
Below is first favourite stuff, then a list of most articles by year. (Note that books have their own page.)

Current favourites

Rotkirch, A. (2020). The wish for a child. Vienna Yearbook of Population Research. Vol 18.

Tammisalo, K. & Rotkirch, A. (2022). Effects of information and communication technology on the quality of family relationships: A systematic review. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships.

Rotkirch, A. (2021) Population policy guidelines for the 2020s. Executive summary of the Finnish population policy report “Recovery of the birth rate and longer life expectancy – population policy guidelines for the 2020s”. Prime Minister’s Office, Finland 2021:2.

Berg, V., Lawson, D. W., & Rotkirch, A. (2020). Financial opportunity costs and deaths among close kin are independently associated with reproductive timing in a contemporary high-income society. Proceedings of the Royal Society B287(1919), 20192478.


Tammisalo, K. & Rotkirch, A. (2022) Effects of information and communication technology on the quality of family relationships: A systematic review. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships.

 Aarnio, K., & Rotkirch, A. (2022). Parental Relationships and Family Functioning of Finnish Children Living with LGBTQ+ Parents. NORA-Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, 1-15.

Savelieva, K., Jokela, M., & Rotkirch, A. (2022). Reasons to postpone childbearing during fertility decline in Finland. Marriage & Family Review, 1-24.


Rotkirch, A. (2021) Population policy guidelines for the 2020s. Executive summary of the Finnish population policy report “Recovery of the birth rate and longer life expectancy – population policy guidelines for the 2020s”. Prime Minister’s Office, Finland 2021:2.

Rotkirch, A. (2021) Syntyvyyden toipuminen ja pitenevä elinikä. Linjauksia 2020-luvun väestöpolitiikalle. Valtioneuvoston kanslian julkaisua 2021:2.

Tanskanen, A. O., Danielsbacka, M., & Rotkirch, A. (2021). Kin detection cues and sibling relationship quality in adulthood: The role of childhood co-residence duration and maternal perinatal association. Evolution and Human Behavior, 42(6), 481-490.

Hägglund, A.E. & Rotkirch, A. (2021), Family situation across the life-course In Kompf, K. (ed) Life histories in Finland, pp. 63-76.

Savelieva, K., N. Nitsche, V. Berg, A. Miettinen, A. Rotkirch, and M. Jokela (2021) Birth cohort changes in fertility ideals: Evidence from repeated cross-sectional Surveys in Finland. SocArXiv. May 1. doi:10.31235/


Rotkirch, A. (2020). The wish for a child. Vienna Yearbook of Population Research. Vol 18. doi: 10.1553/populationyearbook2020.deb05

Buchanan, A. & Rotkirch, A. (eds, 2020) Brothers and Sisters. Sibling Relationships across the Life Course. London: Palgrave.

Berg, V., Lawson, D. W., & Rotkirch, A. (2020). Financial opportunity costs and deaths among close kin are independently associated with reproductive timing in a contemporary high-income society. Proceedings of the Royal Society B287(1919), 20192478.

Rotkirch, A., & Berg, V. (2020) Ystävät. Teoksessa Danielsbacka, M., Hämäläinen, H., & Tanskanen, A. O. (toim.) Suomalainen auttaminen. Tukiverkostot suurten ikäluokkien ja heidän lastensa elämässä, ss. 167– 181. Helsinki: Gaudeamus.

Berg, V., Miettinen, A., Jokela, M., & Rotkirch, A. (2020). Shorter birth intervals between siblings are associated with increased risk of parental divorce. PloS one15(1), e0228237.

Rotkirch, A. (2020) What are couples made of? Union formation in high-income societies. In Burger, O., Lee, R. & Sear, R. (Eds) Human Evolutionary Demography.

Tanskanen, A. O., Danielsbacka, M., Rotkirch, A. (2020) Grandparental investment in biological, adopted and step-offspring using large cross-national surveys. Evolutionary Psychology, March 17th, 2020.

