Research stations

University of Helsinki has contributed to research and setting up facilities in several research stations in Africa. Please read more on research stations and the work that been conducted by the students and staff of the University of Helsinki below.

TAITA Research Station, Kenya

Taita Research Station


Centre ValBio Research Station, Madagascar

Several researchers and students of the University of Helsinki have conducted research in this research station, located in the National Park of Ranomafana in Madagascar. University of Helsinki has also been funding Centre ValBio. More information at:


Turkana Basin Research Institute

Founded by Richard Leakey and Stony Brook University in 2005, The Turkana Basin Institute is an international, multi-disciplinary organization supporting scientific research in the Turkana Basin region of northern Kenya. Professor Mikael Fortelius from the University of Helsinki has been collaborating with the TBI for instance by organizing a Palaeontology Field school recently. See more:


Welgegund measurement station

The Welgegund atmospheric measurement station is located approximately 100 km west of Johannesburg (Gauteng) metropolitan area in South Africa. The site is operated jointly by the North-West University (NWU), the University of Helsinki (UH) and the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI).

Welgegund ilmakehän mittausasema sijaitsee Etelä-Afrikassa. Asema on rakennettu ja sitä ylläpidetään yhteistyössä Helsingin yliopiston ilmakehätieteiden osaston, Ilmatieteen laitoksen ja paikallisen North-West University (NWU Potchefstroom) kanssa.