Publications and presentations


Snell K, Tarkkala H & Tupasela A (2023) A solidarity paradox – welfare state data in global health data economy. Health 27(5): 664-680.
Tarkkala H & Snell K (2023) Sociala synpunkter på användningen av genetiska data inom vården och i samhället. Finska Läkaresällskapets Handlingar 183 (1)_: 14-19

Böhrer A, Döbler MK & Tarkkala H (2023) Facemasks, material and metaphors: An analysis of socio-material dynamics of the COVID-19 pandemic. Sociological Review. Online first

Tarkkala H & Snell K (2022) ‘The window of opportunity is closing’ – advocating urgency and unity.  Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 9, 324.

Helén I & Tarkkala H (2022) Putting Value on Extracellular Vesicles: Practical Economies of Biomedical Research and Development. Science & Technology Studies 35(3): 21–43. doi: 10.23987/sts.107750

Tarkkala H & Helén I (2021) The EV as a Hybrid: Life Science and its Object. Tecnoscienza: Italian Journal of Science & Technology 12(1): 5-35.

Snell K & Tarkkala H (2021) Here comes Bio-me. An analysis of a biobank campaign targeted at children. Public Understanding of Science 30(7): 913-926. doi:10.1177/09636625211022648

Tarkkala H, Tupasela A & Sariola S (2020) STS Helsinki – Our Current Activities. Easst review 39(1).

Tupasela A, Snell K & Tarkkala H (2020) The Nordic Data Imaginary. Big Data & Society.

Salokannel M, Tarkkala H & Snell K ( 2019) Legacy samples in Finnish biobanks: social and legal issues related to the transfer of old sample collections into biobanks. Human Genetics 138:1287–1299

Tarkkala H (2019) Reorganizing Biomedical Research. Biobanks as Conditions of Possibility for Personalized Medicine. Publications of the Faculty of Social Sciences, no: 114, University of Helsinki. Doctoral Dissertation.

Snell K & Tarkkala H (2019) Questioning the rhetoric of a ‘willing population’ in Finnish biobanking.  Life Sciences, Society and Policy, 15, article number: 4.

Tarkkala H, Helén I & Snell K (2019) From Health to Wealth: The Future of Personalized Medicine in the Making. Futures, 109, May 2019, pages 142-152.

Tarkkala H & Tupasela A (2018) Shortcut to Success? Negotiating Genetic Uniqueness in Global Biomedicine.  Social Studies of Science 48, 5, pages 740-776.

Tarkkala H (2016) Geenitiedon käyttö ja rajoitteet. Niin & Näin nro. 89, 23: 2, pages 132-133.

Tarkkala H (2015) Tieteet ja teknologiat yhteiskuntatieteilijöiden tutkimuskohteina. Arvio teoksesta Sari Irni, Mianna Meskus & Venla Oikkonen (toim.): Muokattu elämä. Teknotiede, sukupuoli ja materiaalisuus. Sosiologia. 52, 3, pages 282-284.

Rantala K & Tarkkala H (2010)  Luotosta luottoon: velkaongelmien dynamiikka ja uudet riskiryhmät yhteiskunnan markkinalogiikan peilinä. Yhteiskuntapolitiikka. 75, 1, pages 19-33.

Niemi J, Väkiparta H & Tarkkala H (2009) Asiamieskielto ja perintäkulut. Oikeuspoliittinen tutkimuslaitos, Helsinki.

Rantala K & Tarkkala H (2009) Kotitalouksien velkaongelmien nykytila ja kehitys. Oikeuspoliittinen tutkimuslaitos, Helsinki.



June 2023 “Negotiating data for local and national purposes: Case of National Quality Registers in Finland“, presented at Nordic STS conference, Oslo, Norway. Presentation jointly with: Karoliina Snell.

March 2023 “Kansalliset laaturekisterit ja datalukutaito” presented at Sosiologipäivät. Annual Conference of the Westermarck Society. Tampere, Finland. Presentation jointly with: Karoliina Snell.

January 2023 “Kansalliset laaturekisterit ja datalukutaito” presented at the winter days of SRC Literacy-program, University of Jyväskylä. Presentation jointly with: Karoliina Snell.

October 2022  “Old practices, new context: the case of founding national quality registers in Finland” presented at Governing Nordic Public Data – workshop, University of Helsinki. Presentation jointly with: Karoliina Snell.

