Doctoral School in Environmental, Food and Biological Sciences (YEB) and its programmes (2016-2017)

Doctoral school in environmental, food and biological sciences

Marinella Aalto-Araneda

Doctoral programme in wildlife biology

Layla Höckerstedt


I want to be the LUOVA student representative as I feel I can effectively communicate the important issues between the steering committee and the student body, and I can effectively represent the interests of the PhD students.  Acting as the student representative position in the LUOVA steering committee would allow me to help maintain and improve the excellence of the of the LUOVA doctoral programme, as well as improve the student network.  I have previous experience in similar organisational and committee positions,  I have acted as both the vice chairman and activities coordinator in two student organizations during my studies. This role will allow me to develop these skills further. I obtained my master´s degree in Plant Pathology from the University of Helsinki in 2014 and am now in the second year of my PhD studies on the ecological and evolutionary dynamics of plants and pathogens.

Doctoral programme in plant sciences

Katariina Vuorinen

Katariina Vuorinen

I am a second year doctoral student in plant biology, Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences. My background is in agricultural sciences as I graduated from the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Helsinki.  I am a native Finn but I will make sure that international students are heard as well.   As a student representative for the doctoral program I aim to:

– Promote support services for doctoral students.
– Unite doctoral students across faculties.
– Promote free-form social activities and opportunities for networking and exchanging ideas within the doctoral student community.
– Ensure that relevant courses are organized to support graduation
– Speak for doctoral students and promote communication between doctoral students and the doctoral program.

Doctoral programme in interdisciplinary environmental sciences

Aija Kukkala


I am a geographer with broad interest in nature conservation, environmental policies, education and society. I started my PhD studies in June 2014 at the Department of Geosciences and Geography, but I have been working as Research Secretary since 2011 at the C-BIG (Conservation Biology Informatics Group) at the Department of Biosciences. During these past five years I have gained a lot of knowledge about university administration in practice. I have always been interested in what is going on in the university and especially, I want to be aware what is going on in terms of doctoral education. Especially in this challenging economic situation that University of Helsinki is going through, it is important to make sure that DENVI students voices will be heard in decision-making. DENVI has offered many useful courses, seminars and events for doctoral students and it is important that these activities will continue. Therefore, I find the chance to be elected as a student member in the steering committee very important and interesting.

Doctoral programme in sustainable use of renewable natural resources

Muhammad Kashif


I’ve studied and worked at University of Helsinki over 6 years in molecular biology, genomics and entomology. Previously I have also been working as a student representative (YEB-johtoryhmä) for six months. I am very interested to learn about administration tasks and decisions related to students in graduate school. Being international student for long time, I am able to highlight students (national/international) academic issues and to bridge information between graduate school administration and graduate students.

Doctoral programme in microbiology and biotechnology

Alejandra Culebro

Doctoral Programme in food chain and health

Noora Mäkelä


Olen kolmannen vuoden tohtorikoulutettava maatalous-metsätieteellisen tiedekunnan elintarvike- ja ympäristötieteiden laitokselta ja teen tutkimusta viljan beetaglukaanien kemiallisen hapettumisen parissa. Maisteriksi valmistuin vuonna 2012 elintarvikekemian pääaineesta ja nyt jatko-opintojen pääaineena minulla on elintarviketeknologia.
Ruokaketjun ja terveyden tohtoriohjelman johtoryhmän opiskelijajäsenenä haluaisin olla mukana kehittämässä tohtorikoulutusta edelleen. Haluaisin edistää tiedonkulkua ja kommunikointia tohtoriohjelman ja tohtorikoulutettavien välillä, olla mukana suunnittelemassa tohtoriohjelmalle monipuolista ja kattavaa koulutustarjontaa sekä edesauttaa tohtorikoulutettavien verkostointimahdollisuuksia – myös yli tiedekuntarajojen.