Berg, V., Lawson, D. W., & Rotkirch, A. (2020). Financial opportunity costs and deaths among close kin are independently associated with reproductive timing in a contemporary high-income society. Proceedings of the Royal Society B287(1919), 20192478.
Rotkirch,. A. (2020) Declining birth rate and changing childbearing landscape. In Sorsa, T. (ed.) Sustainable Population Development in Finland. The 2020 Population Policy Report by Väestöliitto. Helsinki: Väestöliitto.

De Kai, Morgunov, A., Goldstein, G-P., Nanglia, V. & Rotkirch, A. (2020, preprint arXiv) Universal Masking is Urgent in the COVID-19 Pandemic: SEIR and Agent Based Models, Empirical Validation, Policy Recommendations

De Kai, Morgunov, A., Goldstein, G-P., Nanglia, V. & Rotkirch, A. (2020, popularised layouted version) Universal Masking to Restart Society: Covid 19 Data, Simulation, Policy Recommendations (pdf)


Miettinen, A., Rotkirch, A., Söderström-Anttila, V. & Suikkari. A-M. (2019) Attitudes of anonymous and identity-release oocyte donors towards future contact with donor offspring. Human Reproduction 34.4 (2019): 672-678.

Tanskanen, A. O., Danielsbacka, M., Rotkirch, A. (2019) Grandparents look after biological, adopted and step-offspring. Findings from SHARE and GGS. SHARE Working Paper Series 40-2019.

Lynch, R., Lummaa, V., Panchanathan, K., Middleton, K., Rotkirch, A., Danielsbacka, M., O-Brien, D. & Loehr, J. (2019) Integration involves a trade-off between fertility and status for Finnish evacuees in World War II (pdf).   Nature Human Behavior.

Ghosh, A., Berg, V., Bhattacharya, K., Monsivais, D., Kertesz, J., Kaski, K. & Rotkirch, A. (2018) Migration patterns of parents, children and siblings: Evidence for patrilocality in contemporary Finland (pdf here: psp.2208). Population, Space and Place.

Lehtonen, N., van der Plas, R., van Duijn, M. & Rotkirch, A. (2019) Fraternity Ties in Later Life.

Dávid-Barrett, T., Carney, J., Rotkirch, A., & Izquierdo, I. B. (2019). Social network complexity in Mozart’s Marriage of Figaro. In Evolution and Popular Narrative (pp. 106-118). Brill Rodopi.


Tanskanen, A. O., & Rotkirch, A. (2018) Sibling similarity and relationship quality in Finland. Acta Sociologica 62(4): 440-456.

Pettay, J. E., Lahdenperä, M., Rotkirch, A. & Lummaa, V. (2018) Effects of female reproductive competition on birth rate and reproductive scheduling in a historical human population. Behavioral Ecology 29: 2, 333–341.

Bhattacharya K., Berg V., Ghosh, A., Monsivais, D., Kertesz J., Kaski K., & Rotkirch, A. (2018) Network of families in a contemporary population: regional and cultural assortativity.  EPJ Data Science 7: 9.

Rotkirch, A. (2018) Evolutionary family sociology. In Rosemary Hopcroft (ed.) Oxford Handbook of Evolution, Biology and Society, pp. 1–33.  Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Lehtonen, N., van der Plas, R., van Duijn, M. & Rotkirch, A. (2018) Fraternity Ties in Later Life. Research report of a survey for alumni of the L.V.V.S. Augustinus.


Rotkirch, A .& Miettinen, A. (2017) Childlessness in Finland. In M. Kreyenfeld and D. Konietzka (eds.) Childlessness in Europe: Contexts, Causes and Consequences, pp. 139-158. London: Springer.

David-Barrett, T., Rotkirch, A., Ghosh, A., Bhattacharya, K., Monsivais, D., Behncke, I., Kertesz, J., & Kaski, K. (2017) Peer relations with mobile phone data: Best friends and family formation. arXiv 

Danielsbacka, M., Tanskanen, A. O., & Rotkirch, A. (2017). The “kinship penalty”: Parenthood and in-law conflict in contemporary FinlandEvolutionary Psychological Science, 1–12.

Präg, P., Sobotka, T., Lappalainen, E., Miettinen, A., Rotkirch, A., Takács, J., Donno, A., Tanturri, M.L. & Mills, M. C. (2017) Childlessness and assisted reproduction in Europe (pdf). FamiliesAndSocieties Working Paper Series 69.