March 2022 “A so­li­da­ri­ty pa­ra­dox – wel­fa­re sta­te data in glo­bal health data eco­no­my”. Invited speaker at HSSH Brown Bag -seminar, University of Helsinki. Organized virtually due Covid-19. Presentation jointly with: Karoliina Snell.

February 2022 “From gold mine to a well-oiled machine:Reflections on making welfare state data a profitable resource in Finland”. Invited speaker at Taming the iMonster: Regulating digital platforms, Research Platform Governance of Digital practices winter school, University of Vienna, Austria. Organized virtually due Covid-19. Presentation available at:

January 2022 “Faces of masking – Illustration, soziologische Analyse und alternative Formate der Präsentation wissenschaftlicher Ergebnisse”. Presented at Dr. Hans Riegel Stiftung Covid-19-Sonderförderung Abschulsskonferenz. Organized virtually due Covid-19. Presentation jointly with: Annerose Börher, Marie-Kristin Döbler and Susi Vetter.

October 2021 “Thinking in pictures: Methodological reflections on a dialogue of sociology and visual arts”. Presented at 4S Conference: Good Relations – Practices and Methods in Unequal and Uncertain Worlds. Toronto, Canada. Organized virtually due to Covid-19. Presentation jointly with: Annerose Böhrer and Marie-Kristin Döbler.

September 2021 “Qualitative Social Science Illustrated: Reflections on art/science cooperation in sociology”. Presented at The European Sociological Association (ESA) Conference 2021: Sociological Knowledges for Alternative Futures. Barcelona, Spain. Organized virtually due to Covid-19. Presentation jointly with: Annerose Böhrer, Marie-Kristin Döbler and Susi Vetter.

August 2021“Reflections on working with an illustrator in a qualitative analysis of facemasks”. Presented at: Die Post-Corona-Gesellschaft? Pandemie, Krise und ihre Folgen : Gemeinsamer Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS) und der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (ÖGS). Organized virtually due to COVID-19.

May 2021 “Visual arts in the presentation of research results in qualitative social science – reflections on collaboration with an illustrator” Invited speaker at STS Helsinki seminar. University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland.

May 2021 “Here comes Bio-me”. Recruiting children to biobanks. Presented at Nordic Science and Technology Studies Conference 2021: STS and the future as a matter of collective concern. Copenhagen, Denmark. Organized virtually due to Covid-19. Presentation jointly with: Karoliina Snell.

March 2021 Faces of masking – an experimental take on metaphorical story telling in the pandemic process. Presented at Sosiologipäivät. Annual Conference of the Westermarck Society. Helsinki, Finland. Organized virtually due to Covid-19. Presentation jointly with: Annerose Böhrer and Marie-Kristin Döbler.

August 2020 Toward an anticipatory and personalized treatment plan: Datafication of health care fused in practice. Presented at EASST/4S Conference Prague: Locating and Timing Matters: Significance and agency in emerging worlds. Prague, Czech Republic. Organized virtually due to Covid-19. Presentation jointly with: Ilpo Helén.

Oct. 2019 The multiple and malleable population(s) of Finnish biobanks: stratified, validating and homogeneous? Presented at Health Publics in the Context of Personalized Medicine workshop. Copenhagen, Denmark.

Oct. 2019 Individualizing cancer car – human, disease and technology entanglements in data. Presented at (In)tangible technology and data -symposium. Helsinki, Finland.

August 2019 Temporality of samples in biomedical knowledge production. Presented at ON TIME: THE BIENNIAL CONFERENCE OF THE FINNISH ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY (FAS 2019). Helsinki, Finland.

August 2019 “The Window of Opportunity is Closing” – Chronic Urgency in the Promotion of Biomedicine. Presented at ESA 2019, Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging. Manchester, UK. Presentation jointly with: Karoliina Snell.

March 2019 A solidarity paradox: Welfare states mingling with global health data economy. Presented at Towards Resilient Nordic Welfare States: Challenges, Responses and Consequences –The Nordic Welfare Research Conference. Helsinki, Finland. Presentation jointly with: Karoliina Snell.

February 2019 Biobanks and translational medicine: Alignments of care and research. Presented at Contested futures of biomedical care research seminar. Tampere, Finland.

July 2018 Nordic strategies to harness the “goldmine” of population data. Presented at EASST2018: Meetings – Making Science, Technology and Society together. Lancaster, UK. Presentation jointly with: Karoliina Snell.

