutkimuksen oppimisverkosto. Presentation on the theme of the day “Monitieteisyys lähestymistapana työn ja perheen yhteensovittamiseen [Multidisciplinarity approach to cope with work and family]”, conducted at Tieteiden-talo, Helsinki, Finland.
  81. (2005, 13 October). Lapsuus ja perheiden muutos [Change of childhood and families]. Studia Generalia – Muuttuvat sosiaalipalvelut. Guest lecture conducted at the University of Joensuu, Department of Social Sciences, Finland.
  82. Törrönen, M., & Vornanen, R. (2005, 24 May). Social exclusion and insecurity among Finnish young people. Presentation at the Conference on Social Work 2005: Social Work Challenges for Social Cohesion, organised by IFSW, EASSW & CyASW, Lefkosia, Kypros.
  83. (2005, 11 March). SOSWEB – Uusi työkalu asiakastyötaitojen opetteluun [Web-based methods in social work]. In The Union of Professional Social Workers (Talentia) (Organiser), Sosiaalialan asiantuntijapäivät 2005. Presentation conducted from Helsinki, Finland.
  84. (2005, 4 March). Havainnoista tiedoksi [From observations to the knowledge]. In University of Helsinki Palmenia Centre of Continuing Education (Organiser), Sosiaalityön maisterikoulutus, S12 Kvalitatiivisten tutkimusmenetelmien kurssi. Lecture conducted from Finland.
  85. (2005, 17 February). Välittäminen ja lasten sosiaaliset suhteet tukiperhetoiminnassa [Care-taking and social relationships of children in child protection]. In Save the Children Finland (Organiser), Pelakuu – tehostetun tukiperhetyön projekti project. Speech at the closing seminar conducted from Finland.
  86. (2005, 3−4 February). SOSWEB – Sosiaalityön työmenetelmät [Web-based methods in social work]. In The Union of Professional Social Workers (Talentia) & University of Tampere (Organisers), Tieto- ja viestintätekniikan käytön ehdot ja etiikka sosiaalityössä ja sosiaalialalla, Työtarinoiden ammatillisessa prosessissa yhdistyvät tiedot ja taidot (Session 10), on “VII Valtakunnalliset sosiaalityön tutkimuksen päivät”. Workshop presentation conducted from Finland.
  87. (2004, 27 January). Joustava rakkaus ja perheiden muutos [Liquid love and change of families]. Presentation at the Opening Ceremony of Department of Social Research, University of Helsinki, Finland.
  88. Vornanen, R., & Törrönen, M. (2003, 27 November). Lapset ja ajan lapsipolitiikka [Children and current child policy]. In Sosnet – Finnish National University Network for Social Work & University of Helsinki, Department of Social Research (Organisers), Lapset ja lapsipolitiikka. Seminar closing speech conducted at Main building of the University of Helsinki, Finland.
  89. (2003, 28 October). Joustava rakkaus ja perheiden muutos [Liquid love and change of families]. Seminar Onko isällä väliä? [Does the father matter?] on the project Yksin ja yhdessä, Tuusulan-järvi-instituutti, Järvenpää. Seminar presentation conducted from Finland.
  90. Yliruka, L., & Törrönen, M. (2002, 28 May). How can social work education promote innovations in social work methods? Workshop on Methodological Innovations in Urban Social Work, at Heikki Waris Institute, Helsinki, Finland.
  91. (2002, 9 April). Lasten ja nuorten pahoinvointi/hyvinvointi yhteiskunnassamme [Deprivation and well-being of children and young people in our society]. Lecture for local decision makers of Southern Finland, organised by Uudenmaan alueellinen koulutustiimi (KUUMA) & TJS, Marina Congress Center, Helsinki, Finland.
  92. (2002, 21 January). Children and children’s homes in Finland: A case study. Lecture for visitors from Udmurtia, Russia, conducted from University of Helsinki, Department of Social Policy, Finland.
  93. (2001, 22 November). Perheen stigma [Stigma of the family]. In Vammaisten lasten ja nuorten tukisäätiö [Aiming to help children and youth with disabilities] (Organiser), Perhetyön jatkokurssi [Advanced course of family work]. Course lecture conducted from the Martta Hotel, Finland.
  94. (2001, 16 November). Hopp och ny förståelse behövs i barnskyddsarbetet [Hope and new understanding is needed in child welfare]. Conference plenary lecture in child conference Upptäck hela barnet, Institutionen för barnpedagogik vid Åbo Akademi i Jakobstad, organised by Det finlandsvenska kompetenscentret inom det sociala området och Institutionen för barnpedagogik vid Åbo Akademi, Finland.
  95. Törrönen, M., & Vornanen, R. (2001, 30 August). Forming networks in child welfare services. Social Policy and Social and Health Services Meeting New Challenges (Session 3). Paper presented at the conference on Visions and Divisions: Challenges to European Sociology, Helsinki.
  96. Törrönen, M., & Vornanen, R. (2001, 1−5 July). The Finnish Professional Licentiate Programme in Social Work with Children and Young People: A new programme in social work education. Poster presentation at the conference on The Visions from Around the Globe, Social Work in Health and Mental Health, Tampere, Finland.
  97. (2001, 6 June). Sukellus lasten arkeen – tutkija kentällä [Diving into everyday life of children: Researcher in the field]. A teaching-proof lecture to apply for the professorship (accepted with good marks), University of Helsinki, Department of Social Policy, Finland.
  98. (2001, 5 June). Sukellus lasten arkeen lastenkodissa [Diving into everyday life of children in the children’s home]. Kasvatus, sukupuoli ja kansalaisuus. Course lecture in Open University course conducted from Helsinki, Finland.
  99. (2000, 27 October). Lapsetko eriarvoisia? [Are children unequal?]. In Docent Paul Van Aerschot (Chair), Sosiaaliset oikeudet [Social rights] session, on Sosiaalipolitiikan päivät. Workshop presentation conducted from Finland.
  100. (2000, 25 October). Sosiaalityön ammatillinen lisensiaattitutkinto – lapsi- ja nuorisososiaalityön erikoisala [The Finnish Professional Licentiate Programme in Social Work with Children and Young People]. Presentation at the negotiating days of Finnish social sector Sosiaalisektorin neuvottelupäivät/Yhteistoimintakurssi, Tallinn, Estonia.
  101. (2000, 2 October). Suomalainen sosiaaliturva [Finnish social security]. In Department of General Practice and Primary Health Care, Faculty of Medicine (Organiser), “Euro” – koulutuksessa oleville lääkäreille. Course lecture conducted from the University of Helsinki, Finland.
  102. (2000, 26 September). Lasten hyvinvointi – näkökulmia lasten oikeuksiin [Well-being of children: Perspectives on children’s rights]. In University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä’s Institute and Finnish Committee for Unicef (Organiser), Studia generalia – lecture course. Presentation conducted from Jyväskylä, Finland.
  103. Törrönen, M., & Vornanen, R. (2000, 22−24 May). Sosiaalityön ammatillinen lisensiaatintutkinto – Lapsi- ja nuorisososiaalityön erikoisala [The Finnish Professional Licentiate Programme in Social Work with Children and Young People]. Poster presentation at TERVESOS2000, Finland.
  104. (2000, 11 April−16 May). Sukellus lasten arkeen – tutkija kentällä [Diving into everyday life of children: Researcher in the field]. Sosiaalityön tutkimus [Social work research]. Course lecture conducted from the University of Tampere, Department of Social Policy, Finland.
  105. (1999, 13 December). Yhden pienen keksin päässä onnesta [Close to happiness, only one biscuit is missing]. Valoa kaamokseen!. Presentation conducted at the Education of Social Centre of East Helsinki, Helsinki City, Finland.
  106. (1999, 10 December). Reflektiivinen etnografia ja lasten kohtaaminen [Reflexive ethnography and encounters with children]. Lapset ja lapsuus session. Presentation on Sosiaalityön tutkimuksen päivät, University of Helsinki, Finland.
  107. (1999, 11 November). Mitä sitten tekis? – Lapsi sairaalan arjessa [What could I do next?: A child in the everyday life of the hospital]. On Ebeneser-päivät. Presentation conducted at The Ebeneser Foundation, Helsinki, Finland.
  108. (1999, 12 October). Mistä on havainnointi tehty? [What are the observations made of?]. Kvalitatiiviset tutkimusmenetelmät. Course lecture conducted from University of Helsinki, Department of Social Policy, Finland.
  109. (1999, 18−21 August). Focus on everyday life and on children as subjects: Reflexive ethnography. Conference presentation in Special Stream V.2: Sociology of Childhood, session 5: Children in/and institutions, 4th European Conference of Sociology, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  110. (1999, 10−13 June). Focus on everyday life and on children as subjects: Reflexive ethnography. Conference presentation on European Social Work: Building Expertise for the 21st Century, organised by European Association of Schools of Social Work (EASSW), University of Helsinki, Finland.
  111. (1999, 14 April). Lasten tila laitoksissa, esimerkkeinä sairaala ja lastenkoti [Children in institutions, examples from hospital and children’s home]. Lastensuojelutyön koulutus. Lecture conducted from University of Lapland, Centre of Continuing Education, Rovaniemi, Finland.
