

Kannisto, Tarna

Leiviskä, Anniina

Ojalehto, Lauri

Pyy, Iida

Salmenkivi, Eero

Tiainen, Katariina

I´m a PhD researcher at University of Helsinki, the Department of Education at the faculty of Educational sciences. I do my doctoral study in a research group CRISP which is a part of AGORA research center for the study of social justice and equality in education.

My study explores democratic education from the standpoint of the philosophy of Critical Pedagogy. My special focus is on ethical and political commitments underlying Critical Pedagogy, dialectics as theory of subject´s consciousness, and world of structure, and power,  the notions of radical democracy, and political injustice. I also scrutiny contemporary feminist-political epistemologies, theories of justice, and democracy and how these may contribute to Critical Pedagogy as democratic education.

Among the critical philosophy of education, my interests are in recent Critical Social Theory, political sociology of education.