Women’s aerosol train is coming to you!

It brings to you world leading expertise on the smallest of atmospheric aerosol particles and female energy. Aerosol particles are present practically everywhere in the atmosphere and play an important role in defining the environments we live in. They deteriorate air quality and have an important effect in regulating the Earth’s energy balance and climate: according to the  IPCC aerosols are the largest uncertainty in predicting the climate change. To keep in line with the motivation for their research, Ilona Riipinen and Hanna Vehkamäki from University of Helsinki, Finland, travel by train around the Europe to give two-day intensive courses. The course concentrates on the formation of aerosol particles from nucleation of atmospheric vapours, their growth by further condensation and impacts on regional and global air quality and climate.

Women’s aerosol train has been made possible by the funding from Vilho, Kalle and Yrjö Väisälä foundation.

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