AES Projects

Palopuro Agroecological Symbiosis project 2015-2017 (project page in English and Finnish)

This model of production and processing of local organic food was developed through a project called “Palopuro Agroecological Symbiosis”, which is funded by the Ministry of Environment’s RAKI programme. The project partners include the participating producers and processors together with University of Helsinki (as the responsible partner) and LUKE Natural Resources Institute Finland.

Network of Agroecological symbiosis project Agroekologisten symbioosien verkostot: ravinne- ja energiaomavarainen alueellinen ruokajärjestelmä (project page in Finnish)

This project aimed to scale the concept of Agroecological Symbiosis (AES) from a single site to larger scale by building a network of AES projects where local food and biogas production are integrated. Through implementation of AES it is possible to gain economic benefits on the regional level. The project partners with municipality of Mäntsälä and the local energy company Nivos Energia Oy in co-operation with Luke Natural recources institute Finland. The procjet was funded Ministry of environment’s programme to promote the recycling of nutrients and to improve the status of the Archipelago

Elintarvikeketjun ekoteolliset symbioosit -soveltuvuus Etelä-Savoon (project page in Finnish)