Extending social protection in developing countries- achievements, challenges and solutions


Timo Voipio, Director of Implementation Strategies and Partnerships. EU-SPS Programme, THL
Ronald Wiman, Chief Social Policy Expert, EU-SPS Programme, THL


Thursday 22.10. klo 15.00-17.30 Unioninkatu 40 sali 23
15.00 – 15.10 Welcome and introductions by Ronald Wiman
15.10 – 15.40 Timo Voipio: The ‘new wave’ of interest in social protection systems as tools for development: the background, current initiatives and what next
15.40 – 16.10 Olli Kangas & Joakim Palme: Social policy as peace negotiator? Development of social protection, societal inequalities and armed conflicts in Africa
16.10 – 16.40 Christal O. Spel: Social protection for informal African migrants within Africa: is regional intervention possible
16.40 – 17.10 Markku Malkamäki: Challenges in improving informal social protection systems in the Global South
16.50 – 17.30 Discussion and closing remarks


Social protection has, until recently, been underused instrument for social and economic development. There is ample historical evidence of it as an essential element in nation building, social cohesion and socially sustainable economic development. Particularly during the last 10 years there has been increasing attention to the rights of people to since the financial crisis of 2008-09. Also Finland has been intensively involved in these activities.

The purpose of the WG is to gather together researchers and development practitioners to present practical and research based evidence on the successes and challenges of the development of social protection systems in low and middle income countries. The concept of Social protection is understood in its broad meaning: access to basic social security and essential services, and equality promoting policies and practices in other sectors.

The WG will call for inputs from both researchers and development practitioners. You are welcome to present research results, innovative practices and evaluations related to the challenges, solutions and achievements of social protection in development context.

One of the inputs will be a presentation on the recently THL launched EU co-funded development Programme that aims at supporting the development of inclusive and sustainable social protection systems in 10 developing countries.

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