Rotkirch, A. (2017) Emotional closeness predicted by relatedness. In Shackelford, T. K. & Weekes‐Shackelford, V. A. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science. London: Springer.

Rotkirch, A. (2017) Manipulative use of kin terminology. In Shackelford, T. K. & Weekes‐Shackelford, V. A. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science. London: Springer.


Laakasuo, M., Rotkirch, A., Berg, V., & Jokela, M. (2016) The company you keep: Personality and friendship characteristics. Social Psychological and Personality Science 8(1), 66–73.

Pettay, J. E., Lahdenperä, M., Rotkirch, A., & Lummaa, V. (2016). Costly reproductive competition between co-resident females in humans. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, June 14.

Tanskanen, A.O., Danielsbacka M., Jokela, M., David-Barrett, T. & Rotkirch, A. (2016) Diluted Competition? Conflicts between full- and half-Siblings in two adult generations, Frontiers in Sociology, 31 May 2016.

David-Barrett, T., Behncke Izquierdo, I., Carney, J., Nowak,
K., Launay, J., & Rotkirch, A. (2016) Life course similarities on social networking sites. Advances in Life Course Research.

Tanskanen, A. O., Danielsbacka, M., Jokela, M., & Rotkirch, A. (2016). Sibling conflicts in full- and half-sibling households in the UK. Journal of Biosocial Science, 1-17.

Pearce, E., J. Launay, M.van Duijn, A. Rotkirch, T. David-Barrett and R.I.M.Dunbar (2016) Singing together or apart: The effect of competitive and cooperative singing on social bonding within and between the sub-groups of a University Fraternity. Psychology of Music, 44(6), 1255 –1273..

Rotkirch, A. (2016) Sukupuolet evoluutioteoriassa. Teoksessa M. Husso & R. Heiskala (toim.) Sukupuolikysymys. Helsinki: Gaudeamus.

Laakasuo, M., V. Berg, M. Jokela & A. Rotkirch (2016) Mistä on ystävyydet tehty? [What are friendships made of?] In M. Ylikangas (ed.) Mielen salat. Helsinki: Gaudeamus.

Söderström-Anttila, V., Miettinen, A., Rotkirch, A., Nuojua-Huttunen, S., Poranen, A. K., Sälevaara, M., & Suikkari, A. M. (2016). Short-and long-term health consequences and current satisfaction levels for altruistic anonymous, identity-release and known oocyte donors. Human Reproduction31(3), 597606.


Danielsbacka, M., A. O. Tanskanen & A. Rotkirch (2015) The impact of genetic relatedness and emotional closeness on intergenerational relations. Journal of Marriage and Family 77(4), pp 889–907.

Dávid-Barrett, T., Rotkirch, A., Carney, J., & Izquierdo, I. B. (2015). Mating Strategies in Mozart’s Figaro. Human Ethology Bulletin30(1), 83-98.

Miettinen, A., Lainiala, L. & Rotkirch, A. (2015) Does domestic gender equality predict childbearing? Evidence from the Time Use Study among Finnish couples. Acta Sociologica

Rotkirch, A. (2015) Jollei minulla olisi sinua. Parinvalinta ja rakkaus. In I. Hetemäki, P Raento, H. Sariola & T. Seppä (toim.) Kaikkea sattuu, 83-95. Helsinki: Gaudeamus & TSV.

Tanskanen, Danielsbacka & Rotkirch (2015) More unintended injuries in half sibling than full sibling households  in the UK.  Journal of Individual Differences, 36(3), pp. 177–182

David-Barrett, T., A. Rotkirch, J. Carney, I. Behncke Izqueirdo, J. Krems, D. Townley, E. McDaniell, A. Byrn-Smith, and R.I.M. Dunbar (2015), Women universally favour dyadic relationships, men prefer male alliances. Plos ONE. Published: March 16, 2015 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0118329


Berg, Venla & Anna Rotkirch: Faster transition to the second child in late 20th century Finland: A study of birth intervals. Finnish Yearbook of Population Research 49, 73-86.