June 2018 Reorganizing Biomedical Research: Biobanks as Conditions of Possibility for Biomedical Research. Presented at STS Lab session, Insitut für Europäische Ethnologie, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany.

March 2018 Biopankkidata toimijaverkostona. Presented at Sosiologipäivät, Joensuu, Finland. Presentation jointly with: Ilpo Helén and Hanna Lehtimäki.

March 2018 Nordic Population(s) – data, health and policy. Presented at Sosiologipäivät, Joensuu, Finland. Presentation jointly with: Karoliina Snell.

March 2018 Nordic Population as a Cohort for Competitiveness. Presented at Second Nordic Challenges Conference, Helsinki, Finland. Presentation jointly with: Karoliina Snell.

August 2017 Expectations and impatience: A study of a policy mood. Presented at. 13th Conference of the European Sociological Association: (Un)Making Europe: Capitalism, Solidarities, Subjectivities. Athens, Greece. Presentation jointly with: Ilpo Helén.

June 2017 Extracellular vesicles – from a biobank to a biomarker? Presented at Tieteen- ja teknologiantutkimuksen symposiumi: Kokeellisuus ja näyttö, Helsinki, Finland.

March 2017 Biobanks, genomics, health care data, and unique Finnishness. Presented at Sosiologipäivät, Tampere, Finland.

Nov. 2016 Sosiologin solut [The Cells of Sociologist]. Invited speaker at the Rajaton sosiologinen mielikuvitus -seminaari, University of Turku, Finland.

August 2016 Negotiating uniqueness of population in biobanking and data driven medicine. Presented at the joint 4S/EASST meeting “Science and Technology by other means”, Barcelona, Spain.

July 2016 Utilizing Genomic Data in Finland. Presented at the Third ISA Forum of Sociology, University of Vienna, Austria. Presentation jointly with: Ilpo Helén & Karoliina Snell.

Dec. 2015  Utilizing Genomic Data in Finland – Reflections on Finland’s Genome Strategy. Presented at Living in Technoscientific Worlds –conference. University of Vienna, Austria.

Oct. 2015  Better care, diagnostics and good of and for the nation – imagining the future through Finnish biobanks. Presentated at Trading Zones in Technological Societies Conference at the University of Liege, Belgium.

June 2015  Biopankin korkealaatuinen näyte. Presented at Tieteen- ja teknologiantutkimuksen symposiumi – Digitalisoituminen ja tiede. Helsinki, Finland.

May 2015  High Quality Samples in Biobanking. Presented at 2nd Nordic Science and Technology Studies (STS) Conference. Copenhagen, Denmark.

March 2015  High Quality Samples in Biobanking. Presented at Sosiologipäivät, Helsinki, Finland.

Sept. 2014  Expectations of Social Exchange. Understanding Biobank Participation in Finland. Poster at HandsOn: Biobanks 2014. From Biobanks to Medical Innovations. Helsinki, Finland

Oct. 2013  Biobank participation in the contexts of health care and the welfare state: case of Finnish patients and citizens. Presented at Building Bridges Autumn 2013: Biobanking in Clinical and Translational Research. Helsinki, Finland.

Sep. 2013  High-quality sample as a key factor of biobanking. Presented at Workshop of the Local Knowledge, Global Networks Event with prof. Steve Woolgar. Turku, Finland.

Sep. 2013  High-quality sample as a key factor of biobanking. Presented at Bioethics research in Finland – Its state and Future. Helsinki Finland.

August 2013  Biobank participation in the contexts of health care and the welfare state: case of Finnish patients and citizens. Presented at ESA 11th Conference: Crisis, Critique and Change. Turin, Italy.

June 2013 Public and familiar: Biobank participation in the contexts of health care and the welfare state. Poster at Brocher Workshops: Exploring innovative mechanisms to build trust in human health research biobanking, Geneva, Switzerland.

Oct. 2012  Clinical trials & biobanking – trust and hope intertwined? Presented at Joint 4S/EASST Meeting ‘Design and displacement – social studies of science and technology’, Copenhagen, Denmark. Second presentation: Doing STS at the margin. Presented at EASST Pre-conference Doctoral Workshop, Copenhagen, Denmark.

March 2012  Hyötyjä ja hyviä tekoja – Potilaat näytteenantajina lääketieteellisissä tutkimuksissa. Presented at Sosiologipäivät, Kuopio, Finland.

For other activities and presentations see also research database Tuhat and SoleCRIS.