Slavica Helsingiensia 20

Volume Slavica Helsingiensia 20
Editors Pekka Pesonen and Jussi Heinonen
Title Studia Russica Helsingiensia et Tartuensia VII: Переломные периоды в русской литературе и культуре
Description This volume contains 32 articles based on the papers presented at the international conference “Perelomnye periody v russkoj literature i kul’ture” held in Helsinki in 1999 within the frame of so-called Tartu – Helsinki seminar (VII in order). The range of authors includes world-famous names, as well as young talents, not only from Finland and Estonia but from Russia, the USA and Germany.
ISBN 951-45-9691-9
ISSN 1239-1611
Pages 448
Published Helsinki 2000
Availability Book available
Price EUR 30