Conference Proceedings and Presentations

Árnason, Vilhjálmur (2011) “The Ethics of a Collapse: Economic Breakdown and Democratic Reconstruction in Iceland“. Inviteted lecture. Sagenhaftes Island Ehrengast der Frankfurter Buchmesse und Exzellenzcluster “Die Herausbildung normativer Ordnungen”, Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main, October 4, 2011.

Árnason, Vilhjálmur (2011) “Renewing Democracy in Iceland”. An interdisciplinary conference on deliberative democracy and democratization. Workshop on “Representation and Deliberative Democracy”, Aarhus Universitet, May 12–14, 2011.

Árnason, Vilhjálmur (2011) “The Collapse of a Nation: Can we all learn something?“ Plenary talk at The 5th Annual Fraud and Corruption Summit. MIS Training Institute. Blu Radisson Hotel, Kaupmannahöfn, April 6–8, 2011.

Bergholm, Tapio  and Paul Jonker, University of Turku (2011) Farewell to Communist Strike Hypothesis? – The Diversity of Striking in Finland 1971-1990. The Strikes and Social Conflicts Conference Lisbon March, 16-20 2011.

Bergholm, Tapio (2011) Strikes, Boycotts and Solidarity. Transnational Impact on Industrial Relations of the Finnish Ports before the Second World War. Halvdags session Transnasjonale arbeidsrelasjoner, Det 27. nordiske historikermøte i Tromsø 11-14.8. 2011.

Blomberg, Helena, Kroll, Christian, Kallio, Johanna &  Jani Erola (2011) “Social Workers Perceptions of the Causes of Poverty in the Nordic Countries. Seminar organized by ESF research program “Cross-national and Multi-level Analysis of Human Values, Institutions and Behaviour (HumVIB) ,Lausanne, Switzerland 28.4.–29.4.2010.

Blomberg, Helena, Kroll, Christian &  Johanna Kallio (2011) “Social Workers Perceptions of the Causes of Poverty in the Nordic Countries. Seminar organized by ESF research program “Cross-national and Multi-level Analysis of Human Values, Institutions and Behaviour (HumVIB) ,Lausanne, Switzerland 28.4.–29.4.2010.

Edling, Nils (2011) ”The Struggle over the Welfare State in Sweden 1940–1970”, paper at the conference Conceptual History and the Welfare State, Odense, September 15-16.

Edling,  Nils (2011) Participant in ”Velfærdsstatens som begreb og velfærdsstatens begreber”, round table at the 27th Nordiska Historikermötet i Tromsö, August 11–14, arranged by Klaus Petersen, Odense.

Eriksson, Lena (2011) “Historiska analogier” round table discussion at Svenska Historikermötet, Gothenburg, May 5–7.

Ervik, Rune (2011) ”Ageing policy paradigms, international actors and Nordic experiences within pensions and the labour market.” Presentation on The Post-Industrial European Welfare State; 2011-10-27.

Garðarsdóttir, Ólöf (2011) Young paupers in two Icelandic censuses 173 and 1729. Paper presented at the SSHA (Social Science history Association) conferece in Boston 17 to 20 November in a session on Early life conditions and socio-economic outcomes (together with Kristrún Halla Helgadóttir).

Garðarsdóttir, Ólöf (2011) Uppruni einstaklinga og skólasókn. Paper presented at Menntakvika, School of Education, University of Iceland 30 Septermber (with Guðjón Hauksson)

Garðarsdóttir, Ólöf (2011) The Demography and Politics of Nordic Childhoods. Paper presented Fifth Biennial Conference of the Society for the History of Children and Youth in New York 23-25 June in Columbia University. Session on Childhood and welfare in the Nordic countries: Nordic and transnational perspectives.

Garðarsdóttir, Ólöf (2011) Regional differences in infant feeding traditions in Iceland during the 19th and early 20th centuries. Paper presented at the 4th Nordic Breastfeeding Conference í Reykjavík 31 May to 1 June.

