
Sijaishuollosta itsenäistyneet nuoret saivat koulutusta vertaisten haastatteluun (Young people leaving care trained to conduct guided research with their peers). Katso lisää kuudella eri kielellä    by 


Törrönen, Maritta, Carol Munn-Giddings, Chrissie Gavriel, Niamh O’Brien, Pennie Byrne and Young Peer Researchers (2018) Reciprocal emotional relationships – Experiences of stability of young adults leaving care.  Publications of the Faculty of Social Sciences 75. Helsinki: University of Helsinki and Anglia Ruskin University in collaboration with the Essex Children in Care Council. ISSN 2343-2748 (e-print). See Reciprocal Emotional Relationships – 260918

Toimitettu teos (vertaisarvioitu)

Törrönen Maritta, Munn-Giddings Carol and Tarkiainen Laura (toim.) (2018) Reciprocal Relationships and Well-Being: Implications for Social Work and Social Policy. Routledge Advances in Social Work. London and New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.  ISBN 9781315628363.  https://arro.anglia.ac.uk/703507/

Vertaisarvioidut artikkelit

Munn-Giddings, Carol & Borkman, Thomasina (2018) Reciprocity in peer-led mutual aid groups in the community: implications for social policy and social work practices.Teoksessa Maritta Törrönen, Carol Munn-Giddings &  Laura Tarkiainen (toim.) Reciprocal Relationships and Well-Being: Implications for Social Work and Social Policy. Routledge Advances in Social Work. London and New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 59-76.

Törrönen Maritta (2018) Creating Well-Being through Reciprocal Relationships. In M. Törrönen, C. Munn-Giddings Carol and L. Tarkiainen (toim.) (2018) Reciprocal Relationships and Well-Being: Implications for Social Work and Social Policy. Routledge Advances in Social Work. London and New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 26-45. ISBN 9781315628363. https://arro.anglia.ac.uk/703520/  

Törrönen, Maritta and Munn-Giddings, Carol and Gavriel, Chrissie and Morris, Demi (2018) Emotional participation of young adults starting their independent living. Nordic Social Work Research.  ISSN 2156-857X. https://arro.anglia.ac.uk/703518/  ‘unlock’ on 2nd July 2019.
Törrönen, Maritta (2018) Hyvinvointia luova vastavuoroisuus. Teologinen Aikakauskirja (Finnish Journal of Theology) (2). ISSN 0040-3555. https://arro.anglia.ac.uk/703519/
Törrönen, Maritta and Munn-Giddings, Carol (2018) Sijaishuollosta itsenäistyvien nuorten emotionaalinen kiintymys. [Emotional attachment of young adults starting their independent living]. Mika Gissler, Marjatta Kekkonen & Päivi Känkänen (toim.) Nuoret palveluiden pauloissa: Nuorten elinolot –vuosikirja 2018 [The Living Conditions of Youth]. Teema; 30. Helsinki: Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos THL [National Institute of Health and Welfare], 147–157. THL_TEE030_2018.pdf (1.723Mt)