Beatrice Eugster

Beatrice is Ph.D candidate at the University of St. Gallen and is currently employed as a teaching assistant in comparative politics and quantitative methods.

Her research interests include comparative political economy, migration, citizenship and national identity.

Her Ph.D. project addresses the topic of immigrants’ incorporation  into host societies in advanced industrialised countries. The objective  is to describe and to explain cross-national variation in immigrants ‘ socio-economic outcome, in particular poverty, and the gaps between immigrants and non-immigrants by considering the impact of a country’s institutional setting regulating the welfare state, the  labour market and the incorporation of immigrants. On the one hand, she focuses on the relation between social programs such as family policies, social assistance and unemployment benefits and the access of immigrants to these particular social programs and, on the one hand, on the link between labour market policies such as collective wage bargaining, statutory minimum wages and employment protection and the access of immigrants to the labour market in order to explain cross-national variations in immigrants’ poverty and poverty gaps.

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