
The ASME project has been involved in a number of activities in the academic community, which include:

  • Participation in organizing Austmarr XI: Blurred Boundaries and Hybridizations of Magic, Religion and Authorized Knowledge or Practice in the Baltic Sea Region: From Etic Theories to Emic Materialities, 8–9 December 2023
  • Participation in the edited book project Sanojen luonto: Kirjoituksia omaehtoisen ilmaisun poetiikasta, merkityksistä ja ympäristöistä. Ed. Kati Kallio, Heidi Henriikka Mäkelä & Venla Sykäri. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 2022.
  • Participation in organizing the International Conference of Young Folklorists: The Stuff of Tradition: Materiality and Media in Folklore Studies, 26–28 October 2022, Helsinki, Finland
  • Participation in the organization and production of the multimedia exhibit and 5-episode video series Why Are Finnic Traditions Interesting for Old Norse Research?, which premiered on 9th–12th August 2022

Individually, the participants in the ASME have present their work at national and international events.

Please also see our page of publications.