Past projects

TASOVA – Tasa-arvoa aluekehitykseen  kehittämis-, koulutus ja tutkimusprojekti 2016-2019

Projektin tavoitteena on kehittää tasa-arvo- ja yhdenvertaisuustyön toimintaedellytyksiä sekä osaamista koko Suomessa. Projektia hallinnoi AGORA, kumppaneinaan keskeiset tasa-arvo- ja yhdenvertaisuustoimijat. Rahoitus on myönnetty Euroopan Sosiaalirahastosta kolmelle vuodelle ja se on meneillään olevista tasa-arvoprojekteista Suomen suurin.


SETSTOP-project – Developing contents for teacher education in Finland related to gender equality planning and equality work

The main aim of this nationwide project is to realize finally our long term dream to include themes of gender equality and non-discrimination to the curricula of all the levels of teacher education in Finland (education of class teachers, subject teachers, vocational teachers, teachers for early childhood education and care and student counsellor education).

Working in the project is research-based, phenomenon oriented and also motivated by acute challenges of equality work in education. The focus is in teacher education but by the aid of our students equality work will be advanced also in school environments.

More info:

Youth on the Move – Revisiting the ‘vulnerability zeitgeist’ in an era of market-oriented education 2014-2017

In this research project we ask how politics and practices shape the interests of children and young people themselves, including those who are outside of formal education and work. We are also dedicated to developing research by critically analyzing cross-sectional politics and educational practices regarding school-to-work transitions. We explore how they influence those individuals who are considered as vulnerable or at risk.

More importantly, we argue that by shining the light on the ways in which transitions of vulnerable young people are constructed by policy makers, professionals, academic researchers and young people themselves, ideas and assumptions about transitions that tend to be taken face value without critical challenge can be challenged, thereby creating more room for young adults’ own interpretations, responses and actions.

More info: