Review of Narrating Space / Spatializing Narrative

My review of Narrating Space / Spatializing Narrative: where narrative theory and geography meet, in the journal Social & Cultural Geography, has just been published on Taylor & Francis Online.

A free eprint link to the publication can be found here:

From the review:

“Narrating Space / Spatializing Narratives is a book that will be of interest for everyone working on the interdisciplinary crossroads where questions of space and narrative meet. It will set readers from a range of disciplines on track toward new sources, methods, and their applications. The book exemplifies some of the challenges still to be overcome, in particular, in terms of transposing the concept of narrative to other fields of study without diluting its terminological precision. While the opening chapters will provide a well-structured conceptual toolbox to any newcomer to the field, more advanced scholars from a range of backgrounds will find in this book new directions for research in an exciting and burgeoning field that only recently has begun to fully explore the potential of a narrative analysis – on the basis of concepts and methods from narrative and literary studies – for questions of space.”

Ameel, Lieven 2017: “Narrating Space / Spatializing Narrative: where narrative theory and geography meet.” In Social & Cultural Geography.