  112. (1999, 16 March). “Tää on meiän koti”. Lasten tila ja paikka lastenkodissa [This is our home!: Children’s space and place in the children’s home]. Kodit ja laitoskodit. [Homes and homes in institutions]. Course lecture conducted from University of Helsinki, Department of Social Policy, Finland.
  113. (1998, 21 October). Likistin isän kättä, niin että kämmen tuli hikiseksi [I caught my father’s hand]. Lapsi tutkimuksessa [Child in Research] session, Lapsuus yhteiskunnassa [Childhood in the Society] course. Course presentation conducted from University of Helsinki, Finland.
  114. (1998, 26−29 August). Features of the child’s lived space. Poster presentation in XX Nordic Congress of Psychology & Psychiatry, Helsinki, Finland.
  115. (1997, 20 November). Lasten arkea lastenkodissa [Children’s everyday life in the children’s home]. Miten lapsi voi, kun vanhempi sairastaa? session in Mielenterveysmessut 1997. Seminar presentation conducted from Finland.
  116. (1997). Security in children: Children in institutional care. Conference presentation on Urban Childhood, Trondheim, Norge.
  117. (1997, Autumn). Barnets vardag på barnhem och sjukhus [Everyday life of children in the children’s home and in hospital]. In Swedish School of Social Science (Organiser), Course lecture conducted from Helsinki, Finland.
  118. (1997, 25 October). Lasten arjen tilat ja tavarat [Children’s everyday spaces and things]. Lapsuuden tutkimus session in Sosiaalipolitiikan päivät. Workshop presentation conducted from Finland.
  119. (1996, 8 November). Lapsi lastensuojelun asiakkaana ja tutkimuksen kohteena [Child as a client in child welfare and as an object of research]. Lecture conducted from University of Jyväskylä, Finland.
  120. (1996, 7 November). Lapsen etu, lapsen oikeudet ja niiden viranomaistulkinnat [The best interest of the child: Children’s rights and their professional interpretations]. Lapsinäkökulma sosiaalityössä. Course lecture conducted from University of Jyväskylä.
  121. (1996, 21 March). Lapsi, perhe ja valtio [Child, family and state]. Presentation conducted from Swedish School of Social Science,
  122. (1996, 19−20 February). Näkökulmia lapsen oikeuksiin ja etuun  Mistä näkökulmasta lapsen etua voi tutkia ja tulkita [Perspectives on children’s rights and on the best interest of the child: How to interpret the best interest of the child?]. Lastensuojelun koulutus. Course lecture conducted from University of Lapland.
  123. (1996, 9−10 February). Child in institutional care. Presentation at the SwedishFinnish Seminar in Umeå.
  124. (1995, 1216 June). Käsitteestä lapsen etu [The concept of the best interest of the child]. Seminar presentation in The FinnishRussian seminar on Child Welfare Services, Helsinki, Finland.
  125. (1995, 23 May). Kun vanhemmat juovat [When parents are drinking]. Presentation in TERVESOS1995, Vanha Satama, Helsinki, Finland.
  126. (1995, 28 March). Koulutus, tutkimus ja työelämä  esimerkkinä lastensuojelu [Education, research and working life: As an example child welfare]. Sijaishuollon päivät. Presentation together with MaijaLiisa Ström in Jyväskylä, Finland.
  127. (1994, 23−24 September). Lapsi palvelujen myllerryksessä: Case study [Child in the whirlwind of service changes: Case study]. In Tarja Kivinen (Chair), Perheet ja lapset työttömien yhteiskunnassa session in Sosiaalipolitiikan päivät, Workshop presentation conducted from Rovaniemi, Finland.
  128.  Törrönen, M., & Marja-Leena, A. (1994, 25 August). Lapsen etu – vai viidakon laki? Miten lapsen etu määritellään ja miten se tulee otetuksi huomioon erilaisissa lastensuojeluun liittyvissä tilanteissa [The best interest of the child: How it is taken into account in child welfare practice]. In Central Union for Child Welfare (Organiser), Valtakunnalliset lastensuojelupäivät. Lecture conducted from Jyväskylä, Finland.
  129. (1993, 17 May). Children and their needs. Plenary session presentation in international conference on Modern Society and Psychosocial Problems of the Children, organised by Russian Bureau for Youth Welfare, International NGO Forum of Scientists and Experts, Institute for Person’s Development of Russian Academy of Education and Central Union for Child Welfare – Finland, Moscow, Russia.