Slavica Helsingiensia 6

Volume Slavica Helsingiensia 6
Editors L. Byckling and P. Pesonen
Title Studia Russica Helsingiensia et Tartuensia. Проблемы истории русской литературы XX века
Description This volume is a collection of articles based on papers given at the first conference between Tartu State University and the University of Helsinki in 1987.
The book contains articles on A. Chekhov, Severyanin, Tynyanov, Bely, Blok, M. Chekhov, neoslavophilism around the time of the first World War, theory of translating poetry, and the esthetics of the Russian avantgarde. The volume also contains two articles by Yuri Lotman: one on the concept of the semiosphere, and one on the late works of Pushkin.
Reviewed in Русская мысль 3798/1989
The Andrej Belyj Society Newsletter 9/1990.
ISBN 951-45-4903-1
Pages 240
Published Helsinki 1989
Availability Book available
Price EUR 22