Stray Dogs, Queer Crows, Finnish Funding: Podcast on Trajectory That Brought Me Here and Where I Might Be Going

I jumped on the EXALT podcast with Chris and Sophia:

“We had a deeply interesting conversation with social anthropologist, Dr. Khalil ‘Avi’ Betz-Heinemann, who is a Researcher on Animal Crosslocations, with the Resilient and Just Systems (RESET) Network at University of Helsinki. We talked about his new project, “Mosquito Crosslocations and Participatory Evaluations of Mosquito Interventions,” and the trajectory that led him to be interested in these topics. In this conversation we think through the complex web of relationships inherent to multispecies interactions. In particular, he highlighted some of the compelling reasons why we need to shift some of our narratives related to the myriad beings we humans characterize as “pests”. Pests is in quotes because using this language casually brings its own sometimes (often) misguided perceptions and assumptions about the role the being in question plays within the wider web of life.”

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