Transitions and educational trajectories of immigrant youth: A 4-year longitudinal study from compulsory to further education (TRANSIT)

Purpose of the research

This study will explore the Grade 9 students’ transition to further education and work after completing compulsory school in Spring 2015. The study will be carried out at the same time in Helsinki, Turku and Vantaa, in 5–6 schools altogether. The follow-up will begin at the Grade 9 and continues 3 years.


This study aims to reach every Grade 9 student in participating schools, although extended attention is laid upon to explore the educational situation of students with immigrant or multicultural background.

How the data will be gathered?

In January 2015, the students will be asked to answer to an online questionnaire during a school day. The questions will be about students’ educational and general future plans, their school experiences, possible challenges in learning, and about their perceptions of themselves as a learner. The contact information will be gathered and these students will be contacted for a follow-up once a year after leaving Grade 9. The information about the results of the application process to secondary education (Yhteishaku), about the final marks in Grade 9 diploma, and information about the possible special educational needs will also be gathered. Some of the students will be also called for a group interview during the Spring 2015.


Any information given by the students is confidential and only the researchers will have access to the data. Any kind of detailed or personalized information related to any individuals or schools will not be used or published anywhere.

Risks of possible discomfort for the students

There are no foreseeable discomforts for students. The students or their parents are free to cancel their participation in any part of the research process.

Possible benefits

The research information will be used for developing the transition to further education. In particular, we aim to find ways to support the educational career of students with multicultural background.

Funded by (2014-2018) the Finnish Academy.

Principal researcher Markku Jahnukainen.