Finnish China Law Centre


The Finnish Center of Chinese Law and Chinese Legal Culture, members of which include nine universities and the Institute of Criminology and Legal Policy, is an institution that promotes research and education in Chinese law and Chinese legal culture.

The academic strength of the Center is founded on the synergy of combining research and education conducted by its members and of their strong connections with Chinese universities and research institutions. The Center brings together the activities of the research projects on Chinese law and legal culture among its members and hosts an academic event series each semester. It also supports students’ education in the field by expanding the number of courses in Chinese law and legal culture; facilitating student exchange programs and hosting various academic activities and events under the auspices of the Center. In these ways, the Centre fosters mutual understanding between the Chinese and Finnish legal systems not only among students and academics, but also among legal practitioners and the wider community in the countries.

Link to the homepage:

Finnish China Law Center – Homepage