Migrations and welfare states: Policies, discourses, and institutions

– a 2013 publication by WelMi, edited by Heidi Vad Jønsson, Saara Pellander, Elizabeth Onasch and Mats Wickström

“Immigration and welfare are two salient and charged themes in today’s political discussions. State and non-state actors have worked to expand, retrench, and extensively reform welfare states in the years following World War II, and these struggles have coincided with the thorough politicisation of immigration. Borders and barriers have been torn down and re-built at an increasing tempo over the last 20 years as migration has risen to the top of the political agenda. The aim of this volume is to examine how the welfare state, as a normative and institutional framework, shapes immigration discourse and policy and, in turn, how the welfare state, as an ideal and as an arrangement of policies, is shaped by immigration.
The six chapters of this volume examine a variety of encounters between migrants and welfare states, ranging from the Swedish multicultural immigrant policy of the 1970’s to contemporary integration programmes in Finland and France. All of these studies further ongoing discussions on the theme of the relationship between welfare states and migrations, making this volume a timely and relevant contribution to an important contemporary topic.”



Heidi Vad Jønsson, Elizabeth Onasch, Saara Pellander, and Mats Wickström


The difference white ethnics made: The multiculturalist turn of Sweden in comparison to the cases of Canada and Denmark

Mats Wickström


Rightlessness as welfare state disruption and opening to change: Analysing parliamentary debates on irregular migration as a negotiation of the demarcation of the welfare state

Amanda Nielsen


‘This welfare of ours’: Justifying public advocacy for anti-immigration politics in Finland during the late 2000’s

Niko Pyrhönen


Managing Diverse Policy Contexts: The Welfare State as Repertoire of Policy Logics in German and French Labour Migration Governance

Regine Paul


Teaching integration in France and Finland: A comparison of national discourses within civic integration programmes

Elizabeth Onasch, Marjukka Weide


The EQUAL-programme in Sweden and Italy: A new opportunity structure for immigrant organisations?

Roberto Scaramuzzino


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