Light conditions- not only in Paris

Fellow scientists, has anyone measured the difference in natural light properties at different locations in the world.
I mean, even at noon on a clear day the light is quite different in say, New York and Leeds. What does it depend on?
Aerosol content yes, but we are speaking enough about those little bastards this trip I’m not saying anything more about them in here.
Latitude, and thus angle of solar radiation, certainly. How many buildings there are around, what colour and how high they are? Same applies to trees, and other larger plants.
I kind of think that a large factor is how low the apparent average horizon is.
But smaller plants matter as well, more generally the colour and texture of the Earth’s surface even in the absence of anything taller than ankle or knee-height. Tarmac, sand, moss and water create quite different light conditions.

There are significant differences not only in the effective intensity, but the apparent color and direction distribution. This affects our state of mind, is a strong inducer of memories, is ranted about in novels and poems, but has anyone ever quantified what is it?

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