Dr Stijn Heeren

Stijn Heeren is assistant professor at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and coordinator of the PAN programme (Portable Antiquities of the Netherlands). His research focuses on the theoretically informed interpretation of material culture of the Late Iron Age, Roman and Early medieval periods, how it informs us about the daily practices of and relations between people in the past. In SuALT Stijn Heeren has an advisory role, offering experiences on technical, operational and networking choices. He will take part in Expert Advisory Panel meetings.

Selected publications:

Heeren, S. & L. van der Feijst, 2017: Prehistorische, Romeinse en middeleeuwse fibulae uit de Lage Landen. Brooches of the Low Countries. Beschrijving, analyse en interpretatie van een archeologische vondstcategorie, Amersfoort.

Heeren, S., 2016: The theory of Limesfall and the material culture of the late 3rd century, Germania 94, 185-209. http://dx.doi.org/10.11588/ger.2016.39072

Heeren, S., 2014: Brooches and burials: variability in expressions of identity in cemeteries of the Batavian civitas, Journal of Roman Archaeology 27, 443-455.

Social media and staff information

PAN Programme (Portable Antiquities in the Netherlands)

Stijn on Academia.edu