Rotkirch, A., M. Lyons, T. David-Barrett and M.Jokela  (2014) Gratitude for help among adult friends and siblings. Evolutionary psychology 12(4): 673-686.

Rotkirch, A. (2014) Vallankumouksen uusi nainen, Aleksandra Kollontai Teoksessa A. Rosenholm, S. Suviniemi ja M. Sorvari (toim.) Naisia Venäjän kulttuurihistoriassa, 187-208. Helsinki: Gaudeamus.

Tanskanen, A.O., Jokela, M., Danielsbacka, M. & Rotkirch, A. (2014).  Grandparental effects on fertility vary by lineage in the United Kingdom (pdf). Human Nature, 25(2): 269-284.

Jokela, Markus, Alexandra Alvergne, Anna Rotkirch, Ian J Rickard & Virpi Lummaa (2014) Associations between family size and offspring education depend on aspects of parental personality. Personality and Individual Differences  58 95-100 (corrected proofs)

Tanskanen, Antti & Anna Rotkirch. The impact of grandparental investment on mothers’ fertility intentions in four European countries. Demographic Research 31.1 (2014): 1-26.

Tanskanen, A.O., Danielsbacka, M. & Rotkirch, A. (2014). Multipartner fertility is associated with lower grandparental investment from in-laws in FinlandAdvances in Life Course Research, 20.

Rotkirch, A. (2014) Ihmisperhe evoluutiopsykologiassa ja -ekologiassa (prefinal version). Teoksessa R. Jallinoja, H. Helve ja K. Jokinen (toim.) Perhetutkimuksen suuntauksia. Helsinki: Gaudeamus.

Regushevskaya, E., E. Hemminki. R. Klemetti, A. Rotkirch, H. Karro, E.Haavio-Mannila and A. Miettinen (2014) Postponing births – comparing reasons among women in St Petersburg, Estonia and Finland (pdf)Finnish Yearbook of Population Research in Finland, 127-145.

Borodzina, Temkina, Zdravomyslova and Rotkirch (2014) How to Use the Maternity Capital: Citizen Distrust of Russian Family PolicyEuropean Journal of Women’s Studies. Online July 22 (pdf: Using maternity capital Borozdina et al. prefinal)

Miettinen, Anneli, Anna Rotkirch, Ivett Szalma, Annalisa Donno and Maria-Letizia Tanturri (2014) Increasing childlessness in Europe: time trends and country differences. Working papers No 5., Population Research Institute, Väestöliitto.

Pettay, J. E., Rotkirch, A., Courtiol, A., Jokela, M., & Lummaa, V. (2013). Effects of remarriage after widowhood on long-term fitness in a monogamous historical human population. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, (1). (pdf: Pettay et al. Effects of widowhood)

Rotkirch, A. (2013) Baby fever and longing for children. In Ann Buchanan & Anna Rotkirch (eds., 2013) Fertility rates and population decline: No time for children?, 249-266. London: PalgraveMacMillan.

Temkina, A., A. Rotkirch and E.Haavio-Mannila (2013) Sexual therapists in Russia. Pleasure and gender in a new professional field. In K.Hall and C.Graham (eds) The Cultural Context of Sexual Pleasure and Problems: Psychotherapy with diverse clients, 220-248. London: Routledge. (Sexual therapy in Russia pdf)

Rotkirch, Anna, Olga Tkach and Elena Zdravomyslova (2012): Making and managing class: Employment of paid domestic workers in Russia (pdf). In Suvi Salmenniemi (ed) Rethinking class in Russia, 129-148. London: Ashgate.

Courtiol, A., J.Pettay, M.Jokela, A.Rotkirch & V.Lummaa (2012) Natural and sexual selection in a monogamous human population (pdf). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences April 30. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1118174109

Liu, Jianghua, Rotkirch, Anna & Lummaa, Virpi (2012) Maternal Risk of Breeding Failure Remained Low throughout the Demographic Transitions in Fertility and Age at First Reproduction in Finland. PLoS ONE 7(4): e34898. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0034898

Miettinen A., & A.Rotkirch (2012) Yhteistä aikaa etsimässä. Lapsiperheiden ajankäyttö 2000-luvulla. (Time use of Finnish families with children). Perhebarometri 2011. Helsinki: Väestöliitto.

