Tag Archives: Systematics

Two talks on systematics, June 10-11

For those of you working on or with systematics, these talks might be pertinent!


Top visitor gives two talks on systematics, June 10-11


Prof. Ward Wheeler from the American Museum of Natural History will be giving two talks while visiting Helsinki.

The first one at the Nylander seminar room of the Botanical Museum, 10 June at 13.15. Topic: Grand Challenges in the Study of the Tree of Life.

The second one in Viikki Info building, 5th floor meeting room, 11 June at 13.15. Topic: Heuristic algorithms, optimality criteria, and computation in the comparative analysis of sequence data.

Prof. Wheeler is one of the leading figures in the field of systematics. For more info of his expertise and interests, please check out his website. Financial support from the DPPS  (Doctoral Programme in Plant Sciences) enabling this visit is cordially acknowledged.

Soili Stenroos