Garðarsdóttir, Ólöf (2011) Public health measures against Neonatal Tetanus on the island of Vestmannaeyjar during the early 19th century Paper presented at the 23d Nordic Medical History Congress 25 to 27 May.

Garðarsdóttir, Ólöf (2011) An Icelandic marriage pattern. Paper presented at a seminar in INED (Institut national d’études démographiques)in Paris 1 to 2 December.

Garðarsdóttir, Ólöf (2011) Teaching and going to school at the wake of compulsory schooling in Iceland in the beginning of the 20th century. Paper presented at a seminar organized by Nordwel (Nordic Center of Excellence) at the University of Jyväskyle 18 October

Garðarsdóttir, Ólöf (2011) Two examples of early population censuses. The case of Iceland 1703 and 1729. Paper presented at the Max Planck institute in Rosock 11 October. (with Kristrún Halla Helgadóttir).

Garðarsdóttir, Ólöf (2011) Icelandic family Policy before 1945. Pappír presented at a seminar on Family Policy in times of crises organized by NordWel (Nodrdic center of excellence) in Lund 7-8 April

Garðarsdóttir, Ólöf (2011) Hvernig varpa hagtölur ljósi á líf kvenna. Fyrirlestraröðin Konur í Reykjavík á 19. öld. Prestentation  at Minjasafn Reykjavíkur 18 January 2011.

Glover, Nikolas (2011) Participant in ”Historicizing the present: Benefits and limitations”, round table at the 27th Nordiska historikermötet i Tromsö, August 11–14.

Gullikstad, Berit (2011) How to study complexity through multiple dimensions. International Workshop: Analysing Intersectionality and Inequalities. ISS, NTNU August 29.

Harjula, Minna (2011) ”Suomalainen terveyspolitiikka ja terveyden tasa-arvo 1900-luvulla.” Asklepios III: Terveys ja kulttuuri- minisymposium, University of Turku 28.02.2011, Turku, Finland.

Horsti, Karina and Saara Pellander (2011) Family in migration debates: Polarized discourses in Finnish media and parliament. NordWel Summer School 2011 – State, Society & Citizen – Cross-disciplinary: Perspectives on Welfare State Development, Sigtuna, Sweden, 23.8.2011.

Horsti, Karina and Saara Pellander (2011) Family in migration debates: Polarized discourses in Finnish media and parliament. Nordisk historikermøte 2011, Tromsø, Norway, 12.8.2011.

Hrafnsdóttir, Steinunn and Ómar H. Kristmundsson (August, 2011) The influence of the economic downturn on third sector welfare organizations. The 2011 Joint Nordic Conference on Welfare and Professionalism in Turbulent Times. School of Social Sciences. Faculty of Social Work, Department of Social Pedagogy, Nordisk Forum for Social Pedagogues, Nordic Forum for Social Workers, FORSA-Norden, Ísforsa and Nordisk Social Högskole Committee.

Hrafnsdóttir, Steinunn and Ómar H. Kristmundsson (May, 2011) In times of trouble- The relations between third welfare sector organizations and state: The Case of Iceland. Conference. The Voluntary sector in the Nordic countries-Change agents and contract Parners. Centre for Research on civil Society and the Voluntary Sector. University of Bergen.

Hrafnsdóttir, Steinunn (2011) Panel participant on the conference. The Voluntary sector in the Nordic countries-Change agents and contract Parners. Centre for Research on civil Society and the Voluntary Sector. University of Bergen. May, 2011.

Jónsson, Guðmundur (2011) „Þegar neyslugleðin var við völd. Ris og hnig einkaneyslu á Íslandi 1995–2010“. [When consumption reigned supreme. Rise and fall of private consumption in Iceland 1995-2010]. Paper presented at Humnanites Conference  25 march 2011.

