Diversity in European Biblical and Cognate Studies

The annual meeting of the European Association of Biblical Studies was organized this year in the city of Cordoba, Spain (July 13–15). This beautiful Andalusian city is full of interesting history and modern life. What struck me most in the well-organized EABS conference, was the diversity of scholars and methods in the field of biblical and cognate studies. Being a diverse melting pot of religions, Cordoba was the place for organizing this event.  Continue reading Diversity in European Biblical and Cognate Studies

Silmät Auki Sitaateille: Haastattelussa Katja Kujanpää

Katja Kujanpää tutkii, miten Paavali ajankohtaistaa pyhiä tekstejä.

Mitä tapahtuisi, jos apostoli Paavali osallistuisi teologisen tiedekunnan soveltavien opintojen kurssille? Jos hän vaikkapa saarnaisi katkelman Roomalaiskirjettä osana jumalanpalvelusharjoituksia?

”Hän saisi kyllä osakseen runsaasti kritiikkiä”, vastaa tohtorikoulutettava Katja Kujanpää empimättä. ”Joku varmasti kysyisi häneltä, onko raamatunkohtien eksegeettinen analyysi jäänyt tekemättä”.  Continue reading Silmät Auki Sitaateille: Haastattelussa Katja Kujanpää

CSTT Doctoral Students Won Prizes with Papers on Paul’s Rhetorics and the Textual History of the Book of Joshua

For Finnish, click here: CSTT:n Tohtorikoulutettaville Palkinnot Paavalin Retoriikkaa ja Joosuan Kirjan Tekstihistoriaa Käsittelevistä Esitelmistä.

The European Association of Biblical Studies gave out its yearly prizes to the best student papers held in its annual meeting in Cordoba, Spain (12.–15.7.). This year, the prizes in both categories went to doctoral students in the Centre of Excellence in Changes in Sacred Texts and Traditions (CSTT). According to the organizers, a record number of papers attended the competition.  Continue reading CSTT Doctoral Students Won Prizes with Papers on Paul’s Rhetorics and the Textual History of the Book of Joshua

CSTT:n tohtorikoulutettaville palkinnot Paavalin retoriikkaa ja Joosuan kirjan tekstihistoriaa käsittelevistä esitelmistä

Euroopan raamatuntutkijoiden liiton vuosikonferenssissa 12.–15.7. Espanjan Cordobassa myönnettiin jokavuotiset palkinnot parhaista opiskelijan pitämistä esitelmistä. Tänä vuonna molempien kilpailukategorioiden palkinnot menivät Helsingin yliopiston teologisessa tiedekunnassa toimivan ”Pyhät tekstit ja traditiot muutoksessa” -huippuyksikön tohtorikoulutettaville. Järjestäjien mukaan kilpailuun osallistui tänä vuonna ennätysmäärä opiskelijoita.  Continue reading CSTT:n tohtorikoulutettaville palkinnot Paavalin retoriikkaa ja Joosuan kirjan tekstihistoriaa käsittelevistä esitelmistä

Ancient Synagogue Mosaic Floor Showing Menorah Found at Horvat Kur, Israel

For Finnish, click here: Horvat Kurin synagogasta Israelista löytyi antiikinaikainen mosaiikkilattia

A team of scholars and students from the University of Helsinki, including members of the Centres of Excellence ‘Changes in Sacred Texts and Traditions’ and ‘Reason and Religious Recognition’has participated in the excavations that have uncovered a partially-preserved colorful mosaic floor in the ancient synagogue at Horvat Kur (Israel) dating to the Byzantine period (4th—7th c. CE).  Continue reading Ancient Synagogue Mosaic Floor Showing Menorah Found at Horvat Kur, Israel

Horvat Kurin synagogasta Israelista löytyi antiikinaikainen mosaiikkilattia

Pohjois-Israelin Galileasta on löytynyt antiikin aikaisen synagogan mosaiikkilattia, jonka piirtokirjoituksessa mainitaan synagogan rakentamista tukenut henkilö sekä tämän isä ja isoisä. Tällaiset rahoittajia esittelevät piirtokirjoitukset olivat yleisiä sekä kreikkalais-roomalaisissa temppeleissä, juutalaisissa synagogissa että kristillisissä kirkoissa. Helsingin yliopiston tutkijoiden löytö onkin yksi todiste juutalaisen ja sitä ympäröineen myöhäisantiikin kulttuurin kosketuksista.  Continue reading Horvat Kurin synagogasta Israelista löytyi antiikinaikainen mosaiikkilattia

On Jewish Paideia in Naples

by Elisa Uusimäki

Scholars from Europe, North America, and Australia gathered to Naples on 30 June – 4 July 2015 to participate in the Fifth Enoch Seminar Nangeroni Meeting ”Second Temple Jewish Paideia in its Ancient and Hellenistic Contexts”. The organisers of the conference – Jason Zurawski, Gabriele Boccaccini, and Luca Arcari – had compiled a fascinating programme of academic papers and field trips.  Continue reading On Jewish Paideia in Naples

Mothers as Leaders in Early Jewish Texts

by Hanna Tervanotko

The status of women in early Judaism continues to be debated. Interestingly, Liber Antiquitatum Biblicarum (L.A.B.) employs the term ‘mother’ several times in chapter 33, which outlines Deborah’s farewell speech and her death. This article analyzes the significance of the title ‘mother’. This term has been interpreted in different ways in the past. For instance, several scholars understand the title ‘mother’ as a ‘feminist counterpart’ to the term ‘father’. I think such interpretation is problematic since it retrojects a modern perspective upon the ancient author. Moreover, I claim that most research done on the figure of Deborah in L.A.B. regarding the title ‘mother’ appear to be based on the scholars’ assumptions about women in the ancient world rather than on critical research of the actual text.  Continue reading Mothers as Leaders in Early Jewish Texts

Reflections on “From Scribal Error to Rewriting: How (Sacred) Texts May and May Not Be Changed” (Tbilisi, 2015)

by Drew Longacre

Several members of the CSTT had the opportunity to attend the international symposium “From Scribal Error to Rewriting: How (Sacred) Texts May and May Not Be Changed” in Tbilisi, Georgia, from 30 April to 3 May 2015. The symposium was dedicated to the memory of Septuagint scholar Udo Quast and was a fitting memorial for his important work. We were generously hosted by Anna Kharanauli and many colleagues and students from the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University.  Continue reading Reflections on “From Scribal Error to Rewriting: How (Sacred) Texts May and May Not Be Changed” (Tbilisi, 2015)

Investigating the Babylonian Exile: When Old Testament Studies Is Not Enough

by Tero Alstola

After a long siege, Jerusalem fell to the Babylonian forces in 597 BCE. King Jehoiachin and upper classes, the supporters of the rebellion against their Babylonian overlords, were taken captive and deported to Babylonia. The city was plundered, heavy tribute was carried to the temples and palaces of Babylon and a new vassal king was placed on the throne in Jerusalem. Another rebellion ten years later resulted in the collapse of Judean society at the same time, when Judean deportees were resettled in Babylonian towns and countryside. Perhaps a century later, some descendants of these deportees were able to return to Judah and claim a high status in the slowly recovering society.  Continue reading Investigating the Babylonian Exile: When Old Testament Studies Is Not Enough

The Academy of Finland's Centre of Excellence, Faculty of Theology, University of Helsinki