Rotkirch, A. and Kesseli, K. (2012) ‘Two children puts you in the zone of social misery’: Childbearing and risk perception among Russian women. In H.Carlbäck, Y.Gradskova and Zh. Kravchenko (eds) And they lived happily ever after. Norms and everyday practices of family and parenthood in  Russia and Eastern Europe, 145-164. Budapest: Central European University Press. (pdf  Childbearing and risk perception)

Temkina, Anna & Anna Rotkirch (2012) Здоровье, удовольствие и гендер в практиках сексологов. In A.Temkina and E.Zdravomyslova (eds) Zdorove i intimnaia zhizn. European University of St Petersburg Press, Gender Series 4.

Rotkirch, A., S.Basten, H.Väisänen and M.Jokela (2011) Baby longing and men’s reproductive motivation. Vienna Yearbook of Demographic Research 9, 283-306.

Tanskanen, A. O., Danielsbacka, M.,and Rotkirch, A. (2011) Do grandparents favor granddaughters? Biased grandparental investment in UK  Evolution and Human Behavior 32:407-415.

Danielsbacka, M., Tanskanen, A. O., Jokela, M., and Rotkirch, A. (2011). Grandparental child care in Europe: Evidence for preferential investment in more certain kin. Evolutionary Psychology, 9(1): 3-24.

Miettinen, A., S. Basten  & A. Rotkirch (2011) Gender equality and fertility intentions revisited: Evidence from Finland. Demographic Research 24(20): 469 – 496.

Jokela, Markus, Anna Rotkirch , Ian J. Rickard , Jenni Pettay and Virpi Lummaa (2010) Serial monogamy increases reproductive success in men but not in women. Behavioral Ecology 21: 906-912.

Rotkirch, A. & K.Janhunen (2010) Maternal guilt. Evolutionary Psychology, 18.2.10.

Haavio-Mannila, E. and A. Rotkirch (2010) Sexuality and family formation. In Stefan Immerfall and Göran Therborn (eds), Handbook of European Societies. Social transformations in the 21st century, 465-498. New York: Springer.

Fågel, S., A.Rotkirch & I.Söderling (toim., 2010) Farkkumummoja ja pehmovaareja – uusia ikkunoita isovanhemmuuteen. Helsinki: Väestöliitto. Osta täältä.

Rotkirch, A. and K. Kesseli (2010) ‘The first child is the fruit of love.’ On the Russian tradition of early first births (pdf). In Huttunen, T. and Kangaspuro, M. (eds) Witnessing change in contemporary Russia, 201-220. Helsinki: Kikimora Publications B38.

Haavio-Mannila Elina, Majamaa Karoliina, Tanskanen Antti, Hämäläinen Hans, Karisto Antti, Rotkirch Anna ja Roos JP. (2009) Sukupolvien ketju. Suuret ikäluokat ja sukupolvien välinen vuorovaikutus Suomessa. Helsinki: Kela, Sosiaali- ja terveysturvan tutkimuksia 107.

Hiidenheimo, S., T. Ritamäki, F.Lång & A.Rotkirch (toim., 2009) Me muut. Helsinki: Teos.

Ritamäki, T., F.Lång, A.Rotkirch & S.Hiidenheimo (toim., 2009) De andra. En bok om klass. Hfors: Söderströms.

Rotkirch, A. (2008) What is “baby fever”? Contrasting evolutionary explanations of proceptive behavior. In T.Meleghy, P.Meyer & H-J.Niedenzu (eds), The New Evolutionary social Science. Human Nature, Social Behaviour, and Social Change. Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers, 2008. (scanned pdf)

Rotkirch, A. (2008) Uusien venäläisten uudet palvelijat (pdf). In A.Rotkirch & Suvi Salmenniemi (eds) Suhteiden Venäjä. Helsinki: Gaudeamus.

Rotkirch, Anna & Katja Kesseli (2008) Chislo detej i ih mesto v zhiznennoi tsikle (Timing and number of children in St Petersburg). In Elena Zdravomyslova, Anna Rotkirch & Anna Temkina et al (eds) Novyj byt. European University of Petersburg.

Rotkirch, A. (2008) ’Yksin kotona’. Teoksessa Kristiina Janhuen & Minna Oulasmaa (toim.) Äidin kielletyt tunteet, 72-85. Helsinki: Väestöliitto.

Rotkirch, A. (2008) Rakare, friare, friskare. Kollontajs vision för kvinnokroppen. In Y.Sorbye (ed) Revolusjon, kjaerlighet, diplomati. Aleksandra Kollontaj og Norden, 83-104. Oslo: Unipub.

Rotkirch, A. (2007) ’ ’All that she wants is another baby?’ Longing for children as a fertility incentive of growing importance.  J of Evolutionary Psychology 5:1-4, 89-104, 07.

Rotkirch, Anna, Anna Temkina & Elena Zdravomyslova (2007) Who helps the degraded housewife? Comments on Vladimir Putin’s demographic speech. European Journal of Women’s Studies, 14(4), 349-357.

Temkina, A. & A.Rotkirch (2007) Sovetskie gendernye kontrakty i ih izmenenia v sovremennoj Rossii. In A.Temkina & E.Zdravomyslova (eds.) Gendernyj poriadok Rossii, European University of St Petersburg.

Rotkirch, A. (2005) Miten sosiologinen tieto kohtaa evoluutioteorian? In A.Meurman-Solin & I. Pyysiäinen (toim.) Ihmistieteet tänään, 62-90. Helsinki: Gaudeamus.

Rotkirch, A. (2005) “Sauver ses fils”: migrations trans-européennes comme stratégies maternelles. Migrations Societé, Dossier: Femmes dans la migration 17:99-100, 161-172. (Scanned: Migrations societe_Rotkirch)

Haavio-Mannila, E., A.Rotkirch & O.Kontula (2005) Contradictory Trends in Sexual Life in St.Petersburg, Estonia and Finland. In A.Stulhofer & T.Sandfort (eds) Sexuality and Gender in Postcommunist Eastern Europe and Russia, 317-363. New York, London & Oxford: The Haworth Press.

Roos, J.P. & A.Rotkirch (2005) ?Habitus, naturaleza o educatión? Hacia un paradigma de la sociología evolutiva. In J.Monrela, C.Díaz & J.J.G.Escribano (eds) Viejas Sociedades, nueva Sociologia, 87-100. Madrid: Centro de investigaciones sociológicas.

Rotkirch, A. (2004) New woman with old feelings? Contrasting Kollonta’s and Colette’s writings on love. In E.Witt-Brattström (ed) The New Woman and the Aesthetic Opening. Unlocking gender in twentieth-century texts, 137-154. Södertörn Academic Studies.

Rotkirch. A.(2004) “Besputnaia zhizn'”: Seks, sem’ia i sotsial’naia mobil’nost’ v muzhskih avtobiografiah. In S.Oushakine (ed.) Semia. Model dlia sborki, 548-575. Moscow, NLO.

Haavio-Mannila, E. & A.Rotkirch (2004) Ydin- ja versoperheet Suomessa ja Pietarissa. In I.Arminen & R.Alapuro (eds) Vertailevan tutkimuksen ulottuvuuksista. Helsinki: WSOY

Rotkirch, A. (2003) ‘What kind of sex can you talk about?’: Acquiring sexual knowledge in three Soviet generations. In D.Bertaux, P.Thompson & A.Rotkirch: Living Through Soviet Russia, 93-119

Rotkirch, A. (2003) ‘Coming to stand on firm ground’: The making of a Soviet working mother. In D.Bertaux, P.Thompson & A.Rotkirch: Living Through Soviet Russia, 146-175. London: Routledge.

Rotkirch, A. (2003) Naturligtvis? Moderskap, essentialism och evolutionsteori. Naistutkimus 3/03, 33-47.

Rotkirch, A. (2003) Vem är rädd för städerskan? Globalisering och kvinnors autonoma migration. Sociologisk forskning 2/2003, 11-18.

