Business Collaboration Accelerator started!

The business collaboration team started a new service to help faculties and centres in strategic business collaboration planning. The “Business Collaboration Accelerator” is a year-long programme to map the faculty’s current business collaboration situation and to make the most of the possible under-utilised potential.

Together with the researchers, we analyse where the faculty’s or centre’s business strengths lie and where there are possibilities for collaboration and external funding. The programme starts with a survey and interviews, continues with a facilitated dialogue about the faculty’s aims and needs and goes on to tailored training on identified issues for interested researchers. Throughout the programme, we provide extensive communication through social media, blog posts, and success stories in the university’s internal and external news.

According to the needs of the faculty’s researchers, we organise also match-making events and build a business collaboration network for interested reseachers through which we offer information about funding and collaboration opportunities, training and events and seminars also in the future.

The first faculty to pilot our programme is the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. In this blog, we publish news about the pilot and interviews with many of the faculty’s researchers that have extensive experience in business collaboration. Stay tuned, sit back and enjoy!

Click the link to read  further details in Slideshare: