Slavica Helsingiensia 10

Volume Slavica Helsingiensia 10
Author Liisa Byckling
Title Письма Михаила Чехова Мстиславу Добужинскому (годы эмиграции, 1938–1951). Letters from Mikhail Chekhov to Mstislav Dobuzhinsky (emigre years 1938–1951). Publication foreword and commentaries: Liisa Byckling.
Description This volume surveys the second phase of Mikhail Chekhov’s career after he left the Moscow Art Theatre for Europe and the United States. In the introduction the author analyses the work of Chekhov and M. Dobuzhinsky in the Anglo-American theatre studio, and other topics.
The 45 letters from Chekhov (supplied with detailed commentaries) deal with the production of The Possessed by Dostoevsky, Hollywood cinema and memoirs of both artists. The second edition contains new materials from M. Dobuzhinsky’s archive; chapters from Chekhov’s memoirs Zhizn’ i vstrechi, hitherto unpublished in Russia, illuminate the religious ideas of the actor.
Reviewed in: Русская мысль 26.2.1993;
The Slavonic and East European Review, Vol. 72, 1, 1994;
Slavic and East European Journal, Vol. 38. No 4, Winter 1994;
Новый журнал 207, 1997.
Revue des Études slaves, LXXII/3-4, 2000.
ISBN 951-45-6173-2
Pages 179
Published Helsinki 1992
Availability Out of print
Price N/A