Personal name systems in Finnic and beyond: reconstructing the concepts of name giving in cultural layers of prehistory

The research project focuses on the study of anthroponymic (i.e. personal name) systems in Uralic languages with a special emphasis on reconstructing their historical strata and cultural contacts reflected in personal names. The project aims to reconstruct, as far as possible, Pre-Christian or early Christian anthroponymic systems on the basis of archive materials, field work data, as well as employing the material from modern surnames and toponyms. A special emphasis will be laid on the study of Finnic languages and Mari, but during the project symposia and preparation of the edited volumes also the other Finno-Ugrian languages are taken into consideration. In this connection, it is the aim of the research group to develop a Uralic anthroponymic database that would enable the systematic collection of the personal name material from Finno-Ugrian languages and provide basic guidelines of its structural and semantic analysis.

Hankkeessa tutkitaan uralilaisten kielten henkilönnimisysteemejä. Tavoitteena on ennen kaikkea rekonstruoida nimistön historiallisia kerrostumia ja nimien kuvaamia kulttuurisia kontakteja. Hankkeessa rekonstruoidaan vanha itämerensuomalainen ja marilainen henkilönimistö arkistoaineistojen ja kenttätyömateriaalien sekä nykyisten sukunimien ja paikannimien avulla. Hankkeen tutkijat kehittävät suomalais-ugrilaisen henkilönnimien tietokannan, johon pystytään tallentamaan suomalais-ugrilaisten kielten henkilönnimiaineistoja. Pääpaino on uhanalaisissa uralilaisissa Venäjällä puhuttavissa kielissä. Tietokannan aineistojen avulla voidaan systemaattisesti tutkia henkilönnimistön rakenteita ja semantiikkaa.

Call for Papers: Personal names and cultural reconstructions


Date: 21–23 August 2019
Place: University of Helsinki, Finland
Host: University of Helsinki and the research project: Personal name systems in Finnic and beyond: Reconstructing the concepts of name giving in cultural layers of prehistory (funded by The Academy of Finland)
Deadline: 15 December 2018
We invite paper and poster proposals for this international conference, which will take place 21–23 August 2019 at the University of Helsinki. Papers of the conference should address anthroponymic systems and cultural reconstructions, broadly speaking, and contributions to various names and naming systems in different languages and cultures are welcome. Especially papers with a specific emphasis on reconstructing the historical strata and cultural contacts reflected in personal names are encouraged.
This conference creates and facilitates new research openings and cooperation in the interdisciplinary field of anthroponymic systems by bringing together scholars from different countries and universities worldwide to discuss and debate a range of topics.
The theme of the conference draws increased international attention: the issues of personal names in various historical and cultural settings are increasingly addressed by researchers in linguistics, onomastics, history, ethnology and other disciplines.
Keynote speakers:
Ellen Bramwell, University of Glasgow
Frog, University of Helsinki
Aleksandar Loma, University of Belgrade and Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
Guidelines for ses­sions
Paper sessions
A paper session consists of presentations where each participant presents preferably about 15-20 minutes, which is followed by a 10-minute general discussion. Every paper session has a chairperson who is initiating a discussion and posing questions about the presentation.
Poster sessions
During poster sessions each presenter will be given 5 minutes to present his/her poster. Afterwards, the delegates can walk around, ask questions or start an in-depth discussion with the presenters. The posters will be spread all over the hallway.
How to sub­mit a pro­posal
Open the e-form and follow the guidelines.
The deadline for submitting paper, panel, and roundtable proposals is 15 December 2018.
Notification of acceptance for paper, panel, and roundtable proposals will be sent by email by 15 February 2019. The abstracts of accepted papers and/or posters will be published on the conference website.


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