Rotten Egg Theory of Disease

“For as long as humans have been plagued by infectious diseases, the next pandemic has been a question of when rather than if. But the Covid-19 outbreak highlighted how many risk factors are greater now than at any time in history. There are more people in the world, living more densely and in a more mobile way.”

From the Financial Times:  ‘Will the world be ready for the next pandemic?’

An example of the inside-out version of what I am dubbing the Rotten Egg Theory of Disease. This is the theory that plagues and civilization essentially originate together. The inside-out version is as the FT examples above that plagues are inherent to social complexity, urbanization and civilization. i.e. plagues are born out civilization a.k.a. civilization is a rotten egg. The outside-in version is the theory that disease comes from outside civilization or civilized bodies and spaces but seeks to get in i.e. civilization is born out of removing plague and making a clean space a.k.a. civilization is an egg under attack from a rot. I believe the evidence suggests these are both side of the same theory and are a myth.



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