Jónsson, Guðmundur (2011) „The concepts of the welfare state“. Presentation in the session Velfærdsstaten som begreb og velfærdsstatens begreber. Det 27. nordiske historikermøte, Tromsø 11–14  August 2011.

Jónsson, Guðmundur (2011) „The experts and the welfare state“. Presentation in the session Experternas århundrade – transnationell kunskap och nationella kontexter i nordiskt samhällsbyggande under 1900-tallet. Det 27. nordiske historikermøte, Tromsø 11–14 August 2011.

Jónsson, Guðmundur (2011) “Social harmony in conceptions of the Icelandic welfare state. A historical sketch”. Mapping the two corners of EurAsia: Harmony as a historical, philosophical and socio-political theme. Third EurAsia Network Symposium University of Iceland, Reykjavik, 22-24 August 2011.

Kallio, Johanna, Blomberg, Helena&  Christian Kroll (2011) ‘Social Workers’ Attitudes towards the Unemployed in the Nordic Countries”. Paper presented at the Attitude Seminar for Finnish Social Scientists, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland 27.5.2011.

Kallio, Johanna & Mikko Niemelä (2011) “Who Blames the Poor? A Multilevel Evidence of the Support and Determinants of the Individualistic Explanation of Poverty in Europe”. Paper presented at the Politicologetmaal, Amsterdam, Netherlands 9.6.2011-10.6.2011.

Kallio, Johanna, Nimelä, Mikko, Blomberg, Helena & Christian Kroll (2011) “Municipal Social Workers’ and Social Security Officials’ Perceptions of the Causes of Poverty in Finland” Paper presented at Politicologetmaal, Amsterdam, Netherlands 9.6.2011-10.6.2011.

Kallio, Johanna, Blomberg, Helena & Christian Kroll (2011) “Social Workers’ Attitudes towards the Unemployed in the Nordic Countries” 9th Annual ESPAnet Conference, Valencia, Spain 8.-10.9.2011.

Kallio, Johanna, Blomberg, Helena & Christian Kroll (2011) “Social Workers’ Attitudes towards the Unemployed in the Nordic Countries” Community, Work, and Family IV International Conference: Actors, Structures and Theories. Tampere, Finland 19.5.2011-21.5.2011.

Kananen, Johannes (2011) Power Shifts in Agenda Setting: The Making and the Challenging of the Finnish Competition State, project presentation at workshop “Change of Governments and the Locus of Politics: Power Shifts in the Baltic Sea Region”, Södertörn högskola, Huddinge, 13-14.1.2011

Kildal, Nanna (2011) Comment on: “The Nordic approach combining minimum security with activation”. Conference, Berlin, Anti-Poverty Programs in a Global Perspective; 2011-06-20/21.

Kildal, Nanna (2011) “Fra arbeidsethos til insentiver og velferdskontrakter”. Speech on Conference on Hva får folk til å arbeide? Lyst, plikt eller insentiver?. Speech in Oslo 2011-11-17

Laine, Jaana (2011) Speaker, Presenter in DET 27. NORDISKE HISTORIKERMØTE 11.08.-14.08.2011

Laine, Jaana (2011) Speaker, Presenter in Encounters of Sea and Land, 28.06.2011-02.07.2011

Laurent, Helene (2011) The campaign against tuberculosis in children in the pre-antibiotic era. VI Meeting of the International Society for the History of Medicine Barcelona (Spain) 7-10 September 2011.

Lindén, Tord Skogedal (2011) “Does Successful Retrenchment Depend on Convincing Policies, Party Political Consensus or Public Acceptance? Overcoming Reform Resistance through commissions.” 6th ECPR General Conference, University of Iceland; 2011-08-24/27.

Lindén, Tord Skogedal (2011) ”Velferdsstatens utfordringer”. Gjesteforelesning sosialkunnskap, 2011-01-28.

Lundberg, Urban (2011) ”The state vs the individual: historical perspectives”, key note lecture at the conference Towards a new political history II, Odense, May 18-19.

