About me

My name is Maria Salenius. I am a Docent and Senior Lecturer in British Literature at the University of Helsinki, Finland. My research interests include Rhetoric and religion; Medieval & Renaissance England; John Donne; Evelyn Waugh.  (For my research profile in more detail, see my university homepage here.)

On these pages I will write about topics related to, or inspired by, my professional interest, often from a point of view other than strictly academic, and in the three languages in which I operate.

Det betyder att jag skriver om litteratur och historia, om berättarkonst och språk – och om att undervisa dessa. Ibland skriver jag om texter i översättning.

Kirjoitukset voivat käsitellä sekä tutkimusta että yleisempiä pohdintoja. Filologiassa kieli kohtaa kirjallisuuden ja historian ja näyttää tietä niin tiedonvälitykselle kuin tarinankerronnallekin.

P.S. Oh yes, and Poetry Scribe is my digital alias. She was first created in 2008 as an avatar in SecondLife for my Easter Workshops on poetry. These literary meetings were conducted in different spaces in SL, and finally in “The Deanery”, a beautiful room created for me at the virtual campus of the University of Helsinki, for the course in 2010. (Thank you, Le!)