Rotkirch, A (2003) Hva er tradisjonalisme? Utvidet moderskap og ekteskap i Aleksandra Chistyakovas livshistorie. Kvinneforskning 2/2003, 31-46.

Haavio-Mannila,E., O.Kontula&A.Rotkirch (2003) Sexuelle Lebensstile in drei Generationen. Eine Analyse autobiographischer Geschichten über Sexualität und Beziehung. Sexualforschung 16; 1-17.

Roos, J.P., A.Rotkirch & E. Haavio-Mannila: ‘Do rich men have most sex? Gender, capital and sexual activity in four countries.’ In Kollind, A-K & A.Peterson (eds) Thoughts on family, gender, generation and class. Research Report No 133, Dept of Sociology, Göteborg University, 2003.

Temkina, A. & A.Rotkirch (2002) Sovetskie gendernye kontrakty i ih transformatsiia v sovremennoi Rossii (Soviet gender contracts and their changes in contemporary Russia). Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniia 11: 4-15.

Rotkirch, A (2002) Shame, promiscuity and social mobility in Russian autobiographies from poor milieus. In R.Humphrey & E.Zdravomyslova (eds.) Biographical perspectives on Eastern European societies. London, Ashgate.

Rotkirch, A (2002) Sovetskie kul’tury seksual’nosti. In E.Zdravomsylova & A.Temkina: V poiskakh seksual’nosti. Sbornik statej, 128-171. St Petersburg: Dmitrii Bulanin,.

Rotkirch, A. (2002) ”Nyt en aio lähteä minnekään…” Valittajan vahvuudet Aleksandra Tshistjakovan omaelämäkerrassa. In S.Apo, A.Koivunen, L-M.Rossi & K.Saarikangas (eds.) Itkua ikä kaikki? Kirjoituksia naisesta, vallasta ja väkivallasta, 58-77. Helsinki: SKS.

Rotkirch, A. (2002) ’Verkkoperheen aikakokemuksia.’ In R.Smeds, K.Kauppinen, K.Yrjänheikki & A.Valtonen (eds.) Tieto ja tekniikka – Missä on nainen?, 62-73. Helsinki: TAL.

Rotkirch, A. (2001) Emma Goldman. In M.Jolly (ed) Encyclopedia of Life Writing, 385-386. London: Fitzroy Dearborn.

Rotkirch, A., five separate entries: ‘Academic Feminism in St Petersburg’, ‘Maria Arbatova’, ‘Marina Liborakina’, ‘Elena Zdravomyslova’, ‘Anna Temkina’, in C.Nechemias & N.Noonan (eds) Dictionary of the Women’s Movement in Russia, 2001.

Rotkirch, A. (2000) Loving With and Without Words: Same-Sex Experiences in Russian Women’s Autobiographies During Late Socialism. In M.Liljeström, A.Rosenholm & I.Savkina (eds) Models of Self. Russian Women’s Autobiographical Texts, 229-245. Helsinki: Kikimora.

Rotkirch, A & E.Haavio-Mannila (2000) Gender Polarisation and Liberalisation: Comparing Sexuality in St Petersburg, Finland and Sweden. Idäntutkimus – Finnish Journal of Russian and Eastern European Studies. No3-4/2000, 4-26.

Rotkirch, A (2000) Pirstoutunut vanhemmuus. (Fractured parenthood) In J.P.Roos&T.Hoikkala (eds) 2000- luvun elämä. Sosiologisia teorioita vuosituhannen vaihteesta, 187-200. Helsinki: Gaudeamus. 2000.

Last century
Rotkirch, A (1999) Traveling Maidens and Men with Parallel Lives – Journeys as Sexual Transgression During Late Socialism. In J.Smith (ed) Beyond the Limits: the Concept of Space in Russian History and Culture. Helsinki: Finnish Literary Society.

Roos, J.P. & A.Rotkirch (1999) Skuggfält. Sensocialismens dubbelliv. In D.Broady (ed.) Kulturens fält. En antologi, 453-467. Göteborg: Daidalos, 1999.

Liborakina, M & A.Rotkirch (1999) Social Consequences of the 1998 Crisis in Russia: Household Strategies and Their Challenges to Social Policy. Idäntutkimus 2/1999, 24-48.

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