Lundberg, Urban (2011) “Varför övergav vi juvelen i kronan?”, public lecture, Svensk socialpolitisk förening, Stockholm, May 4.

Lundberg, Urban (2011) “Om socialdemokratins kris”, public lecture, Engelsbergs bruk, Västmanland, February 2.

Magnussen, Anne-Mette & Even Nilssen (2011) “Welfare Law and the Construction of Social Citizenship”. Presentation on the conference Challenging Citizenship; 2011-06-03/06.

Markkola, Pirjo (2011) Hyvinvointivaltio suomalaisen yhteiskunnan historiassa. Kaskikuusen kansalaisopisto 17.3.2011, Lapinlahti.

Markkola, Pirjo (2011) “Marriage, Family and the Lutheran Church in Finland in the 1950s and 1960s”. Tradierungsprozesse im Wandel der Moderne Religion und Familie im Spannungsfeld von Konfessionalität und Pluralisierung. Workshop der DFG-Forschergruppe „Transformation der Religion in der Moderne“ an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum 17.–18.6.2011.

Markkola, Pirjo (2011) “Child Welfare and the Nordic Knowledge and Policy Transfers”, Fifth biennial conference of the Society for the History of Children and Youth conference, New York 23–25 June 2011.

Markkola, Pirjo (2011) Maaseudun naisten historia. Viantiejoen IX historiasymposiumi 30.7.2011, Simo.

Markkola, Pirjo (2011) “Deaconesses go transnational”, Conference Humanitarianism, Nursing, and Missions: How to Study Knowledge Exchanges in a Historical, Transnational Perspective, Bergen21–23 September 2011.

Marklund, Carl (2011) ” ‘Happiness’ in the Political Discourse of the Welfare State”. Paper at the conference Conceptual History and the Welfare State, Odense, Saptember 15-16.

Outinen, Sami (2011) Flexibility and Restructuring of Welfare State and Labour Market in Finland. A paper presented in Det 27. Nordiske Historikermøte in a session of Nyliberalisme i arbeid og dagligliv in Tromsø 12.8.2011.

Pellander, Saara (2011) Dangerous families? Re-examining security and intersectionality in Finnish migration debates. Presenation at the Why is there no Happiness in the East? The
Making of European Gender Studies –conference, Södertörn Högskola,Stockholm, Sweden,

Saaritsa, Sakari (2011) “Power and Politics”: 35th Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association.

Sjöblom, Alf (2011) Participant in ”Historicizing the present: Benefits and limitations”, round table at the 27th Nordiska historikermötet i Tromsö, August 11–14.

Strang, Johan (2011) ”Sverige och Finland som nordiska välfärdsstater. En historisk tillbakablick på samhällsutvecklingen med inblick på framtiden” på seminariet Uppdatera dina Sverigekunskaper, Uleåborg, 08.12.2011.

Strang, Johan (2011) ”Sverige och Finland som nordiska välfärdsstater. En historisk tillbakablick på samhällsutvecklingen med inblick på framtiden” på seminariet Uppdatera dina Sverigekunskaper, Tammerfors, 30.11.2011.

Strang, Johan (2011) chair of session at the seminar Norden as a historical region, Nifin, 25.11.2011.

Strang, Johan (2011) arrangör av Generation Norden – minibokmässa med ny forskning om Norden, Nifin 24.11.2011.

Strang, Johan (2011) arrangör av seminariet Norden sätter ned foten i Helsingfors den 10.11.2011.

Strang, Johan (2011) ”Georg henrik von Wright och Ingemar Hedenius – rollen som intellektuell och analytisk filosof i Finland och Sverige”, presentation på seminariet, von Wrights essäistik, Svenska Litteratursällskapet, 04.11.2011.

Strang, Johan (2011) ”Hägerström and analytic philosophy”, presentation at the Hägerström and modern social thought-seminar i Uppsala, 22.09.2011-24.09.2011.


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