NordWel Summer School 2008

State, Society & Citizen – the Multilayered Historicity of the Welfare State
Helsinki, 21-26 August 2008

NCoE NordWel in cooperation with the Danish Research School for History and Nordic Research School for Contemporary History organized a summer school in Helsinki, 21-26 August 2008.

Papers were invited on following topics:

  • The historical development of social security and service systems including both the 20th Century as well as the long historical roots and preconditions for the contemporary welfare state
  • The political history of the welfare state including political and ideological discussions on welfare, the role of political parties as well as the role of social movements.
  • Visions of society including the role of ideology, the history of theories about society, social movements and alternative visions of the good society, discussions on gender equality, the welfare state as utopia or dystopia in politics or arts.
  • Conceptual perspectives on the welfare state including the role of ideology and ideas, the use of theories and theoretical perspectives.
  • Transnational perspectives including policy transfer, export of welfare systems, the relationship between the national and international, and the role of international organizations and ideas.
  • The normative underpinnings of the welfare state model including value systems of the welfare state, gendering of welfare systems, the normative charges of work, the role of religion and contemporary challenges to the normative foundation.
  • Institutional perspectives including the relationship between local and national (state and municipality), between the public and the private, policy studies and the role of expert and knowledge.

Teachers:  Christoph Conrad (University of Geneva, Switzerland), Hanne Marlene Dahl (Roskilde University Centre, Denmark), Adalbert Evers (Giessen University, Germany), Pauli Kettunen (University of Helsinki, Finland), Walter Korpi (Stockholm University, Sweden), Stein Kuhnle (Hertie School of Governance, Germany), Pirjo Markkola (Åbo Akademi University, Finland), Janet Newman (Open University, UK), Claus Offe (Hertie School of Governance, Germany), Ilona Ostner (Georg-August University in Göttingen, Germany), Klaus Petersen (University of Southern Denmark, Denmark) and Bo Stråth (University of Helsinki, Finland)

Organizing committee

Professor Pauli Kettunen
Department of Social Science History
University of Helsinki

Professor Pirjo Markkola
Department of History
Åbo Academy

Professor Klaus Petersen
Centre for Welfare State Research
University of Southern Denmark





SEMINAR: National and Transnational Notions of “The Social”

SEMINAR: Economic Citizenship Rights. The Unconditional Basic Income and Related Schemes of Distributional Justice





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